+ 100 XP


Original Meme of the Week
Clip of the Week
Gaming Photography
Melee for Democracy
I need a Hero: Zenyatta
What's the Super Rush? New Donk City (Pro)
Unranked Escort Score
Travel the Fury Road - Distance Quest
Most Post of the Day Trophies

Load screen tip

Click Search in the navbar to... search... obviously. But it also shows 5 recent pages you visited and below that, a complete site map.
Quick note to say THANK YOU for being here in these early days. I know without things like an app or an incredibly large user base, it's tough to remember to check back and post and interact and engage. But you do and I'm grateful. I'll never forget! ❤️ Channel 3 will keep gettin better and better.
Target Goose Egg (2)
Thank you for creating this space. I know it’s a lot of work and not always easy. Thanks for all you do for channel 3!
TDG Kart Gang S45 Winner
Agreed. Ideas come and go but ty for taking action and creating this space!!
Thank you for allowing us to have a space to call our own! I don't have much to look forward to and you guys and this has been a very well needed output
Play Stupid Games, Get Stupid Prizes
Pro-Tip from not a pro
If you add Channel3 to your homescreen, android user here, your phone treats the chrome session independent and like an App. No address bar, no other tabs can be added. It's really quite nice and it functions great as a temporary app.
End of the Blue Waves
I did that from the get go, just so I didn't have to remember the website or go searching through my emails. And it is a nice feature
If you have iPhone, you can save a bookmark to your Home Screen like that screenshot I posted! That also @joel is an easy way to make a WebApp in the mean time and you can tweak it better like that
Play Stupid Games, Get Stupid Prizes
@lionofthewest, I think I saw your screenshot and tried this. Then I realized the benefits. Thanks to you.
I Was There May 16, 2024
C3 is so good. Thanks for making this cool thing @joel
XP Coins are a Hoax
Joel, thank you for creating this place! Regardless of the gamer count or having an app, its the one website I am on EVERYDAY.
You're building something good here.