According to IGN, Antstream Arcade is considered to be the "world's largest officially licensed retro gaming platform". It focuses on games from the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. The line-up of games consists of games for different consoles and home computers, for example the Nintendo Entertainment System, Commodore 64 and the PlayStation, and from different gaming companies.

In his 2023 Eurogamer article, Ed Nightingale explains that new mini-games and challenges, like tournaments and high-score duels, can be added to the original games. The platform also offers online profiles, online high scores, cloud saves and resume play within the games. Furthermore, Antstream Arcade also contains new games for classic consoles by independent developers.

As of December 2023, the platform offers over 1,300 games, including Pac-Man, Pac-Mania, Baraduke, Galaga, Dig Dug, Galaxian, Metal Slug X, Pole Position, Street Racer, Metal Slug, Bubble Bobble, Pole Position 2 and R-Type. Will Greenwald writes in PCMag, that the platform is interesting as a history lesson of gaming. He praises the large number of available games, while criticising the TV-oriented interface that can't be operated with a PC mouse.
Release Date 2023-07-21
   PlayStation 5 | Xbox Series X/S | Xbox One | PlayStation 4 | PC

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