TDG Rocket League Week 222 - The Winter Classic!
Jan 2 2024 8:40pm EST
Pixel Perfect Parenting
Going (43)
McItaly (@mcitaly)
Blastnet (@blastnet)
Francophone, Father, Gamer/Geek/Nerd/Lego/Public Transit. Former Canadian Member of Parliament, Former Board of Director @Variety_Ontario #WhatHatIsDanWearing
Ian (@ianr)
Might be a web developer in the future, but I'm always a gamer at heart
Angelmage00 (@angelmage00)
nwchukelz (@nwchukelz)
trashdoc16 (@trashdoc16)
Just a trash gamer who occasionally does something.
boosh gadoosh (@booshgadoosh)
Irrational fear of whales and never enough time to game. My younger self would be ashamed.
Coach Roo (@roorl)
Co-Owner and Coach for Faded Esports Dad Gamer of two amazing kids. TDG & C3 Caster
takepathyileave6 (@takepathyileave6)
shaneprod (@shaneprod)
shaneprod Rosey
batdad (@batdad)
batdad Rosey
Imjustjeremy945 (@imjustjeremy945)
Imjustjeremy945 S5 Event Winner
Grumpytrashplayer (@nasko0406)
Grumpytrashplayer Certified Trash
anaskhole (@anaskhole)
I am the wife of Grumpytrashplayer AKA Nasko and I am a casual gamer and I am a beauty sales giude for Lime Life.
Zobocc (@zobocc)
jimmynumerics (@jimmynumerics)
jimmynumerics Rosey
Malinco94 (@malinco94)
Malinco94 2s Main
Epic Name: EldestMagpie9474 I let Epic pick it when I started Fall Guys for the first time 😂
PokedUrBuns  (@srbuns)
elblanconino (@elblanconino)
capabledeer1933 (@capabledeer1933)
capabledeer1933 Mid
“When your wife is pregnant and you’re expecting, everyone is like, ‘It’s incredible. Get ready, it’s magic. It’s the most life-changing experience you’ll ever have. Brace yourself for heaven.’ And then the second the baby comes everyone is like, ‘WELCOME TO HELL“
itsevanrude07 (@itsevanrude07)
TheNineTime (@ruleryour)
TheNineTime S5 Event Winner
mustard (@mustard)
sirblazing420 (@sirblazing420)
sirblazing420 Tuesday RL Champ
Malnut (@malnut)
dbryantm (@dbryantm)
dbryantm Game NPC
Programmer by day, Gamer by night...
Darth Smeagol (@darthsmeagol)
Dark Lord of the Sith & Bearer of the One Ring
nhytro (@nhytro)
OhMyFavourite (@ohmyfavourite)
Rocket League and FPS streamer, caster for @thedadgamingclub , husband and father of 2 girls.
Williams x12x (@williamsx12x)
Williams x12x Alpha Dog
Grand Trashcan (@grandtrashcan)
Grand Trashcan Tuesday RL Champ (2)
screaminace (@screaminace)
maverick1923 (@maverick1923)
maverick1923 S6 Event Winner
ishippedmyp4nts8 (@ishippedmyp4nts8)
ishippedmyp4nts8 Tuesday RL Champ
Ajinator537 (@ajinator537)
Ajinator537 Tuesday RL Champ
Phattyacid (@phattyacid)
Phattyacid Rosey
chitownct (@chitownct)
yedrip (@yedrip)
yedrip Game NPC
hoosierpapaa (@hoosierpapaa)
retroaholics (@retroaholics)
SchizzzRL (@schizzzrl)
SchizzzRL Rosey
Born in 95, father of 1, bonus father of 2 more! I love to play rocket league. Catch me streaming on twitch sometime!
buster©️  (@buster)
buster©️ Buster Move
Maybe (1)
Joel Willis (@joel)
Designer, Developer, Founder of Channel 3. I love video games.
Nope (4)
Mason Thibodeau (@mase)
Mason Thibodeau Here since Season 1
siteo (@siteorex)
jklein8383 (@jklein8383)
Feel the flow, feel it. It's circular. It's like a carousel. You pay the quarter, you get on the horse. It goes up and down and around. Circular. Circle. With the music, the flow. All good things.
Mad Harry Rackham (@madharryrackham)
Mad Harry Rackham Aggressively Mediocre
Just a dad playing video games and making art.