Mid-Day Marbles - Season 8 Week 6 - Wednesday
05/08/2024 12:00 PM EST
Fortnite - Season 8 Week 6
05/08/2024 08:20 PM EST
Fall Guys - Season 8 Week 6
05/08/2024 09:25 PM EST
Rocket League - Season 8 Week 6
05/08/2024 09:50 PM EST


Gaming Adjacent: How do you like your steak?
I Did It All For the Wookie
Clumsy and Random


Original Meme of the Week
Clip of the Week
Gaming Photography
What's the Super Rush? Balmy Dunes
Experience is gained through combat
I need a Hero: Bed Time (Ana)
Fruit Ninja High Score (Classic Mode No Power-Ups)
No No Not I, I Will Survive
Kirby Classic Mode Easy Run

Load screen tip

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I think Sonic is the most overrated video game series ever.
Brian I swear I almost posted the same thing yesterday.
I didn't see! But like, yeah it's not fun.
First game is fine, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle is great, and that's it.
Adventure 2 is amazing! That Ciao stuff was legendary!
S8 Challenge Winner
It's okay but gets boring quickly. So definitely overrated!
Just here for the potential tagline
Gonna be totally real here. I sat here for two minutes, and cannot find a way to disagree. Even though this is a fun kinda fight. But…frankly you are right
Choosing violence today, it seems.
Prove me wrong!
In the words of Admiral Ackbar, "It's a trap!" The early games game beautiful graphics and fast gameplay. Later games broke the mold on 3d gaming. If we're talking overrated, Mario 64 fits that bill. Sonic has had some stinkers for sure, but he's also had some gems in there too. I think he well deserves his place in gaming's lexicon.
Oh man I love you said this. I think Mario 64 is trash too. 🤝
Whoa Whoa, IDK why 3D icon Mario 64 is catching shots here
Cause @rey if it looks like trash and plays like trash, it's probably trash.
Don't listen to him, @rey! This is the same guy who thinks Super Mario 3D World is the best Mario game! Clearly doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to Mario! He should probably stick to TMNT...
tbf I think I'm going to move up Mario 3d world higher up my all time mario list. Very very good game
Don't get me wrong, SM3DW is a great game; but it's not even in my top 5 Mario games!
It’s arguably the best co-op Mario game to ever come out.
No argument needed.
It may be the best co-op Mario game, but why do Mario games need to be co-op? I'd much rather play Mario games solo!
The Bad Guy (4)
Marbles Master
This is very funny.
Don’t you dare talk bad about sonic 1-3 and Sonic Adventures.
Too late.
And Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Mania (and hopefully Sonic Super Stars), and even Sonic Frontier had a pretty good thing going!
Over-rated! 👏👏,👏👏👏
Just because a series is overrated doesn't mean that all the games are bad.
Sonic Frontiers was cool, but I didn’t think it was anything ground breaking. They could had spent more time on it and made it bigger
Of course not. They aren't bad. They're incredibly repetitive and kinda boring after a while, but not bad. Mario 64 is bad.
I will say that sonic has had SOOOO many better shows/movies than Mario has ever made
Haha. 1.
I just don't care for most Sonic games, but I think Sonic Frontiers is just a bad game.
THIS ISN'T A MOVIE CONVERSATION. But Mario now has the best movie. 😂
Netflix show is solid. Sonic X was amazing. The old 90s show is pure nostalgia and still holds up. The 2 movies were extremely well done.
Sonic 1 and 2 combined is better than the Mario movie. Taking the origin of the first and then adding knuckles and tails was awesome. And Jim Carey is just phenomenal.
Can we get back to the topic at hand and not make outlandish, Unamerican statements about our favorite plumber? Sonic is a flash, not substance series
This is true. Even Aero the Acrobat was like "I suck, but so does Sonic."
I'll say this though...excellent soundtrack to all the early Sonic Genesis games.
This was a trip to read. Might as well throw my 2 cents in. The Genesis games were great. Loved 2 and 3, and Sonic and Knuckles with sonic 3 attached (bonus points for the game genie to make an epic tower) was peak Sonic for me. I have never been able to get into a sonic game since. I would tentatively agree that the series as a whole is overrated. And I'm glad that you at minimum acknowledge that the soundtrack is great.
As for Mario 64? That's tough. It was a big step for the series (and games in general), but it's probably overrated compared to other games.
Mario 64 is overrated is a Central Jersey take if I've ever seen one.
Overrated doesn't mean bad. I just think it gets more praise than it deserves. There are plenty of Mario games that are worse than Mario 64. But there are ones that are better.
I'm hurt and offended and hurt.
Everyone loved M64 cause ZOMG first 3d! But it's controls are butt and doesn't hold up to today's. Sunshine on the other hand holds up great! #isaiditfightme
I'll make it up to you by buying you some pizza next time you're up here.
That's crazy. I accept if you complain about the camera, but the controls are so good every game still uses the same ones today basically. I'm playing it right now 😂
Straight up butt.
S6 Mega Drive Master
If you haven't already then I recommend playing sonic mania. Perfect balance of nostalgia for the old and bringing in new stuff.
I have it. It's fine.
S6 Mega Drive Master
Wow. I'm not a fan of 3d sonic(or most platform games that go from 2 to 3d for that matter) 2d sonic is the goat though imho. Sonic 2 and 3 + knuckles are some of the best platformers out there. Sonic mania completely revitalised the series and showed that ppl still want 2d sonic.
I'm 100% on the 2D games with new graphics are amazing. I'm still holding on up hope for Viewtiful Joe
S6 Mega Drive Master
Never played a viewtiful Joe game. Think I have one on ps2 so I'll give it a shot this weekend. Only know him as a character in Marvel vs Capcom 2
Wait, was he? I totally missed that.
S6 Mega Drive Master
Turns out it was 3 not 2. I've hardly played 3 so odd I remember him being in the game. I've played 2 a ton and could swear I'd seen him in it
HE WAS IN 3?😂 I played that one more than 2. Using my man Arthur.
S6 Mega Drive Master
According to the wiki. I swear I remember having him as a support character in 2. The brain plays funny tricks sometimes.
Just here for the potential tagline
Hey @joel we needed that popcorn gif sooner than we thought.
@blockmamba brian and Mattacon were here smearing the goat Mario 64 and you were no where to be found
He knows...he knows.
Dude hilarious timing. Just read the whole convo and literally was typing your name to tag you when you commented this haha.

