My Hero One's Justice 2, known in Japan as My Hero Academia: One's Justice 2, is a 2020 fighting game developed and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. The game is a sequel to My Hero One's Justice and based on the manga series My Hero Academia by Kōhei Horikoshi.
Release Date 2020-03-13
Japanese Release Date 2020-03-12
Rating / Parents' Guide
Blood, Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco, Violence
This is a fighting game, based on the anime and manga My Hero Academia, in which players assume the roles of fighters with superpowers called Quirks. Players engage in one-on-one battles of strength, as they punch and kick each other in frenetic combat. Players use knives, swords, and elemental attacks (e.g., electricity, fire, ice) to defeat opponents; combat is highlighted by explosions, cries of pain, and blood spurts. Blood also appears in still-image cutscenes, on characters' faces, and on walls. Some characters wear low-cut clothing that reveals large amounts of their breasts/cleavage; one character can trigger a special move that begins with the camera zooming in on her buttocks and breasts. A villain is shown multiple times smoking a cigarette; another character is depicted upside down and drunk, slurring his speech. The word “sh*t” appears in the dialogue.
   Stadia | Xbox One | PlayStation 4 | PC

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