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Gaming Photography: Season 9 Week 4
Original Meme of the Week: Season 9 Week 4
What are you Playing? Season 9 Week 4
Clip of the Week: Season 9 Week 4
Step It Up
Guess the Game Season 9 Week 4

Today's events

Mid-Day Marbles July 26, 2024
07/26/2024 12:00 PM EST
Fall Guys Day Guys - Season 9 Week 4
07/26/2024 01:30 PM EST
G.O.A.T. games only! Your favorite games, ever.
These are the games you currently have in your rotation.
Never heard of it
You have no opinion of games on this list, because you know literally nothing about them. Adding games to this list may prevent them from showing up in certain places on Channel 3.
Not interested
Games you've never played and don't think you ever will. Adding games to this list may prevent them from showing up in certain places on Channel 3.
You've heard of the game. Perhaps you don't know a ton about it just yet, but if it fell in your lap, you may give it a shot.
These games may not be out yet, but the release date is on your calendar in Sharpie, and you'll be one of the first gamers to fire em up.
You did it. You beat the final boss. These are the games you have finished.
Backlog (want to play)
Air your dirty laundry here. What has gone into your backlog??
Mt. Rushmore
These are your top 4 games of all time. No more, no less.
A little different from your Favorites, these are the games you'd tell a friend to check out. Maybe they're underrated, maybe they're cult classics, but these are the ones you're always mentioning to people.
2023 Games Beaten
A list for games that you beat in 2023.
Multiple Purchases
What games have you bought multiple times? Whether across system generations, upgraded versions, broken copies, digital and physical, multiple family members, whatever. List them! Inspired by @connerf
Your LEAST favorite games of all time. In your opinion, these are the worst games ever made.
Kid Recommendations
E for everyone, these are the games you'd recommend to parents of young kids. Kids will love em, so will adults.
Own It
A list of games that you currently own.
Just One More...
Coined by @joob this list is for the games where you lie to yourself and say that you're going to play just one more...
Top Sports Games
List your top sports games. Any sport.
Not currently playing, and don't plan to come back to it... You stopped playing it because it was too hard, not enjoyable, too long, life happened…
List your favorite gaming soundtracks.
This is a list of games you've played before and will be playing again. Inspired by @alden.
2023 Games Started
A list for games that you started playing in 2023.
Next Up
We all know that the backlog is a barren wasteland from which games never return. This is your on-deck checklist for games that you actually will be playing next. This list isn't a graveyard, it's a reservation.
Best Games of 2022
What are your games of the year?
YOUR All Star Bundle
Super Mario 3D All-Stars bundled together three of the flagship Mario 3D adventures. What trio of games would be in your bundle?
Top 10 Mario Games
Rank and order your top 10 Mario games
What are your 3? (FOR PODCAST GUESTS ONLY)
Would love each person who appears on the podcast to complete this list AFTER their episode airs, listing the 3 games mentioned (plus honorable mentions) in order. Will be fun to see the most listed games! (AGAIN: Do NOT fill out this list unless you've been on the What are your 3? podcast)
2024 Games Started
A list for games that you started playing in 2024.
Favorite Games for Portable Systems
What are your favorite games for mobile consoles through the years?
What are your favorite game sequels?
2024 Games Beaten
A list for games that you beat in 2024.
Toilet Games
Not the games you would flush, but the games when you flush. They do not need to be exclusively played on the toilet though.
Tiers of the Kingdom: The Legend of Zelda Top 10
Rank your top 10 (and only 10) games from The Legend of Zelda Franchise (I flat out stole the name from Get Played, it was stupidly brilliant)
Games you have fully, 100% completed. No stone unturned.
Best of 2023
List/rank your favorite games of 2023, released in 2023.
Free to Play
List your opinions on the best free-to-play games on the market.
Channel 3 Made Me Do It
Separate from games that Cr3w recommended, these are games that you only tried for the first time and/or continued to play thereafter because of C3 activities. Not "I tried it before and tried again now," but truly tried for the first time.
Because of the Cr3w
A list of games you tried as a direct result of someone from the Cr3w here at C3 recommending it.
Top 10: Games of the 2000s
What are your top 10 games from the years 2000-2009?
Past Pre-Orders
What games have you pre-ordered in the past?
Top 10 First Person Shooters
Rank your 10 favorite games that fall into the first person shooter category. Only up to 10!
Top 10: Relaxing Games
Rank your top 10 games when you need a chill vibe.
Co-op Recommendations
Recommend your favorite cooperative games here!
Maybe Someday
List the games that you missed out on during their first pass that you hope to get a shot at someday. Maybe an upgrade, remaster, re-release, retro - whatever. You didn't get to play it but you hope to someday.
Party Games for Channel 3
Drop your recommendations for future group party games for Channel 3!
Games that you walked away from and you decided to come back to, but you had not played in so long you had to restart it.
