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Gaming Photography: Season 9 Week 10
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Clip of the Week: Season 9 Week 10
Accuracy Matters
Heating Up
The game is a FPS 6 Vs 6 objective based game. From what I can tell early on there is an Escort game that is pretty much exactly like Overwatch's. Get the robot to each check point and to the end as fast as possible. The other games are more CoD style Domination and a King of the Hill type game. All the games are fun but you can tell from the start there will be some "nerfing". Snipers are way overpowered in my opinion and the disadvantage of the defending team in escort just doesn't seem level.

You can choose your player from different factions which all have different special abilities. I feel like the special abilities is all the rage in games lately with Overwatch doing it the best and probably the OG at it. All factions come from different Ubisoft games which is pretty cool. I am sure they will roll out more games as factions at some point. I really wish they would have actual characters from games like Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell or Pagen Min form Far Cry.

The simplicity is what I love. Not 100 weapons with 200 attachments that all do the same thing. More like Call of Duty 4 MW or Modern Warfare 2 type set up. A few weapons you have heard of with maybe 6-8 attachments. Thats it, play have fun and unlock weapons by completing challenges.

Don't go in thinking it's a CoD clone. It's not. You aren't a bullet sponge and need to use your abilities correctly to keep you and your team alive (key word team). One plus is that you can turn off cross play but even better only play with people using the same input. So, I have it set on cross-play but only with people using a controller. Keeps the playing field a little bit more even in my opinion.

I took away a star because if you are going to have a game that only has objective based game play I think you need to get rid of K/D ratio's and assists. There are too many players who are just not caring about the objective and loosing matches but the K/D is high so obviously it's just about stat building for them. Do assists just like Overwatch; don't have them and just give everyone the kill who contributed.

I love the simplicity of the game and I hope any adjustments to game play that are inevitably coming are positive. With all the gripes people have been having about Warzone/CoD as of late, this game could be a fresh breath of air and reminiscent of the less complex days of FPS shooters that some people want to go back to.

Free to play, give it a try. I am determined to be good at a multiplayer game, so I am sticking with this one for the time being.
Nintendo Gang
Just downloaded it. Will be giving it a try. I loved Overwatch. So I’m looking forward to it. I completely agree that K/D ratio shouldn’t even be a stat when there is an objective. It allows people to think they are carrying when the get so many kills when in reality they do more damage because they aren’t caring about the objective