Daily Quest

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Weekly Quests

Gaming Photography: Season 9 Week 10
Original Meme of the Week: Season 9 Week 10
What are you Playing? Season 9 Week 10
Clip of the Week: Season 9 Week 10
Accuracy Matters
Heating Up

This game is awesome. Bumped it up to 5 stars. The artistic graphics go really well and gives you that Jet Set Radio and Hi-Fi Rush feel. This is basically Tony Hawk on rolller skates and guns. Game takes place in 2030 and it’s got a Running Man vibe to it where you are playing for your survival by eliminating enemies. The cooler you eliminate them the higher score you get. You can continue to the next challenge and round just by killing all enemies but you can also go back and get a higher score or complete level challenges (just like Tony Hawk). I really encourage anyone who likes Tony Hawk games to give this a shot. It’s a really good pick up and put down game that won’t eat up all your time but can still be played for longer periods of time if you want to grind the game out. If you have Xbox GamePass you have no excuse. It’s free. Do it!

Way to early review. Think of Tony hawk without the possibility of falling and you kill people. That’s pretty much what it is. Pull off a not so large variety of tricks to get ammo and aim to lock on and kill the baddies. I love the art style of the game. Looks like it’s just a single player game which is kind of a bummer but so far it’s been fun. Will update as I play. Free on Gamepass also.