Mid-Day Marbles - Season 8 Week 9 - Friday
05/31/2024 12:00 PM EST
Mental Health May - Marbles on Stream
05/31/2024 09:00 PM EST


Gamers love saying...
+ 100 XP


Original Meme of the Week
Clip of the Week
Gaming Photography
Melee for Democracy
I need a Hero: Zenyatta
What's the Super Rush? New Donk City (Pro)
Unranked Escort Score
Travel the Fury Road - Distance Quest
Most Post of the Day Trophies

Load screen tip

Every once in a while, you may get lucky and get a "personal quest" at the top of your feed. Complete it for bonus xp, or simply dismiss it if you are not interested.
I said it once on another quest but I'll say it again here!!

(so technically a modern day Witcher game)
Travel across the USA hunt monsters, ghost and other spooky stuff!!
The Hogwarts Legacy Treatment
+ 100 XP
Stop the Stigma
Man I need to finish the final season(s?) I missed of this show. Love it so much, and yes, it needs to be a game.
i haven't finished it either ,, I kinda dropped out of it at some point (plot was getting to "big" for me ,, I like the earlier monster of the week seasons a lot more, but I'll definitely go back to it at some point :)
Stop the Stigma
Yeah I definitely was a bigger fan of the MotW style of episodes, but when I was doing long, boring shifts in security, I kept going and got sucked into the bigger plot 😅
It's worth finishing and also worth not finishing and just rewartching those early seasons over and over
The Longest Day 2024
I stopped watching at 6. It was a perfect end point. Maybe someday I'll go back. And this is a great call for a game.
Stop the Stigma
What was S6? Was that before the Leviathans/darkness stuff started up? I can't remember.
Yes, the season just before the Leviathans.
Should be noted, I did not remember off the top of my head, I IMDB'd it
The Longest Day 2024
They basically wrote it as the end end then CW just kept throwing them money for another decade. And I say that with no disrespect.
Stop the Stigma
If I remember it in the haze of time, it seems familiar that there was a season ending that felt like it could've been a wrap, and then the next season was like "JK WE'RE RICH, LET'S KICK IT BACK INTO HIGH GEAR!" 😅
I hope there's a scared by a cat DLC
Or a trophy 🤣