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TL;DR: Love the game, new courses great, no desire for Kart 9 unless something earth shattering happened, here & staying for the community.

The post asked for feelings and it just so happens, I have them (which can sometimes be frowned upon around here). I bought a Switch in early 2020 because my wife wanted my kids to get away from the Fortnite style of games and play more the Mario style of games. Can't do that on Xbox so we got a Switch. First game I knew I needed was Mario Kart from playing Kart 64 as a kid. I had longed for a reason to get back into the Mario universe & race Kart again, finally I could introduce my kids to it.

I love the game. If I was only left with one game to play for the rest of my life, it would be Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. For starters, there's a lot of courses I never played before because I went from Mario Kart 64 to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I missed on a lot of these tracks. The game itself is so fun, and as @dan and/or @rey recently said on @whatareyourthree: the game control are perfect. Honestly, I don't know how you'd do it better than they currently are and why I fear a Mario Kart 9 coming out as I worry it would be a disappointment/failure in comparison to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Something significant would need to happen, some massive shift in the gaming universe for me to want Kart 9.

As for the new courses being enough, they're more than enough. Honestly, and I'm not complaining, but it may be too much. Mario Kart 8 started out as a game with game with 32 tracks, 30 characters, and a DLC of another 16 tracks that included 3 more characters. There are now 96 tracks and 42 characters in total, not including the different variations of some characters that you can race with (see: different colored Shy Guys/Yoshis/Metal or Gold Mario). Each time I play this game, I feel like I learn or pick up something new that I didn't previously know. Being able to race online, whether it be Regionals or Worldwide, is something I don't think I could've comprehended being something we'd be able to do later in life while I played MK64 as a kid. If I only raced against the computer, I think I would bore quickly because Kart, like Super Rush, is a game that's best played with friends. Not every race is the same either! It's not perfect, there are some changes I would like to see (like maybe an "even" mode where you just race with whatever character & build you want & all the stats are even; also private lobbies online that require knowing a code to get in).

In terms of how long I'll play before I want something new: for as long as our kart community exists, I will be racing. I may take this game too serious from time to time between chasing Group A to time trials to Gangs which causes mental exhaustion and a need for a break, but I enjoy this game with the community of folks we have far too much to go elsewhere or give it up. I enjoy tracking numbers, tracks, watching people improve week to week, and just overall hanging out with this game. What other games can you play where a voice chat lobby would be 20+ people deep of everyone playing the same game, just maybe in different lobbies? When I moved back to the States after my Service ended, I found The Dad Gaming - Mario Kart and slowly made my way into racing. Any time, especially Gangs, we have races where groups of folks are racing, it's a highlight to my week. I honestly feel like a kid again who is just riding around town looking for somewhere to chill .. except now, it's on my couch with a bunch of folks just looking to laugh & have fun. I play Kart & forget we're adults with real "things" going on in our lives outside of the game. If it's a quiet night, I can jump on & find some guys racing regionals, just hanging out. It's the closest thing to me to going to a bar & meeting friends or seeing friends are already there. I'm a very social person so kart is my social output to scratch that itch of "hanging out".
The End?
+ 50 XP
The Dan Tucket
I've made close friends I've never met in real life, people I can go to when I'm having a day, or friends I can bounce ideas off of when I'm trying to sort some things out. Minus taking the kids to the bmx track, this is probably the most "out of work" socializing I do with adults (& even at the track, I'm more focused on making sure the boys & their bikes are good to go, they're where they need to be, etc). I bought Kart expecting to introduce the boys to a fun racing game similar to the one I played as a kid, which I did, but also gained a whole new community of friends that I do appreciate ... even if I wish you would STOP HITTING ME WITH ALL THOSE DAMN RED SHELLS.

Seriously. Sorry for the things I say during kart, and I really do appreciate each person I hit the track with or interact with over this game.