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Mario Kart 8
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Dos Andres (@dosandres)
Dos Andres Never Sandbag
Xenial gamer who will try any game. Laughs at things most are worried about getting canceled over. Lighten up it could be worse. Dad and Veteran.
Star Wars Hunters
Early review. Game is fun but the matches are really short. I think it's perfect length for mobile but not the Switch (which I am playing on). I wish I could change the field of view also because it's sometimes hard to see what's going on during gameplay. There is also a lot going on when it comes to the home screen. I get its free to play and you gotta have a season pass and ways to rank up and what not; but this seems like a lot more than other games. Not bad and I will keep playing but it could be better. I may just be comparing it too much to Overwatch.
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
Way to early review. This means I'm gonna make an outlandish statement. This is possibly the biggest and best DLC I have ever played for a game. It's a game in itself. The map is deceiving. Looks a lot smaller than the base map but that Realm of Shadow is very vertical. The exploring seems endless.

FROMSOFTWARE saw us mastering the Lands Between with their gracious rune farms and crazy runs and decided to humble the hell out of us. Doesn't matter your rank because you are nerfed back to reality from the start. Oh you thought the Tree Sentinel was tough? Here is giant fire wicker basket man that can kill you from the other side of the map 30 seconds into the game.

More details as I keep playing and beat more bosses but this is a gem of a game that brings me back to that amazing time I had in February 2022. If you have played any Souls game this is a must.
Streets of Rage 4
Game seems to be pretty fun. Basic controls make it easy and for this type of game and that's a good thing. Pretty basic premise...actually I don't know what the store is but its fun. I do wish I could move faster and I don't like special moves take from my health. I am going to keep playing this game though to see how it goes.
Squad Busters
Supercell is the Epic of mobile gaming. They just got the free mobile gaming down when it comes to fun and make a game you don't need to spend money on but you catch yourself doing it anyways. Kinda like Fortnite.

This game takes characters from all the Supercell games and uses those characters in a mobile PvPvE style game with a time limit. You run around and fight enemies and players collecting coins. The coins unlock chests which give you another character to use in the fight. You have a running boost that you can use to move faster throughout the map but you only attack when standing still. That's where strategy comes in. Stop and fight or run away? Run away and you could get chased down when you run out of running boost and get attacked. all characters have different abilities so every time you open a chest you get a randomly pick from 3. As you play you upgrade your characters making them more powerful and ave more health. Sort of the Supercell way of gaming. If you lose all your characters in a fight you are out of the match. Goal is to collect green gems and whoever has the most at the end wins. You get portal energy at the end of matches which you use to progress your rank and unlock more characters and in game currency to upgrade characters. Little confusing at first but its the free to play method you see with a lot of games of having 2 to 3 different currencies or in game things to collect in order to progress. I caught on pretty quick so it should be easy to figure out.

Game is highly addicting and the 3 minutes matches make it easy to pick up and put down. Controls are super simple. Basically you just run around and everything else is automated. Haven't done any play with friends yet but I will update on that when I play. Fun game and time waster. Check it out if you like mobile games. Below is a recording I did of a match. Thought I won until the end I saw I lost by one gem.
The game is a FPS 6 Vs 6 objective based game. From what I can tell early on there is an Escort game that is pretty much exactly like Overwatch's. Get the robot to each check point and to the end as fast as possible. The other games are more CoD style Domination and a King of the Hill type game. All the games are fun but you can tell from the start there will be some "nerfing". Snipers are way overpowered in my opinion and the disadvantage of the defending team in escort just doesn't seem level.

You can choose your player from different factions which all have different special abilities. I feel like the special abilities is all the rage in games lately with Overwatch doing it the best and probably the OG at it. All factions come from different Ubisoft games which is pretty cool. I am sure they will roll out more games as factions at some point. I really wish they would have actual characters from games like Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell or Pagen Min form Far Cry.

The simplicity is what I love. Not 100 weapons with 200 attachments that all do the same thing. More like Call of Duty 4 MW or Modern Warfare 2 type set up. A few weapons you have heard of with maybe 6-8 attachments. Thats it, play have fun and unlock weapons by completing challenges.

Don't go in thinking it's a CoD clone. It's not. You aren't a bullet sponge and need to use your abilities correctly to keep you and your team alive (key word team). One plus is that you can turn off cross play but even better only play with people using the same input. So, I have it set on cross-play but only with people using a controller. Keeps the playing field a little bit more even in my opinion.

