Daily Quest

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Weekly Quests

Gaming Photography: Season 9 Week 10
Original Meme of the Week: Season 9 Week 10
What are you Playing? Season 9 Week 10
Clip of the Week: Season 9 Week 10
Accuracy Matters
Heating Up
G.O.A.T. games only! Your favorite games, ever.
These are the games you currently have in your rotation.
Never heard of it
You have no opinion of games on this list, because you know literally nothing about them. Adding games to this list may prevent them from showing up in certain places on Channel 3.
You've heard of the game. Perhaps you don't know a ton about it just yet, but if it fell in your lap, you may give it a shot.
Not interested
Games you've never played and don't think you ever will. Adding games to this list may prevent them from showing up in certain places on Channel 3.
These games may not be out yet, but the release date is on your calendar in Sharpie, and you'll be one of the first gamers to fire em up.
You did it. You beat the final boss. These are the games you have finished.
Air your dirty laundry here. What has gone into your backlog??
Mt. Rushmore
These are your top 4 games of all time. No more, no less.
A little different from your Favorites, these are the games you'd tell a friend to check out. Maybe they're underrated, maybe they're cult classics, but these are the ones you're always mentioning to people.
2023 Games Beaten
A list for games that you beat in 2023.
Multiple Purchases
What games have you bought multiple times? Whether across system generations, upgraded versions, broken copies, digital and physical, multiple family members, whatever. List them! Inspired by @connerf
Your LEAST favorite games of all time. In your opinion, these are the worst games ever made.
Kid Recommendations
E for everyone, these are the games you'd recommend to parents of young kids. Kids will love em, so will adults.
Own It
A list of games that you currently own.
Just One More...
Coined by @joob this list is for the games where you lie to yourself and say that you're going to play just one more...
List your favorite gaming soundtracks.
Top 10 Super Nintendo Games
Rank your top 10 Super Nintendo games
Top Sports Games
List your top sports games. Any sport.
Not currently playing, and don't plan to come back to it... You stopped playing it because it was too hard, not enjoyable, too long, life happened…
This is a list of games you've played before and will be playing again. Inspired by @alden.
Next Up
We all know that the backlog is a barren wasteland from which games never return. This is your on-deck checklist for games that you actually will be playing next. This list isn't a graveyard, it's a reservation.
2023 Games Started
A list for games that you started playing in 2023.
Steam Owned
Games you own in Steam. These are autopopulated using an integration with the Steam Web API. You can connect or disconnect your steam account by going to You > Settings > Connected Accounts.
Best Games of 2022
What are your games of the year?
2024 Games Beaten
A list for games that you beat in 2024.
YOUR All Star Bundle
Super Mario 3D All-Stars bundled together three of the flagship Mario 3D adventures. What trio of games would be in your bundle?
What are your favorite game sequels?
2024 Games Started
A list for games that you started playing in 2024.
Top 10 Mario Games
Rank and order your top 10 Mario games