First and foremost, really enjoyed the Sonic games growing up (Sonic Spinball was the best), but I would agree they are overrated. They’re just alright overall. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle was amazing. Now, I’ve disagreed with @rey before but I will die on this hill with this man. You cannot call SM64 overrated and trash. Not only did it change the landscape of gaming, it holds up better than any game of that era hands down! The controls?!?! They were perfect!! The camera? Wonky at times but not even a real issue. I replay that game every year and it’s more than nostalgia. It’s. A. Great. Game. Period.
I appreciate your enthusiasm! 😂
This is a git gud convo. People who complain about the controls and camera just weren’t good at the game…
Exactly get good and use that shit camera 😂
Marbles Master
I'm giving this POTD for how engaging it is. Though as I write this... you may not be wrong. But you're also not right.
Man, 8 year old me wants to punch you in the nipple. 39 year old me is trying to figure out how to debate….

Great game for its time back on Genesis, but as a series, it gets more hype than necessary.

The real saving grace is how much my boys love playing it. Because it’s so tedious and “boring” it makes for a great entry for young gamers, so there is it’s upside! Plus, the movies were bomb and that helps make the characters lovable and adored. As a GAME series, overrated. But holistically, it has a huge impact on young gamers and how we, as parents, can bring them into that part of our world. Keep on keepin on, Sonic!
I totally agree with all of this haha. And I can definitely take 8-year old you. Bring him on!
Always do.
Just here for the potential tagline
I feel this. And for me I can tell I aged out at Sonic 3. It just wasn’t fun anymore.
Ori Immortal (TBF)
I think this juxtaposition should count. Brian is choosing a different form of mortal Kombat.
Stop the Stigma
Saw the number of comments. Read them. Was not disappointed 😂

I agree. I played some of the original Sonic games, and while he's an iconic *character*, I can't say I really enjoyed playing the games..... 😬😬😬
Just here for the potential tagline
That’s a good point - he is more iconic than his games…kinda Like PAC Man…I said what I said.
Ms PacMan is where it’s at!
I loved Sonic 2 and Sonic adventure DX, but I’ll be damned if like every other sonic game actively tries to stop you from going fast as much as possible
This thread is a roller coaster. I laughed, I cried, I cheered and I gritted my teeth in impotent rage. I'm pretty sure at one point someone's nipple got punched. You guys know how to party.
Marbles Master
In all sincerity....everyone has handled this quest with dignity and aplomb. I love this place.
The Blue Notes
My nip still stings.
To be're on the "...and find out" side of the equation at this point.
If Polls were a thing in this site I think I have the numbers 😂
@joel ?
I'm not saying it was a bad take or that people disagreed. I think you're right that over all people were with you. I'm just saying that it was a bold conversation to wade into and you could have gotten punched in the nipple for it.
I was willing to take one for the team. And my nip.
S8 Challenge Winner
@laughatbrian polls are a thing. They're quests. And they are made by admins or club admins (such as yourself)
Oh snap...
I'm a people pleaser, really.
Oh man am I pressing X to doubt.......
First Wordle
Slowbro here just now coming to the conversation. I’m realizing I agree with a lot of the anti-sonic rhetoric. Loved it as a kid, owned 6 mainline or spin-off games for the Genesis. Every time a modern Sonic comes out I’m like “Cool! This looks better than the rest!” And proceed to ignore it. Then I pick up every mainline Mario game. Maybe I’m not giving Sonic enough of a chance but the Mario games just seem smoother and more fun.
Some may say it's not fair to compare Sonic games to Mario games but since that's all Sega did, well they gotta live with that now. It's not even close.
S6 Mega Drive Master
Streets of rage enters the chat

Without Sonic, we wouldn’t have the Shadow The Hedgehog game…

A game where you play as a hyperactive evil cartoon hedgehog who uses futuristic rollerblades to glide around town with automatic rifles and shoot human cops.
Someone would have eventually thought of this idea.
A room full of Chimpanzees with typewriters: “I think we’re a LITTLE more sophisticated than THAT…”