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TF2 with the Cr3w
09/28/2024 09:33 PM EST
Favorite Tagline (April 2024 Update)
Well, the Ori Immortal ones are still the ones I'm most proud of, but putting something new out here for this rerun (timeloop? multiverse?) version... The Final Fantasy.

You can't see it on that page but I have 10 of them stacked, one for each mainline numbered Final Fantasy I've beaten. There are 3 more that I _have_ beaten but like, 20 years ago with no proof. I'm working on one of those now, but the ones for OG 7 and 8 are probably going to stay unclaimed. I don't know if I'll ever do 16... 15 was such a disappointment and 16 just doesn't look like my Final Fantasy. If it comes to PS+ some day, maybe. And then 11 and 14 are just MMOs so that's gonna be a no from me.

Now, the real question is when are we getting more of these for Tactics, X-2, 13-2, Lightning Returns... oooh IV After Years for a deep cut (wait that's actually available on Steam? no... it's not a good game... [5 hours later, still naming Final Fantasy games]....
Fightin' Phils
I thought there was only one, isn’t that why they called it Final Fantasy? 🙃