Daily Quest

Wishlist MechAnimals on Steam
Daily: Feb 5
333 XP
Follow MechAnimals on Kickstarter
Daily: Feb 5
333 XP

Weekly Quests

2025 Week 6: Art Challenge
Weekly: Feb 3
Longest Field Goal
Weekly: Feb 3
Gaming Quote of the Week: 2025 Week 6
Weekly: Feb 5



Daily Quest

Wishlist MechAnimals on Steam
Daily: Feb 5
333 XP
Follow MechAnimals on Kickstarter
Daily: Feb 5
333 XP
No Man's Sky
This game is the poster child for comeback stories. The initial launch was SEVERELY overpromised and ridiculously underdelivered. I didn't pick it up until a handful of (free) updates from Hello Games, where they brought it up to what was expected at launch, and since then they've continued releasing TONS of free major updates to the game, going above and beyond what was originally expected.

I feel like it definitely has those who love and those who hate it, and not many who are in between, but I think if more people gave it a chance (it constantly goes on 50% sale, so low barrier of entry) and stopped listening to all the negative hype from those who tried it at launch and never touched it again, the fan base would grow significantly.

It can be super chill, if you just cruise from planet to planet, system to system, exporing peaceful/paradise planets, or it could intense, going to planets with severe weather or picking fights with the robotic sentinels. There are also communities out there that share and compile coordinates that can be entered into the Stargate-style portals to go encounter any number of procedurally generated planets/flora/fauna, or find your dream ship to salvage/purchase.

If you're on the fence about it, I definitely recommend snagging it during a 50% off Steam sale and checking it out for a bit. Tons of fun, a large supportive community, and very open-ended for you to find the playstyle that suits you.
203 hours played (Steam)
Truly an impressive sight in these times to see the follow-through.
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