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Blue Dragon Plus is a sequel to Blue Dragon. Join Shu once again as he attempts to save the world. The game begins one year after the events of Blue Dragon. A mysterious three-headed dragon named Balaur appears from a cube that was once hidden in the planet's core. Balaur's coming indicates bad times once again, so Shu gathers his friends and they are off to investigate. Battles take place in real-time. Spells are used by summoning each character's shadow. The player can control the game entirely with the stylus.
Crude Humor, Fantasy Violence
Blue Dragon Plus is a tactical role-playing game in which players control a group of soldiers and robots through a fantastical open-world environment. Combat is turn-based and usually involves streaks or fireballs encircling an opponent, causing them to blink or flash until the enemy falls or disappears. Certain monsters can use 'poo' attacks on players, while other creatures have names like "Poo Snake," "Jumbo Poo," and "Corrosive Poo."