Fall Guys Day Guys - Season 8 Week 10
06/06/2024 01:00 PM EST
Doubles Arena
06/06/2024 10:00 PM EST


A Childhood Favorite


Original Meme of the Week
Clip of the Week
Gaming Photography
Damage is Hard to Come By
Combat Mastery
I need a Hero: Sojourn
What's the Super Rush? Blustery Basin
Hot Rope Jump High Score
1v1 Online with Most Time Left
Take the C3 Feedback Survey
+ 1000 XP
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Take the C3 Feedback Survey
+ 1000 XP

Load screen tip

There are SOME taglines, reactions, etc that you can unlock automatically by typing the correct secret words in a post or comment. TEETS TEETS TEETS.
This post contains a spoiler.
Ok...hear me out before roasting me about Garrus (sorry for this being a bit long).
The VERY FIRST TIME I ever played Mass Effect, I knew absolutely nothing about it. ME3 had JUST came out, so ME1 and 2 were freshly on sale, and since I had heard so many good things about this game, I figured what the hell.
Started playing, really focused on the story, particularly the not quite fully quelled "racial hatred" towards Turians...and there was one on this ship we were on supposedly "helping us" (Nihlus)...gotta love the buildup story moments here. So fast forward doing stuff on the starter planet, where eventually we see one the cutscene with a different Turian, Saren shooting Nihlus in the back by surprise.
Fast forward to the Citadel where we are trying to tell this Alien council that Saren is a bad guy, and of course they don't listen (the fact that a Turian on the council berates you doesn't help either).
At this point of the game, I am really starting to really get in to the story...and really "roleplaying" my Shepard as a space racist, essentially doing the neutral or renegade options towards any non-human characters, while only doing paragon options for human characters (other than the complete d-bags I meet). I only ever pick Ashley and Kaiden as my other two party members.
Well one of the individuals you have to recruit is the pictured guy, Garrus, to become part of your team. My first reaction is "seriously...I have to tote around a backstabbing Turian around? How long will this guy be around before I'm gonna get betrayed?" Didn't help that I get these other aliens as well (remember, I was really feeling the space racism at this point, but the Turian hate was the worst).
So eventually the whole part where we get the proof that Saren is bad, and Shepard becomes a Spectre, and we get sent out to the galaxy to find Saren. Various shenanigans happen, and eventually we end up on Virmire. Well I was using only Ashley and Kaiden the entire game up until this point, and after Virmire, I had to replace Ashley (didn't know anything about that part until it was too late).
Well Ashley was a soldier, so I needed a soldier replacement, and I ended up having Wrex killed earlier, so my only option was Garrus. "Fucking seriously...this is the only soldier guy I have? FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".
Well...needless to opinions started changing soon afterwards, and by the time I was at the end of the game, I really enjoyed having him around. To the point where, when meeting up with him for the first time in ME2, I was cheering like a hyped up football fan when their team wins a game.
There is a reason why he is the best alien space bro since Chewbacca...but that very first time playing...with that first impression...not knowing what I know now...I really thought he was going to betray us all... (I am so glad I was wrong).
Et tu, Brute?
+ 100 XP
Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Stealth? That was just a suggestion.
I saw this and immediately said "don't you dare" hahahaha
Figured I would responses like this
Ok, but I think out of all squad mates, it's a toss up between Miranda and Jack, and I'd probably l give it to Miranda. Jack is pretty loyal if you do her loyalty mission. Maybe Zaeed? Literally a mercenary. I don't count Morinth anyway and I think she'd be loyal if you kept her anyway.
S6 Event First Eliminated (5)
Most of the crew in 2 would kill you in a heartbeat... but not him
One Ring to rule them all
Tali might kill you for this slander but she'll agree to let it go based on "most."