Originally released in the arcades as a LaserDisc game, Dragon's Lair is an interactive cartoon movie. Players control Dirk the Daring as he struggles his way through a dungeon to fight Singe, the Dragon, and rescue the beautiful Princess Daphne. The game consists of animated scenes, during which the player has to press direction buttons or the sword button at the right moment to trigger the next segment of the movie.
Release Date 1983-01-01
Rating / Parents' Guide
   Steam Deck | Nintendo Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox | Game Boy Color | PlayStation | Atari Jaguar | 3DO Interactive Multiplayer | LaserActive | Sega CD | CD-i | Super Nintendo (SNES) | Nintendo (NES) | PC | Mobile (iOS, Android) | Arcade
You're in for the adventure of your life... Dragon's Lair is back and better than ever on CD-ROM! This full arcade version is packed with spectacular animation and sound from the original laser disc, bringing Dragon's Lair to life like never before! You control the actions of Dirk the Daring, a valiant knight, on a quest to rescue the fair Princess from the clutches of an evil dragon. Fight your way through the castle of the dark wizard who has enchanted it with treacherous monsters and obstacles. Lead on brave adventurer... your quest awaits!