Top 10: RPG
As of 2022 the favorite genre for the Cr3w is Role Playing. Rank up to ten of your favorite RPGs on this list.
2024 Purchases
List your games you bought in 2024
In Your Dreams
Games that literally end up in your dreams. Either you end up playing them in your dreams or in the game in your dreams.
Challenge Games
These games should be considered for future challenges on Channel3.gg
Top 10: Platformers
Shout out to @froggy for the suggestion that we run top 10 ranking lists! Rank up to 10 of your favorite platfformer games Be sure to put them in order!
Top 10: Racing
Rank your top 10 racing games of all time
Top 10 Mobile Games
Rank your top 10 mobile games
Top 10: Game Boy Games
List and rank your top 10 games for Game Boy only. No colors here. Nothing advanced about it. Just 10 monochrome games!
Guess the Top 10 Theme
Create a top 10 list and let people guess the theme. Don't miss the corresponding quest: https://channel3.gg/quest?id=2137
Top 10 Super Nintendo Games
Rank your top 10 Super Nintendo games
Green Games
If planet Earth played video games, which would be its favorites? These are the games that celebrate our planet, by showing the beauty of nature, raising awareness for climate issue, encouraging sustainability, etc.
Top 10 Hardest Games
Rank your top ten hardest games. Ten and only ten!
Currently Pre-ordered
What games do you currently have pre-ordered? Inspired by @thebrute07
Top 10: Collect-a-Thon
List and rank up to 10 of your favorite games that you could call a "collect-a-thon." These may be genre-bending and cross into other groups, but these are games where there is an overarching "gotta catch 'em all" vibe to these games. List those games that you need to collect in.
Top 10 Metroidvanias
Metroidvania is a sub-genre of action-adventure games and/or platformers focused on guided non-linearity and utility-gated exploration and progression. The term is a portmanteau of the names of the video game series Metroid and Castlevania.
Top 10 Nintendo 64 Games
Rank your top 10 (and only 10) games for the Nintendo 64 console.
Sold It
A list of games that you sold off that you no longer have.
Top 10 Fighting Games
List and rank your top ten (and only ten) fighting games.
Top 10: Action/Adventure
Rank your top 10 games in the action/adventure genre
Under-rated Games
This isn't for the big popular ones. This is for the obscure, the unpopular, the diamonds in the rough.
King of Kong: Top 10 Donkey Kong Games
Rank your Top 10 games featuring Donkey Kong.
Top 10 Games Developed by Rare
Rank your Top 10 games produced by the British software company Rare.
Replayable Games
List your most repayable games. As suggested by @dennis
Top 10 PlayStation Games
List your top 10 games from the original PlayStation, retroactively known to some as the PS1.
Top 10 Nintendo Switch
Rank your top 10 games for the Nintendo Switch
Top 10 Atari
List and rank your top 10 games for the Atari family. This ranges from the 2600 to the 7800.
Games Your Children Watch You Play
List the games your kids (or adjacent) like to watch you play. Inspired by @trashdoc16
Top 10 Xbox Games
Rank your top 10 games (and only 10!) for the original Xbox.
Final Fantasy Rankings
Put your definitive ranking of Final Fantasy Games.
Top 10 PlayStation 2 Games
List your top 10 games from the original PlayStation 2, also known as the PS2
Top 10 Games with the Hardest Boss Fights
Rank your top 10 games that contain the hardest boss fights.
Top 10 Spider-Man Games
Rank your top 10 games featuring Spider-Man.
Best of 2024
List/rank your favorite games of 2024, released in 2024.
Steam Owned
Games you own in Steam. These are autopopulated using an integration with the Steam Web API.
Top 10 (Insert Topic Here)
No that is not a typo. @wiifu suggested that we create a top 10 list where you decide the topic. Give us the top 10 and tell us what it is.
Top 10 PlayStation 5 Games
Rank your Top 10 games for the PlayStation 5 AKA the PS5.
Top 10 Xbox 360 Games
Rank your top 10 games (and only 10!) for the Xbox 360.
Favorite Kart courses (pending)
These are the Mario Kart 8 courses that you love to choose.
2024 Backlog Beaten
Games from your backlog that you have beaten in 2024. Inspired by @trashdoc16
Fallout from Fallout
Rank the Fallout Franchise
Top 10: Cover Art
Judge a book by its cover: What are your top ten games based on cover art alone?
Steam Sale Purchases
A list for items you purchased during Steam Sales.
Top 10 PlayStation 4 Games
Rank your top ten games for the PlayStation 4 system.
Top 10 Xbox One Games
Rank your top 10 games for the Xbox One.
Gotta Rank Em All: Rank Pokémon Games
We would do a top 10, but that would ruin the name. Rank all things Pokémon.
Top 10 Xbox Series S/X Games
Rank your top 10 games for the Xbox Series S/X system(s).