Mid-Day Marbles - Season 8 Week 9 - Friday
05/31/2024 12:00 PM EST
Mental Health May - Marbles on Stream
05/31/2024 09:00 PM EST


Gamers love saying...
+ 100 XP


Original Meme of the Week
Clip of the Week
Gaming Photography
Melee for Democracy
I need a Hero: Zenyatta
What's the Super Rush? New Donk City (Pro)
Unranked Escort Score
Travel the Fury Road - Distance Quest
Most Post of the Day Trophies

Load screen tip

If you get Enhance correct using the I Feel Lucky button, you get a special tagline.
My step father passed away last year.

He had a lot of goals and dreams that were never realized, and I realized that life is short and it can end at any time. My step and I were both driven individuals, with many dreams. And one of my dreams has always been to do more with games or in games. I'd wanted to try streaming for years at this point, so I finally did it a month after his passing.

It was my way of making something out of sorrow. And now streaming brings me great joy, like I knew it always would - I make new friends, and I get to shoot the shit with people all over the world, and play games and be me. Playing games is when I feel the most me, even though I'm not the best player NA lol. It reminds me of the good times I've had with friends, and it makes new good times for me to look back on later.

Life is short. Make memories with friends, offline or online. Don't like shyness keep you from your goals, like me! Follow your dreams. Even if you don't make a cent, you'll be happier.
Why do you stream? [Or why would you?]
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I love this so much. I'm so proud of you ❤️
I lost my step father in 2013. So I cried like a baby through this whole thing lol.
I cried writing it. Hope it was a little cathartic? hahaha 🥲 I'm proud of you, too, lady!! Shy guys gotta support each other lol
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Yessss 🥹
What a great message! Props to you for stepping out of your comfort zone, pushing yourself, and accomplishing your goals!
Thanks ^___^
I Was There May 16, 2024
Thanks for sharing. You found a good way to handle grief, nice going!