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TF2 with the Cr3w
09/28/2024 09:33 PM EST
Gaming Adjacent: What's the GOAT cereal?
50 XP
Rice Krispies treats cereal. I feel so strongly about this that I am compelled to create alt accounts and vote for this many many times. I understand that opinions and taste are normally subjective, but that certainly does not apply to this question. Be prepared to see a picture of this box all over your feed today.
You are most correct sir. The GOAT!
I am having trouble understanding how @tootslaroo
@blockmamba @malfurious and I all love this cereal yet it is off the market. Petition?
Dude I found some 4 years ago in a limited run. I bought 6 boxes
Genius! I need to keep my eyes open, I bet they bring it back again for a short release. I need to get on that. If you see it again, let me know!
I tried making my own as well. Made a sheet of it, and let it dry out. It was good, but my ratio was off. I think I had too much marshmallow
I think it is hard to replicate: I am not sure it is actual marshmallow and they may add some artificial butter flavoring that will be hard to reproduce. I think you are onto something with the drying it out!
I felt the pieces from the 1/2in to 3/4in thick parts were the best
wow, I may try this now. It has been so long since I have had it, even if I am close I will be happy.
Send updates. I want to know your progress
May have to make a batch for Chicago this summer
I tried awhile ago and remember mine didn't turn out at all
Will do. I’ll attempt this weekend.
Hold up, there is a recipe. Apparently powdered sugar is what I was missing
Oh.... nice!
Oh.... nice!... They don't seem to dry it out like you did. I think drying is smart
I don't know what it was about this cereal but it was amazing!
I still remember talking about it in french class in highschool (yes, I took french). We were supposed to tell the class what cereal was our favorite and I proudly announced my love for this cereal. Someone shouted "gross." They didn't say it in french so I think they should have been thrown out of the class at that point (or at least gotten a bad grade).

Maybe it is a love/hate thing
My wife hates it. She is wrong
MKR Party Night Champ (2)
Weird color, needs to be the purple box! But absolute best cereal ever!!!!