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TF2 with the Cr3w
09/28/2024 09:33 PM EST
What do you say to someone who says video games are a waste of time?
My dad recently said something similar to me, my response was that actually studies have proven it can improve some motor & problem solving skills as well as actually having a much larger social interaction than people who don't play them realise (just because the people aren't in the room with you doesn't mean it isn't happening).

It's a view that does grate on me personally, as I sometimes get stuck for not knowing much about current affairs as I don't watch/read the news. But I have to spend so much of my adult life doing things I don't want to, when I do have spare time I like to do things I actually enjoy & find mentally engaging, rather than add another chore that will only frustrate or upset me with no noticeable gain in my life.