I took away a star because if you are going to have a game that only has objective based game play I think you need to get rid of K/D ratio's and assists. There are too many players who are just not caring about the objective and loosing matches but the K/D is high so obviously it's just about stat building for them. Do assists just like Overwatch; don't have them and just give everyone the kill who contributed.

I love the simplicity of the game and I hope any adjustments to game play that are inevitably coming are positive. With all the gripes people have been having about Warzone/CoD as of late, this game could be a fresh breath of air and reminiscent of the less complex days of FPS shooters that some people want to go back to.

Free to play, give it a try. I am determined to be good at a multiplayer game, so I am sticking with this one for the time being.
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
I don't know how far into the game I am but I am loving this. I really love unique game experiences and this is one of them.

You are Senua who is obviously dealing with some mental problems from what seems to be the death of a loved one. I am not sure yet what relationship this loved one was to her but she is willing to do anything to get him back; including going to Hel. Game revolves around Nordic Viking lore but there is someone who speaks to her that has a Scottish accent so I get a bit confused. I think this is a game where you learn more about what is going on as you play.

There are three main things in the game play:

1. Narrative - Most of this is done while walking/jogging from one area to another. Female voices in your head that often talk to you about what you are doing or giving you doubt about if you can make it. Kinda creepy and eerie in a way. Going perfectly with your characters facial expressions and what is going on in the environment. Helps guide you also when you get stuck.

2. Puzzles - I am not big on puzzles but they range from a fun challenge to figure out to YouTube save me from this type difficulty. Most puzzles are environment puzzles that you need to solves in order to progress.

3. Combat - Combat can best be described as "soulslike" as in you are timing your strikes, parries, and dodges based on the enemies movements. Very clean and responsive controls making it easy to time everything you need to. Slow and steady will win the battle. If you get impatient and try to do too many attacks at once you will lose. There is a focus mode you build up with successful strikes and parries. Very useful when you are outnumbered.

Over all the game is a great experience so far. Basically no HUD so it always looks beautiful. Health is based on how Senua is standing. If she is standing tall and moving with precision her health is good. If she has a hard time getting off the ground after getting knocked down and she is holding her wounds and barely swinging her sword then you are hurting and close to death. Don't want to give away how "lives" work but that is also a unique take on the game.

I will admit this game is probably not for everyone. I am biased and love unique games that are amongst themselves unique and little to compare it to (ie. Deathloop, Remnant II, Neon White). I would still say this should be given a shot if you like third person view linear adventure type games. It really has been an experience so far and will update once I beat the game.
Super Mega Baseball 4
I played the heck out of a free demo for Super Mega Baseball 2 on Switch a few years ago and I really liked it but never bought it. This is my first purchase of Super Mega Baseball series and I got it on PS5 since I saw it was cross-play.

I love arcade style sports games and really hope to see more from different sports coming out again. The games are easy to pick up and put down with being able to stop halfway through games if need be. The Ego setting help keep the game challenging yet fun based on how good you play.

Its just an all around fun game to play. Every sports games doesn't need to be a a sweaty closest to the real thing simulation game. Also many of the games are filled with horrible micro-transactions. If you want to play a fun sports game that is laid back and good for any skill level I highly suggest this game.
Paint the Town Red
*Review is Mature for gameplay video that depicts over the top pixelated block heads murdering each other*

Sometimes games don't need to be huge, complex, graphically beautiful, or have long deep storyline to be good. Sometimes I just want to be entertained for a few minutes or hour doing mindless gaming. If you are looking for this, then Paint the Town Red is for you (especially after a bad day at work).

Basically, you look like a blockhead from Minecraft and you just start a fight and try to survive. You have to actually have some tactics as you can easily become overwhelmed by the riotous mob. You may need to go one on one and beat someone down for their weapon to get the upper hand on five or sixer bikers after you. As you punch people and defeat them a meter bar fills so you can use special powers that can take out multiple baddies at once.

Thats it. Beat up bad guys. It does look like there is a "story mode" but I haven't dived into it yet. There is also a wave mode where you take on wave after wave of increasingly harder bad guys. You can even play with modifiers to keep the game different like exploding people or zero gravity fighting.

A fun Indie game that is worth the $20 in my opinion but at the time of this review its on sale for $9.99. Just a fun game that will have you laughing at the absurdity.
Way to early review.

