I don't know what's happening anymore...
05/17/2024 12:00 PM EST
Mental Health May - Fortnite
05/17/2024 08:30 PM EST


What game video game character would you like as a pet?


Original Meme of the Week
Clip of the Week
Gaming Photography
Bullets Travel Faster Than Sound
I fear no man. But that... thing... It scares me.
Sorcerer's Lair High Score
Guess the Game
What's the Super Rush? Wildweather Woods
I need a Hero: Air time (Pharah)
Ekans' Hoop Hurl
Most Target XP

Load screen tip

Channel 3 has 3 daily minigames: Target, Enhance, and Trivia. These are trivia-based games like Wordle, but about video games. New every day.
My Hail Mary. If it sticks, it sticks.
Run 1: 113
Run 2: 126
Run 3: 135
Run 4: 145
Run 5: 147
Run 6: 160
Run 7: 177
Run 8: 189
Run 9: 198
Run 10: 204
Star Fox 64 Corneria High Score
S8 Challenge Winner (2)
This is one of my favorite games to go and replay. It's the right level of difficulty to complete. It's a top level difficulty game to 100%.
Target Goose Egg
Going to have to go old school on this on. Emulator wasn't working. Switching to 64.
S8 Challenge Winner (2)
The emulator lied to me. Told me it had arrows mapped, but it was TFGH instead lol
Target Goose Egg
Thatā€™s helpful! I think Iā€™ll still try it the retro way, just to give the old collection some love.
S8 Challenge Winner (2)
I'm definitely using my Switch for this one. Just happy to find an option for our Nintendo-less folks.
S8 Challenge Winner (2)
Hey @ohtwotwo slow down with those scores!
I'm having so much fun with it though! hahah
Target Goose Egg
Getting that sweet, first to post tie-break!!!
exactly hahah I need a S2 Challenge tag!
(but I also know that someone is going to come in & smash whatever I post so .. yeah haha)
Still haven't beaten my 171 legit yet. I've gotten to 200 with save states just to see what a theoretically perfect (for me) run would look like so it *is* possible, but I may have to try grinding this one out again
Target Goose Egg
He did itā€¦ he really did it
I Was There May 16, 2024
Target Goose Egg
You are insaneā€¦
What the hell lol
dude I played for hours & after watching your run, found a little spot here & there where I could grab a couple extra points & it turned into this haha I was physically & emotionally spent afterwards
so with having this score & hitting the cut to win clip of the week, I guess I owe you all the thanks for all that you do