Mid-Day Marbles - Season 8 Week 9 - Friday
05/31/2024 12:00 PM EST
Mental Health May - Marbles on Stream
05/31/2024 09:00 PM EST


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Original Meme of the Week
Clip of the Week
Gaming Photography
Melee for Democracy
I need a Hero: Zenyatta
What's the Super Rush? New Donk City (Pro)
Unranked Escort Score
Travel the Fury Road - Distance Quest
Most Post of the Day Trophies

Load screen tip

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I think I already talked about a time my smoker's hopper caught fire because I didn't clean out the burn dish properly. Another time was I was starting a smoke at about 1 AM because we had family coming over so I wanted to get a good long low and slow smoked brisket for everyone. When I started to prime the auger and pellets dropped in I let it pre heat and put the brisket in. When I wold do these early middle of the night smokes I would sleep on my recliner in the entertainment room that led to the back yard and I would be able to see the smoker out the window. I also set me alarm every hour to check the water pan int he smoker and spritz the meat. Well after the first hour the brisket temp barely moved I started trying to see what was going on and I saw there was no pellets in the burn dish. I tried to prime the auger to get some pellets in there and it didn't move but made a weird sound. I get a flashlight and try looking inside and see the motor fan for the auger isn't moving. I take the brisket out, empty the hopper, wait for the smoker to cool down, remove the smoke stack, and flip it over to start surgery on my smoker. Found out there was a dent that was pressed up against the fan and stopping it from working. Ger the dent banged out, the smoker back together, pellets back in the hopper, auger turning finally, and meat back int he smoker at about 4 AM. I am on a time crunch now so I start messing with the temps to hurry up the process through out the morning and day and end up over cooking my brisket. Only thing that saved it was I chopped it up and had semi good chapped brisket sandwiches.
Grilling disaster stories:
I’m glad you were able to pull that one out. I’m realizing that would be a good follow-up question for this group. Even if it is overdone, I still love brisket sandwiches.