Daily Quest

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333 XP

Weekly Quests

Gaming Photography: Season 9 Week 10
Original Meme of the Week: Season 9 Week 10
What are you Playing? Season 9 Week 10
Clip of the Week: Season 9 Week 10
Accuracy Matters
Heating Up
Red Faction: Guerrilla
This game was the first game I played that really had a totally destructible environment. Add in the low gravity and it made destroying everything even more fun. It has been a while but I remember playing as a character that is trying to take down evil corporations that are hurting everyone on Mars by sabotaging the work they are doing and getting in random gun fights using the construction weapons available. You really do have to use a guerilla mindset to complete a lot of the missions which makes it a lot of fun ambushing enemies and seeing their vehicles fly after exploding and hit a building and the building collapses. Really a game I think I could get back into if the controls aren't as wonky compared to controls now a days.
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