Getting to understand the game a bit. I’m still early in the game but the game seems to be linear which is good. I thought it was gonna be rogue like based on what I read and what the intro felt like but I think there are points of the game where you save yourself from restarting. I think…… far levels have had entry and exit points and you determine how you want to go about getting past everyone. You can’t carry huge amounts of ammo so going in guns hot may not work but I have done it before. You can creative with traps and kills. I feel like if I push into the storyline a little bit more I’m gonna get hooked in hard. Three star for now but I think this will be more as I play.
Bejeweled Blitz
Very meh. You swap different color jewels around on an 8x8 grid trying to get three of the same color to match up. Match up more than three and you get a combo and some other crazy thing happens where jewels blow up and you get more points blah blah blah…..I could copy and paste this review for about 50 different bejeweled slash candy crush games. Just don’t find these games to be entertaining.
Fallout: New Vegas
I love Fallout 3 and 4 and I played this one but I found it very.....meh. I feel like there is way too much wandering around and not coming across anything interesting. I kinda remember the story but to be honest I didn't find being a postal carrier all that fun. Add in the goofy looking Roman dressed gang and I just wasn't feeling it. I ended up just doing a lot of side quest and ranking up like crazy. Then took a few stealth boys, snuck into that Roman dressed up gang and slaughtered everyone. Game over. The story is what makes the Wasteland good and I just couldn't get into it with this one.

I will say a good thing this game brought was ADS. Made it easier to fight when you didn't have Action Points to use VATS.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
I am almost done with the main story but just had to give a quick review. Everything that needing some slight fixes from the first spider-Man was greatly improved upon. This game is a near 10/10 in my book. More to follow.
Helldivers II
Probably the best PvE live service game I have played. Lots of fun to play and easy to pick up and learn. Kinda cool concept where we are play in squads of up to four with people all over the world trying to fight off enemies in a two front war. I am excited to see how the developers continue to keep the engagement as we keep wining the war. Be a good patriot and join the fight for managed democracy!
Fun game to play where you guess where pictures from google maps is on an actual map. Good time killer but be careful; You could end up playing for longer than you intend haha.
Baldur's Gate III
Way too early review.

To start I have never played any form of D&D. Not that I never wanted to or think I wouldn't like it, I just never came across the opportunity to play. With that being said I am ten hours in and I am liking the story and play so far. I know that as I play longer I will learn more about what I am doing and should be doing compared to what I know now. In my head I do a lot of comparing this game to Elden Ring. They are nothing alike but I went into buying a really hyped up game from a developer I have never played before (or any "Souls" game) to loving Elden Ring and the style of game. I am in the same realm now; never played anything like D&D before and beginning to like it and learn along the way. I can definitely see this taking 100 hours to beat but not because it drags out but because of all the quests and side things to do (much like ER). I plan on doing another review once I beat the game and know more of what I am doing. Much like my beloved Elden Ring, I feel like this is a good game for a novice of the genre to hop into and learn. I imagine my second run through will be more fun than my first since I will probably know what I am doing at that point. More to follow later....
I think is a decent time killer. I am currently ripping off the EZ Targoat and it does feel repetitive. I imagine each scam you run changes the chat a bit. I am going to keep playing to see what the story is. Looks like I will get some smarter goats a long the way of my scamming.

Some people may not like the theme of the game or what it condones. At the same time, shooting a hooker to get your money after getting some nookie in Grand Theft Auto isn't nice either. It's a video game, not real life. Have fun cat fishing y'all.
Army of Ruin

Game gets significantly more difficult as you play. You earn stars be completing various tasks when playing a level. The more stars you receive the more level tiers you unlock (Graveyard 1 has a second tier of Graveyard 2). The higher tiers have harder enemies and more waves. Definitely helps keep all the levels fresh. Very good game still.

Way to early review. If you like @vampire-survivors you will love this game. Has different arenas and each level is 10 waves of enemies. Seems a little to easy so far but I am hoping it gets more challenging. Game has upgrades and many unlockables including many different characters to play. Definitely worth the $5.99 pricetag.

Had to drop a star. The inability to manually save is killing me. Levels seems to be very long and if you have to stop playing halfway through a level and come back you will have to start over. Average level so far is taking me about an hour to beat. Should be able to manually save with such long levels or have auto save check points.

Way to early review. Gameplay video is mature for violence.

