We will run an 8 race tournament in Mario Kart 8. All vehicles all characters. This week is MIRROR! Rotate lobby every 4 races. You must have Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Online, and Mario Kart 8 to participate.
To join, open Mario Kart 8, go to Online Play, then Tournaments, then Search by Code, then enter the code below. As long as there are other racers in the lobby, you can race! After you finish 8 races, your score is locked in, and you can rejoin the tournament if others need to keep racing to attempt to take away points (and for fun).
Tournament code: 1927-4066-9995
- Have fun and try your best :)
- Only registered Channel 3 users should play
- Make sure your Nintendo Friend Code and Nintendo Display is listed on your Channel 3 profile
- No teaming
- First Place: 2000 xp + "S1 Event Winner" tagline
- 3rd place: 2000 xp
- Whoever loses the most in Joel's first race: 3000 xp
- Everyone else who plays and places top 20: 1000 xp
To join, open Mario Kart 8, go to Online Play, then Tournaments, then Search by Code, then enter the code below. As long as there are other racers in the lobby, you can race! After you finish 8 races, your score is locked in, and you can rejoin the tournament if others need to keep racing to attempt to take away points (and for fun).
Tournament code: 1927-4066-9995