Daily Quest

Piichy's Gamer Squad
Daily: Jan 28
300 XP

Weekly Quests



Daily Quest

Piichy's Gamer Squad
Daily: Jan 28
300 XP
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
This game has truly not disappointed me... I'm having the most fun in cod I've had since BO3 it's actually a game that has me excited to get home and play again
I hope this revitalizes Call of Duty. I’ve run into no one that makes me think “cheating” yet. I also like how so far from what I can tell I’m the only one who can see my K/D Ratio. I’m not big on it but I know it’s not good too see.
Yuppp I haven’t seen a single cheater and every game feels pretty balanced even though I tend to be going double positive almost every game
Same here. If I take out my son’s game play (he is 4 so imagine the K/D ratio lol) I’m probably averaging 1.5 to 1.8. I’ve had a bunch over 2 but had a few bad games below 1. That makes me believe the game is balanced.
And I’m beyond excited for nuke town and transit returning next week

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