Keys In A Jar Cups
Jan 6 9:55pm EST
Cups League
27 going, 7 maybe, 5 no
Check-ins open at 9:55pm ET & we will try to join lobbies around 10:10 pm ET

Cups Season 5 Week 8, Head to Heads week!!! aka Keys in a Jar Cups aka Dueling Cups!!!
1v1 Cups

Rules: This week you will be assigned an opponent and you must beat that racer in each Cup to get points.
Get 15 points per Cup that you beat your opponent. So you can get 45 max points if you beat your opponent in all 3 Cups. Or you can get Zero points if you lose all 3. If you tie with your opponent in a cup you both get 15 points.


1. Turnip Cup
2. Star Cup
3. Acorn Cup
Event Commissioner
Reach out to this person with any questions about the event
  • SAME teams each round
  • 3 Rounds