Daily Quest

Piichy's Gamer Squad
Daily: Jan 28
300 XP

Weekly Quests



Daily Quest

Piichy's Gamer Squad
Daily: Jan 28
300 XP
Rocket Racing
I had some pretty low expectations when I heard Rocket Racing was going to be a "minigame" in Fortnite if I'm being completely honest. But after putting a decent amount of time into it, my bitter feelings are quickly starting to go away. A lot of my expectations were based on the fact that I've played over 1,000 hours in Rocket League, though, so hopefully a lot of my hopes can come true in the future.

Firstly, I'm a little sad that this game doesn't utilize Rocket League's driving physics, but I'm getting more and more comfortable with the more traditional racing-game physics the more and more I play. There are some weird inconsistencies with collisions that are a little annoying when most collisions are super forgiving. I think the most frustrating aspect for me specifically is driving nose-first into a wall completely resetting your car.

I will say the one benefit as a Rocket League player is the cross-game ownership between Rocket Racing and Rocket League. Ranking up in Racing so far has granted different car cosmetics which become available in Rocket League. While the current amount of items in Racing is only a very small fraction of what's in Rocket League, I think it's clear that Psyonix will slowly add more and more items with each season and chapter.

This game has a lot of potential being directly in Fortnite for user-created custom maps because of UEFN, and it would be interesting to see custom maps make it into the rotation of maps for ranked queues. Along with the increase of customization as they bring more and more items into Rocket Racing, this game really is a nice addition as a Rocket League racing game. This game has potential to be a 5 star rating for me in the future, but it's not quite there yet.
I have a clip I need to upload. Bumped into another car in the air and ended up between a sideways road and the wall that I'm pretty sure I should not have been able to get in to. Race was over for me before it started. 😂
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