Fall Guys Day Guys - Season 8 Week 10
06/06/2024 01:00 PM EST
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06/06/2024 10:00 PM EST


A Childhood Favorite


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First of all, I have to say, I love Bond movies! My first Bond movie was Tomorrow Never Dies shortly after it released on video. A friend introduced me to it (I hadn't heard of Bond before then) and I was HOOKED! I was then introduced to Goldeneye 64 shortly thereafter. Back in those days, TBS would do a "15 days of 007" marathon each December and I was able to catch up on all the old ones (I watched at least several of these with @mariomaestro)!

Now as for who the best Bond is, there's no question - I've got to put Connery in the lead (where hopefully he'll remain)!
It's impossible to think of James Bond and not think of Sir Sean Connery! The man is iconic!
Apart from Goldfinger (classic!), his movies aren't my favourite of the bunch, but he's still the best Bond!

If I had to rate them in order...
1. Connery
2. Craig - There's no denying he's a great Bond. After the total cheesefest that was Die Another Day, it was great to have a serious Bond. Though I will say that his movies were hit or miss (Quantum of Solace, in particular, was disappointing).
3. Brosnan - Goldeneye is easily one of the best 3 Bond movies of all time (and spawned the fantastic, albeit dated, N64 game)! He definitely had the charisma to pull off Bond, but unfortunately his movies gradually declined after Goldeneye, culminating in the disaster that was Die Another Day.
4. Moore - he was definitely the campiest of the bunch, but he was a fun Bond. But I will say that he played Bond for too long.
5. Dalton - when I watched his Bond films as a teen, I wasn't super impressed. But perhaps now I'd appreciate them more (I really should watch them again). I've heard it described that he was a serious Bond before the audience was ready for a serious Bond.
6. Lazenby - easily last place (I can't count Niven as I've never seen him play Bond), since his only movie bored me to death when I watched it years ago. Maybe I'll try watching again some time. But props to him for getting the part without any acting experience!

Ya know, I really should binge through all of the Bond movies in order! As if I don't already have enough stuff to watch, haha!
Bond, James Bond
Sean Connery
Event Miniboss
Dalton deserves more praise than he gets.

Lazenby wasn't great but OHMSS is one of the best stories in the collection. It also deserves more praise than it gets.
Daytime Champion (11)
Ya, Dalton is a fantastic actor. I honestly think I'd like his movies far more now. And I should eventually give OHMSS another chance.
Event Miniboss
Oh. One more thing. Moore is shit.
Daytime Champion (11)
Well it's quite possible that Dalton will surpass Moore when I get around to rewatching his movies.
The Cure Starts Now 2024
You know your Bond…good post.
TDG Kart Group A Winner
Vague answer. I need more details.
Daytime Champion (11)
If/when I get around to my Bond marathon, I'll do a super post!
XP Coins are a Hoax
I am right there with you on watching them all over again.

Brosnan wasn't a bad Bond but Moores movies were better. Man with the Golden Gun, The Spy who Loved Me and Live and Let Die I feel are better movies than the one good movie Brosnan played Bond in.
Daytime Champion (11)
I'd say Goldeneye is better than any Moore movie; but those ones you listed are probably better than any other Brosnan movie.
Event Miniboss
Brosnan had one good movie which was actually AMAZING! Goldeneye is top 5 Bond movies overall. Easy. But the rest were turds. Not necessarily due to him, just horrible story lines, gadgets, etc.
Event Miniboss
Brosnan had one good movie which was actually AMAZING! Goldeneye is top 5 Bond movies overall. Easy. But the rest were turds. Not necessarily due to him, just horrible story lines, gadgets, etc.

Also, in case you missed it, Moore is shit. The movies were serviceable, but Moore is shit.
XP Coins are a Hoax
Moore was a more convincing Bond than Brosnan was to me. I know they are actors but he just felt like he was acting as James Bond and not portraying James Bond. If that makes any sense at all lol.
Just here for the potential tagline
Random fact - I have never seen a Bond movie. At all. Ever.
Daytime Champion (11)
You’re missing out!