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Gaming Photography: Season 9 Week 10
Original Meme of the Week: Season 9 Week 10
What are you Playing? Season 9 Week 10
Clip of the Week: Season 9 Week 10
Accuracy Matters
Heating Up
Dave the Diver
This game rules, but reader beware:

It’s crazy addictive. 😅

It’s calming.
An exquisite blend of beloved gaming genres.

I both want to finish it, and am worried I may need to go to rehab after. It’s eating up my life.
SUUUUPER addicting
@laughatbrian - knowing my recommendation for Forager panned out, I feel like this is another one you’ll love.
I tried the demo and I am very ashamed to say it didn't suck me in yet. I've heard nothing but good things about it so I was excited to play it. I'll give it more time.
I made a comment about that below - I agree, it takes a little while to get to the fun.

I never got through Star Dew for the same reason - but I know you’ve recommended I give it another shot, and break past that initial barrier.

For me, at first, it just felt like “Echo but if you give the Dolphin a gun.”

After a few rounds/“days” it really starts to open up.

I think you’ll dig it!
I want to dig it.
The only hurdle I’ve had with the game was, when I first started out, it seemed way too simplistic to keep me enthralled. I’m glad I was wrong - as the new layers and features just keep rolling out.

I had the same issue with Star Dew though - and never got past the hump. So I suppose maybe I was just being impatient, cuz I wanted to get to the exciting stuff sooner. 😅
Solid game! Just finished the main storyline.

The gameplay can be time-consuming and repetitive, but it’s a gameplay loop I enjoyed repeating - so that’s not necessarily a bad thing!

Above all else, I think I valued getting to play a storyline that was entirely unique.
@laughatbrian - It give me major “forager” vibes.

Similar to Forager - I think I could feasibly play this game forever, and just keep improving my asset-gaining efficiency.

I do think Forager was easier to get into though, because it never felt like the game was withholding features. With “Dave” you know that there are features you can’t access. With Forager, it seemed SO simple, every layer of complexity game as a genuine surprise. The expectations were set low, so part of the charm is seeing how deep the foraging goes.

With Dave, the premise of the game tells you “you can literally go deeper, but we’re gonna make you wait.” The waiting sucks, but it does make it all the more satisfying once you’ve made it to “the deep end.”
Excellent analysis.