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Wishlist MechAnimals on Steam
Daily: Feb 5
333 XP
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Daily: Feb 5
333 XP
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
I’m just going to completely ignore the small bugs/issues since that’ll most likely be fixed soon (crashes, party issues, UI issues, etc…)

Based on gameplay, this game is pretty similar to MW2019. Movement, guns, etc…. I am enjoying it and I feel it’s much better than Vanguard and Cold War. They removed slide cancelling and bunny hopping, which reduces the skill gap and IMO keeps it more level.

My issues: the gunsmith/weapon progression is messy. 6 hours of playing and I am still confused with it at times. They’re trying to reinvent the wheel here and it didn’t work. It also forces you to use crap guns before you can get a better one. Like I said, I just do not understand the need to change it when it has been the same since 2007

If you’re irking to play COD, I’d recommend it. It’s got the feel of previous MW games. It’s easy to play slower and I actually think the skill gap in this game is not as crazy as other games like RL, fortnite, or Halo

I've got a skill gap you can come fill
Don’t threaten me with a good time
This review is legit. I see the sweaty Warzone streamers hating the no slide cancel and bunny hoping. It does keep it a more level playing field. I personally love the diving prone. It has gotten me out of some messy situations. The gunsmithing is confusing especially since I gotta play different weapons to unlock a sight for another weapon.

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