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Clip of the Week: Season 9 Week 12
Free Cell Game #30303
Kwolok's Hollow Spirit Trial

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09/16/2024 09:45 PM EST
Update: I love Neon White. Like I really love that game. But once I basically 100% it I haven’t gone back. I will admit I was on a Neon White high and probably prematurely put it on my Rushmore.

The rest will never leave. Even though I take extended breaks from OW2, when I start playing it again I can’t stop. That’s Rushmore material. Gonna keep that 4th spot open and really think about what game should be there.
Mt. Rushmore
Red Dead Redemption 2
Elden Ring
Overwatch 2
MKR Party Night Champ
Maybe I should give RD2 a chance…
Honestly it took me 3 tries to get into the game. The intro (1st Chapter) is kinda slow. Once I stuck with it I could not stop. You just gotta get past the 1st chapter (still good, just slow).
MKR Party Night Champ
Good to know!
MKR Kart Gangs Champ
Chapter 1, while slow, teaches you the core of the game, sets up the story, etc. Takes 1.5 hours. Do it in a sitting. Then open up the most beautiful game and story. Ever. I tear up at the end and want "That's the Way it is" played at my funeral.
Agreed. Looking back it isn’t too slow at all. I think people dislike the first chapter because it’s not open and linear. Still sets everything up. The hardest part of the game is not getting wrapped up in the story past the events in Chapter 3. I got so wrapped up in the story I disregarded all side missions lol.
MKR Kart Gangs Champ
On my second and subsequent playthroughs (4 now, btw) as sooon as the ledger is unlocked I stop all main missions and focus on the side missions and, in particular, the challenges. I go hunting for my satchels, hunting for outfits, finding cigarette cards, etc. It's THE BEST!!!
I need to focus on the Satchel right now. I am doing my second playthrough now. I spent lots of time running around at the end of the Epilogue and just decided recently to start a new game and take it very very slow.
Nintendo Gang
Insert *little kid holding up jeter hat out of respect gif*
RDR2 is one of the greatest. Rockstar hit gold with the story, characters and gameplay with it.
Aggressively Mediocre
My only issue with RDR2 is that my hatred of Micah is so strong I couldn't manage more than 2 playthroughs!
MKR Kart Gangs Champ
Also on subsequent playthroughs Micah sits in jail and then the woods as long as possible, then even a bit longer while I go hunting. Fuck him...
Aggressively Mediocre
Seriously. Fuck that guy.
The Ryan Fitzpatrick of Gaming
I ended up purchasing Neon White. Haven’t played yet but seeing your post about it, I’ve been very interested in this game. And I have yet to finish RDR2. It’s been years since I’ve own it.
Let us know what you think of Neon White! I started and stopped RDR2 twice. Once I got to Chapter three I could t stop lol.
MKR Kart Gangs Champ
Neon white? What's it about? Do I need a little bit of this crack coccaine in my life?!
Sundays are for Golf
MK slander, everyone move along nothing to see here. XD just kidding.