Transformers: Devastation is an action hack and slash video game based on the Transformers franchise developed by PlatinumGames and published by Activision. In the game, players control five Autobots as they battle to stop a Decepticon plot to turn the Earth to metal. Several creatives who worked on past Transformers media, including writers, actors, and musicians, contributed to the game's development.
Release Date 2015-10-06
Rating / Parents' Guide
Fantasy Violence
This is an action-adventure game in which players assume the role of Autobots on a mission to stop the Deceptions' evil plans. From a third-person perspective, players traverse urban environments and battle enemy robots in frenetic melee-style combat. Players use swords, energy blades, laser blasters, and vehicles attacks to destroy enemies. Battles are accompanied by close-up slow motion effects and colorful flashes of light; enemies disappear amid large explosions when defeated. In one sequence, players can use laser turrets to shoot down a horde of flying robots.
   Xbox One | PlayStation 4 | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 | PC

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