This game is awesome. I was afraid I was going to have a lull in gaming after just about 100 percenting Neon White but thankfully I was recommended this game. This game is a parkour speed running game that seems to be more story line and combat based than time trial. At the end of each level you are given your time and how many times you died so there is still a time trial element. Controls take a bit to get used to (especially the sensory mode) but after a short while it’s easy to figure out. Will update more as I play but this is another one of those games I may obsess over.

One other thing. You will die. A lot. So it can be frustrating a bit but there are check points through out the level. A seasoned Elden Ring player like myself is used to constantly dying in video games so this doesn’t bother me too much.
Rocket Racing
So far I am loving it. I actually hope minimal changes are made to the game right now. Classic racing with mini boosts from drifting while filling up a super boost meter that can be used with a press of a button. Controls are tight and smooth with tracks being set up perfectly for the soles and style of racing. Hope to see maybe rolling or flips that could be done to give mini boosts but if it doesn’t happen it won’t take away from the game. Getting fish tailed is annoying but I have caught up after having it done to me. Great game that adds to Fortnite’s repertoire.
Pokémon GO
I have not played this like I used too and probably should get back into it.

Go for walks and collect pokeballs from points of interest on a geo map and find pokemon as you go. It’s pretty simple to do. Throwing pokeballs can be a pain sometimes with the flick of a finger but it works out ok. Catch what you can and upgrade your pokemon so you can challenge other peoples pokemons at various gyms around your area. Promotes having fun playing a game while being active at the same time.
Angry Birds
Was an awesome game back in the day. It’s like castle destroyer back in the day except you are flinging birds with certain abilities at different structures trying to knock them down and defeat the evil piggies at the same time. I was amazed at how I could play this game on my phone back in 2010. Like many other mobile games this was ruined by the free to play system which destroyed mobile phone gaming in my opinion. I did see that they are offering the classic version for .99 cents which could be worth it. Still a good time killer but there are better mobile options out there.
Game is ok and a good three star. Added the extra star because I read any purchase removes adds. Best .99 cents I ever spent.

This game is awesome. Bumped it up to 5 stars. The artistic graphics go really well and gives you that Jet Set Radio and Hi-Fi Rush feel. This is basically Tony Hawk on rolller skates and guns. Game takes place in 2030 and it’s got a Running Man vibe to it where you are playing for your survival by eliminating enemies. The cooler you eliminate them the higher score you get. You can continue to the next challenge and round just by killing all enemies but you can also go back and get a higher score or complete level challenges (just like Tony Hawk). I really encourage anyone who likes Tony Hawk games to give this a shot. It’s a really good pick up and put down game that won’t eat up all your time but can still be played for longer periods of time if you want to grind the game out. If you have Xbox GamePass you have no excuse. It’s free. Do it!

Way to early review. Think of Tony hawk without the possibility of falling and you kill people. That’s pretty much what it is. Pull off a not so large variety of tricks to get ammo and aim to lock on and kill the baddies. I love the art style of the game. Looks like it’s just a single player game which is kind of a bummer but so far it’s been fun. Will update as I play. Free on Gamepass also.
Neon White
I really wish I got this game sooner. A very unique game that will remind you or Mirrors Edge. Parkour platforming time trial levels are highly addictive with very high replay value for each level outside of getting a better time. Story is intriguing with side quests you can unlock with different characters. There is a lot of sexual innuendo which gets a little old mixed with cringe dialogue from time to time but it doesn't take away from the game.

IF YOU LIKE TIME TRIALS YOU NEED TO GET THIS GAME. I can't recommend this game enough. Even if the Anime art style doesn't look like you cup of tea, I really suggest getting this game.
Stumble Guys
Minus one star for mobile touch joystick, minus one star for horrible controls, minus one star for ripping off Fall Guys. Two stars because I like Mr Beast.
Coffee Golf
I mean I guess it’s ok. I can’t see myself getting into this though. Pretty basic drag and release golfing.
I love this game and pretty much can't stop playing it but there are some flaws that make this a 4 star game at the moment.

Not to go crazy in depth but this is Fall Out in space. Like many Bethesda games, the game play is a grind and you get lost in side-quests. You get really lost in side-quest in this game. I have read the main story can take 30-40 hours if you play straight through without any side quests. I can definitely see how this game is meant to play long term and possibly intermittently.

