Wiifu’s training ground
09/06/2024 09:30 PM EST
Smash Squad
1 going, 5 maybe, 3 no
Going (1)
WiiFu (@wiifu)
WiiFu Shuffle
God first! Father of 2. Enjoyer of most games. Let’s play !
Maybe (5)
Joel Willis (@joel)
Joel Willis Last Wish
Designer, Developer, Founder of Channel 3. I love video games.
Trashdoc16 (@trashdoc16)
Trashdoc16 Logano 22
Just a trash gamer who occasionally does something.
JediJohann  (@jedijohann)
A grown man playing pretend. A board game enthusiasts, very active Mario Kart racer, and Mario Golf specialists.
ohtwotwo (@ohtwotwo)
father of 3. veteran. 4x Mario Golf Champion. Mario Battle Golf Champion. 6x Kart Gangs Champ. Group B Champion. Probably time trialing...
Nope (3)
aerialapostle (@aerialapostle)
aerialapostle Shuffle
Husband of a school teacher, Mario Kart competitor, Alzheimer’s Association advocate
jklein8383 (@jklein8383)
jklein8383 Cheesehead
I'm probably at my son's practices or games. Video gaming sometimes happens.