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Civilization VII will allow the player to select leaders and civilizations independently, with civilizations favoring leaders with certain attributes. The criteria for who constitutes a "leader" has also been updated, with philosophers, religious leaders, and scientists who were not heads of state being included. The historical era system will be simplified into the antiquity, exploration, and modern eras, in comparison to the further divisions implemented by the game's predecessors. During antiquity era, independent factions—deliberately labeled to prevent negative connotations of the term "barbarian" used in previous games in the series—will emerge. Depending on the player's interactions with them, some of them will evolve to become a city state. The player is given the choice to change Civs in transition from one era to another at the end of each eras. Following the end of the antiquity and the exploration era, players will be faced with a "crisis event" which will bring negative drawbacks in the subsequent eras.
Release Date 2025-02-11
Rating / Parents' Guide
   PlayStation 5 | Xbox Series X/S | Nintendo Switch | Xbox One | PlayStation 4 | PC

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