My gripe at the moment is the mapping. I don't mean the star map or even the sytem maps. Its the surface maps. No way can I remember where everything is on New Atlantis. I spent about 20 minutes the other day walking around looking for a place to sell my booster packs while encumbered. They gotta make something to show POI of settlements or cities in the game.

The mapping is not a game changer for me but it does get me frustrated to the point I put the game down for a bit.

If you like crafting and base building then this is your game also. Its not my cup of tea but I have had to craft pharmaceuticals to do some self care.

Overall I suggest everyone give it a try. Stay on the main story line until after the "Into the Unknown" mission.
Party Animals
Very early review but I don’t think my star number will change.

Like most things in life, someone invents something amazing just to have someone come perfect that persons invention and take all the glory. I’m sorry @gang-beasts , your game is awesome and I loved it but Party Animals took everything I had complaints with about your game and made it better. This game controls and handles well, keeps rounds going (no more gang beats players hanging to the top of the wall for 20 minutes) and improves the types of maps and games to play. This game is awesome.

I have only played a few games but so far the game is 4 teams of two and the team to have the last man standing 3 times wins the game. It keeps rounds moving fast yet gives everyone an opportunity to win. Everyone will notice one team going good and then they gang up on them. Weapons are included in this game which can’t be pivotal in winning but be careful not to knock yourself out while wielding said weapon. Get knocked out too much and your get permanently knocked out which helps with players who are beating everyone up yet have trouble picking up people and tossing them off the map.

This beat’em up party game is sure to be a hit comparable to @fall-guys-ultimate-knockout and @gang-beasts . So far only 8 people in a game which is fine but I’d like to see it open up slightly.

I highly encourage everyone to get this on Microsoft GamePass or drop the $20 for this game. I am sure to see this featured on a Saturday Night Fight Night here in C3 in the future.
Monopoly GO!
Tried it and all I did was press a button to roll my dice. Have no clue what I was doing. Going back to Starfield.
Hogwarts Legacy
So I am keeping my original one star review below so I can be shamed for my ignorance. I hoped back on this game recently (so I could start beating games I paid for) and I am beginning to learn more of how the game should be played. The game is a definite grind if you want to unlock all the spells and get some coin to get new things which I have no problem with. I have been side questing a lot and decided to hop back onto the main quest again and so far I have been liking it.

My combat skills have improved with the dodging and deflecting. Basically I should left Hogwarts and started exploring more before I fell off. Once I learned too to sell everything I got and just change appearance I started making more money to buy more seeds and recipes. I really wish more games would do what Hogwarts did with the changing appearance. Keeps everything fresh and if you are playing a multiplayer game it keeps people from all looking the same with whatever the "meta" armor may be.

I haven't gotten into the roaming Hogwarts too much. I have unlocked all the fast travels but I know there are secrets and puzzles but its just not my thing. Maybe later in the game it will be but not now. Same with the Merlin trials.

I like the broom for getting around but I think the flight mechanics are clunky and needing some getting used too. Haven't gotten any Beasts yet.

I could see this being 5 stars as I play more since I am really beginning to like this which I am happy about since I was hyped for this game at first. Hope to beat this soon.

If you like RPGs and a little bit of Harry Potter give this a try.

*Original Review* Don't let @evolvixon see this review.

I am sorry I just couldn't get into this. I tried, believe me I spent money on it. I had a hard time with the map and figuring out where I was. Didn't help that there were staircases EVERYWHERE so I couldn't get a sense of direction. Way too much running around and talking to people also. I wish I could just use all my spells on everyone for fun at any moment. More freedom in the game. I want to try this again and have tried multiple times. I just always end up deleting the game and reinstalling Elden Ring. If I ever get to finish the game I will come back and think about upping it a star possibly.
Remnant II
Been playing about 8 hours so far and I am loving the game. It's definitely similar to gameplay style of "souls" games (with guns) but it seems to be much easier to jump into and understand. Game takes place in a post-apocalyptic Earth where you are taken in by a community and then it gets weird. You can hop in and out a different world but you aren't given the whole story yet of how and why but are you are given clear missions to start. How do you go about the missions? Thats what I am still learning.

You can play with friends which helps a lot during some tough playthroughs. What I found interesting is that everyone's gameplay of the "levels" is a different order. Sort of like a roguelike but not really. You will die a lot and just like a souls game, when you rest at a checkpoint you get all your health and ammo back but all the enemies are respawned and back to kill you.

One thing I normally don't notice too much but I do with this game is the soundtrack. Music is awesome and flows well with the intensity of some of the fights you get into.

