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TF2 with the Cr3w
09/28/2024 09:33 PM EST
What is the most recent game you finished?
Resident Evil 3 (2020)
Lazzgar here and I just wrapped up this game. I had a blast, it's a different game. I loved the OG completing it a dozen times to unlock the different endings. I did miss a some of cut context, example Carlos racing Nemesis to get to Jill with the cure. The controls were easier, compared to the original. Overall, I will be playing it a couple more times. I enjoyed it for what it is as the original. Nemesis was scarier in the OG; Here he's a bit annoying. The end fight wasn't what I hoped for, based on what I have already experienced leading up. Still I give it 7 Lazzies out of 10!