Superposts are just like regular posts, except super. They are longer and can contain embedded media and formatted text.
You must provide a superpost slug. This is the url to get to the post. It needs to be unique across the whole site. It won't have any spaces and will be all lower case. If you need a space, use a dash.
The suerpost headline is the article title. It will be converted to all upper case. It should be short and catchy.
Feature images for superposts are currently added by using the image icon here. Or you can just copy/paste an image.
Bold text: #b:bold text#
Italic text: #i:italic text#
Horizontal divider line: #hr#
Header: #h2:header text#
Secondary header: #h3:header text#
Image: #img:https://imgurl.webp#
Link: #link:https://linkurl/#display text#
Link (no display text): #url:https://linkurl/#
Game embed: #game:gamehandle# or #game:gameid#
Gamer embed: #gamer:gamertag# or #gamer:gamerid#
Club embed: #club:clubhandle# or #gamer:clubid#
Quest embed: #quest:questid#
Event embed: #event:eventid#
Post embed: #post:postid#
Tagline embed: #tagline:taglineid#
Reaction embed: #reaction:taglineid#