Fuzion Frenzy is a launch title for the Microsoft Xbox. At its core, Fuzion Frenzy is a four-player party game featuring 45 different mini-games (not including the titular Fuzion Frenzy). A demo of the game was included with some other launch titles in the U.S., including Halo, Munch's Oddysee, Project Gotham Racing and Amped. Up to four players can compete in two different game modes: "Tournament" or "Mini-Game Frenzy". Mini-Game Frenzy is the simpler of the two, involving players selecting individual mini-games while an ongoing tabulation of wins per player is maintained. In contrast, the Tournament mode is the core game mode, where players attempt to earn the highest number of points after playing through two or more play zones.
Release Date 2001-11-15

414d @joel Game added to Channel 3 library