Daily Quest

Piichy's Gamer Squad
Daily: Jan 28
300 XP

Weekly Quests



Daily Quest

Piichy's Gamer Squad
Daily: Jan 28
300 XP
Helldivers II
I'm really enjoying this game for a few reasons:

1. The community is all taking part in the fantasy. With friends and with randoms, people are laughing in chat, yelling call outs, "sacrificing" themselves in large explosions to save their teammates. It's just good fun.

2. Once you get to medium difficulty (which isn't actually medium, there's like 7 harder modes) this game gets tough and requires teamwork.

3. Extracting the team. The longest 2 minutes invovle fighting hordes of enemies while your extract ship arrives and making sure the whole team is alive to finish the level.

There's some repetitiveness in missions, but I'm hopeful the devs are going to keep being responsive and keep giving us more.

Oh forgot about 4: The free battle pass has ALOT of stuff in it and it's reasonably priced. It's making me really consider paying for the premium.
31 hours played (Steam)
Got into a game this morning and everyone bailed on me after the objective. Made it into the extraction by a hair with no reinforce left. Solo can definitely be a challenge!
Is it cross platform? For does it run on PC? May use my daughters gaming computer to get this but still maybe thinking about getting a PS5 next week.
cross plat PC/Playstation
picking up my ps5 Thursday and then im downloading helldivers!! lets gooo, cadet geo is here to support the cause!
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