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Learn guitar and piano with an expanding library of thousands of songs!
Release Date 2022-09-06
Rating / Parents' Guide
This is a music and rhythm game in which players learn how to perform songs on electric guitar and/or bass. Players simulate strumming guitar strings and score points based on the accuracy of notes/chords hit. Some song lyrics contain the words “sh*t” and “n*gga” as well as references to drugs (e.g., “...I used to smoke the weed out”; “They offer coke and lots of dope...
   PlayStation 5 | PlayStation 4 | PC | Mobile (iOS, Android)
Learn guitar and piano with an expanding library of thousands of songs!

Rocksmith+, an award-winning music learning service, is the evolution from Rocksmith 2014 Edition, which had to be retired for music licensing requirements.

In Rocksmith+, the catalog of licensed songs is different and expanded. As for the key features that made prior iterations help millions of players learn how to play guitar, they are the same. But Rocksmith+ now also includes piano – for the same price.

Our key features include Riff Repeater and Adaptative Difficulty to hone your skills. Rocksmith is the only music learning service that adjusts difficulty as you play. So, join the 5+ million of players to learn at YOUR pace with real-time feedback and song exercises. Rock on!

Note: If you purchased Rocksmith 2014 Edition, you can continue to use it.

146d @dan Art
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