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Okay, this game actually isn't terrible. It's 1:15am cst, and I just beat it in about 2 hours. The world is one I'd like to see the series revisit, I thought the levels were interesting, and had some unique enemies, plus the last level is a blast. 4/5 stars.
I gave the original a 5 star rating, due to nostalgia and having never actually beaten it.
Overall, this is a fun game, the story is good, the characters are good, and the visuals are absolutely gorgeous.
Where this game falls short, is the pacing. It feels like it wants to be a "Metroidvania" making you run back and forth, but that part of it just isn't enjoyable, and that's a lot of this game, specifically the train section comes to mind.
Overall, the game is enjoyable, and I do recommend it, but with a guide to help the "fetch quests" or the "going back and forth."
A fantastic platformer and the debut of the greatest platforming series ever! The levels were fun and unique to the game, with some quirky music that is good, and will get stuck in your head.
This is easily the hardest out of the original trilogy, and is still fun to this day. Plus, tthe N. Sane trilogy, let's you play the level titled "Stormy Ascent," which was left out of the origin game due to it's difficulty.
So far, it's fun. I haven't unlocked ranked yet, nor have I unlocked every character. The battles are short, fun, the variety of characters is nice, each having their own moveset and the arenas look good. I've already been killed by a pod racer once, which just caused me to laugh.
This game is just simply un-bear-able as these bears retain their right to bear arms and just bear-ly survive.
Puns aside, I'm not entirely sure if I like this game, or think that it's so stupid, it's fun. A bunch of adorable bears running around, shooting guns, throwing bombs, all on a map that's slowly getting smaller is so dumb, it's good.
This is actually a really fun game. It feels like I'm playing 4 episodes of the show. The characters were written perfect, and voiced by the actors from the show, the story is fun, and definitely reflects the show itself. My only complaint: the plant stickers. I never want to do that again. Otherwise, great game, and my 3 year old watched me for all 3 hours it took to complete it, without hardly looking away.
There's nothing about this game that is spectacular, but it is solid. The graphics are beautiful, and most of the puzzles are simple, but a couple did stump me for a bit. The story is decent, with some pretty good narration. If you enjoy puzzles games that are in tthe shorter side, I do recommend it, especially when it's on sale again.
The only tthings that hold it back (at least on the Switch version) is the random drop in frame rate, which doesn't effect gameplay, it's just annoying, and the finickiness of getting out of the boat.
Overall, this is a fun little game that I picked up on sale for $3. I can't say it's worth the $15 price tag, but if you ever find it on sale for $10 or less, I definitely recommend picking it up.
I currently have about 17 hours in this game, and it is fantastic. They took everything that made the first one great, and made it even better. The few changes to how combat works, including the ability to speed up the battle, latent abilities, and more improve combat. Characters now have a day and night skill that can be used on NPCs, and the stories are much more gripping. I HIGHLY recommend grabbing this if you like RPGs.
For many, many years, there has been one GREAT Kart racing game/series, and that was Mario Kart. Now, we potentially have a second one in Disney Speedstorm.
This is a free to play game, that is actually a lot of fun. It has a great cast of characters, the driving is very smooth, the controls are responsive and the music is FANTASTIC. What each power does, is not as obvious as MK, but that's okay.
The only real downside, is it plays like a free to play game. Elements of it remind me of Asphalt Legends 9 (a fun racing mobile game,) because you have to use items to level up your character to make them faster, it has drop boxes, and each race in the "story mode" has 3 quests to complete.
All in all, this is a really good game, and it's up to Disney to make it great. The potential is definitely there.
A truly great mobile game, it's simplistic gameplay works great as you swipe your way through various levels, it's challenging, yet still fun. It also has an Arcade mode, where you go for a high score!
Honestly, this game is not terrible. It's obviously a free Fall Guys clone, meant for mobile. It's fun, the levels are challenging, and you get into matches faster.
Where it falls short of Fall Guys: it doesn't have the same charm and the mobile controls can be a little wonky.
It's honestly a fun mobile game, that can be frustrating.
One of my childhood games. I remember playing it a lot, only getting to thr 2nd level, but having a good time with it. I'll definitely be streaming it on "Trash's Past Treasures" one of these days.
This has quickly become one of my favorite mobile games. It's a lot of short races, and you get different equipment to help you go faster, with some limitations on the equipment (how long they last and how many times they can be used in a race.) You also upgrade your characters base stats. It's most definitely a fun little time killer that I highly recommend.
Honestly, I only played the first level, and skipped the intro, but it's Grimace, on a skateboard, and apparently it's his birthday. It's actually a very good looking game with very basic gameplay, 2 difficulty modes: easy has autogrind, hard does not. I'm most likely gonna stream this just for fun, and it does not seem like a game that's gonna be mind blowing, nor mind numbing. So, 3 stars for now.
So far, it's a 5 star game. I have played it nonstop for the last 6 hours (since i got hime with it at 11:30 cst last night)... eventually I'll go to bed. Anyway, they took what made Breath of The Wild so much fun, a has made it better. There seems to be more focus on puzzles this time around, and the game feels more difficult.