Season 2 Week 4 - Fortnite (TEAM RUMBLE)
Oct 26 2022 3:55pm EST
Party Up
Going (18)
Joel Willis (@joel)
Designer, Developer, Founder of Channel 3. I love video games.
Bammonty (@bammonty)
Hector Reyes (@rey)
Father, husband, gamer, and teacher. Channel 3 admin.
Dan Tucker (@dan)
Dan Tucker Go Birds 2025
I came here to chew bubble gum and play video games, and I got some bubblegum right here.
GeoDad (@geodad)
TheLastRyno (@thelastryno)
TheLastRyno S1 Event Winner
“Living life without fear, putting 5 carats in my baby girls ear”
Gargada (@gargada)
Husband, father, video gamer, crappy Fortnite player, content creator.
TootsLaRoo (@tootslaroo)
Heather (@mrsgargada)
Darth Smeagol (@darthsmeagol)
Dark Lord of the Sith & Bearer of the One Ring
 theAld3n (@alden)
I make a lotta noise with guitar and pedals and call it ambient music. V casual gamer with a bad dad joke habit.
thunderpump_ (@thunder)
Father of 5 - Agent with eXp Realty - Average Gamer - Twitch Affiliate - Epic Partner
Tony Moreno (@gongshowdad)
Tony Moreno Stop the Stigma
Dad, Therapist, and Gamer. Co-caster for @haloinfinite and @fortnite with @TheDadGaming . Gong Show: Event that proves to be a disaster, often in a fun or memorable way
The Lion (@thelion)
i am the best...
White Thunder (@whitethunder)
You don't have to be the best, just be YOUR best
ScriptDogPlayz (@scriptdogplayz)
Rocket League, Minecraft, Fortnite, Roblox, and Among us. I hope you guys enjoy my channel, And also Hit like, subscribe, and the notification bell!
Jason Barber (@niner)
Jason Barber Founding Member
OMan (@oman)
Maybe (5)
 Mamba (@blockmamba)
Love God. Love my family. Love games.
James Taylor (@james)
Husband, Father, Evangelical Cr3wstian
Jason Bullock (@bullboski)
Jason Bullock Founding Member
Unapologetic geek & gamer when my kids let me. My opinions are my own & will probably offend you.
Bucket (@bucket)
Father | RL GC | Dev | Coach | Caster | Divergent Thinker | The Funnier Co-Host of The Bucket & Hoosier Show
Brian McGuinness (@laughatbrian)
Brian McGuinness A little TOO Raph
Funny comedian & amazing voice actor. Host of Playable Characters Podcast.
Nope (7)
ohtwotwo (@ohtwotwo)
father of 3. veteran. 6x Kart Gangs Champ. 4x Mario Golf Champion. Mario Battle Golf Champion. Group B Champion. Probably time trialing...
Jim West (@hrlwesty)
Mason Thibodeau (@mase)
Mason Thibodeau Here since Season 1
Dos Andres (@dosandres)
Dos Andres Go Birds 2025
Xenial gamer who will try any game. Laughs at things most are worried about getting canceled over. Lighten up it could be worse. Dad and Veteran.
RyanMac (@mariomaestro)
I used to be good at videogames.