I feel like I have only seen the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this game so I will update as I dive deeper. With the game only being $49.99 its a steal and I think everyone should give it a try even if you are remotely interest.
Disney Emoji Blitz
Mobile games are confusing. So much going on with upgrading and buying currencies. I miss the OG times of Cute the Rope, Plant Zombies, and Angry Birds. This game is like 100 other games on the App Store. Oh so not original.
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball
The fact a baseball game was playable on Game Boy is what made this so good. Add to it Frank Thomas is one of my favorite baseball players growing up just made the game that much better.
Grand Theft Auto V
I may be going through the same thing I went through when trying to get into RDR2. I just can't get into it. I have a hard time controlling my self in a vehicle also. So far the characters are so over the top I want to mute my TV. I immediately quit and went back to RDR2. I'll keep giving this a try and update later.
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
This is probably the first RPG I ever played. I thought it was weird I had to take turns to fight. SInce this was my first RPG I thought every RPG had the timed button press for attacks and defense also. It was just a really good game to introduce people to RPGs and at the same time mix in classic Mario Bros. I think the people who made Mario Bros 2 made this game cuz you had to be tripping on something for this. A talking sword? Whaaaaaaaat.
Aladdin (SNES)
Disney must of hated kids back in the day. Games were pretty hard and if I remember correctly they were no saves either. Had to beat the game in a sitting. Aladdin was no different but the platforming was a lot better in my opinion. You also got a little break from the action with the carpet ride level with Jasmine where I think you could collect items to boost the number of lives you had. Sorry memory is clear on playing the game and my life for it but the details are fuzzy.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Brought the CoD franchise back to life in my opinion. Good variety of single player missions that kept it modern and fresh. Multiplayer was fun but at the same time CoD went really HAM on the micro purchases. They were all cosmetic but it made the game look goofy after a while. I really liked WWII but this was the best CoD since Modern Warfare 2.
Dinosaur Game (Chrome Dino)
Two stars; game made my eyes and head hurt. Google probably stealing info from me at the same time so lets make that one star.
This game is a walking simulator. The first 10 times I played I walked until I starved to death. I understand making something realistic in a way but its a video game. Give me a break. No map. No signs that are in an language I can understand. Just start walking. Don't trust anyone. I broke my leg and some dude came up to me and said he could help. I passed out and woke up with nothing. Dude was gone with everything. One time I made it about 4 hours into the game and was stocked up good. survived some PvP interactions and some zombie attacks. I was so nervous about loosing everything I stopped playing. Just give players a little help so we don't die from starvation every ten games.
Enter the Matrix
Played the game and had fun being part of the Matrix especially since I was obsessed with the movie. I swear I walked out of the that theater and didn't know what was real and wasn't and had no way to prove either. Although from what I vaguely remember I felt like I was going in circles and never accomplishing anything in the game. Probably because I was using lots of cheat codes. Also if you played this game don't act like you didn't play to see that (in)famous cut scene. Super risque for the time.
Super Mario Bros.
OG's know this is 5 stars. I don't think I ever beat this game as a kid. It took me being an adult to beat it. I think its was because I never was afforded the time to sit there in one long gaming session and beat the game. Ya'll young'ns don't know the struggle of no saves and beating a game in one session!
Red Dead Redemption
This one was more fast paced than RDR2 but I still think RDR2 was better story wise. Definitely a home run when it comes to the way they did open world sandbox games with it being in the West and on horses. I really need to play this again especially after playing RDR2 so much. I just remember this game was top ten for me after playing. I feel like when I play it again it will move because I will be able to connect more dots to the story with knowing so much about the Van Der Linde gang now before the events of RDR. A must play game in my opinion.
Mario Kart Wii
First time Mario Kart introduced what I see as gimmicky motion controls. I played this a little bit but it was right in the middle of my gaming hiatus so I don't have huge memories of this game. I did have it on the Wii and I abandoned the Wii steering wheel and bought a Classic Wii controller which made the experience much more enjoyable.
Dante's Inferno
Decided to try and play some older games I have an haven't played before and started with Dante's Inferno. I have played this before when it came out on Xbox 360 and I really like it then. I read Inferno in high school and was fascinated by Dante's depiction of what Hell is like. The game does a pretty good job staying close to the poem and Virgil sort of guides you and give you lore along the way. Obviously some artistic licensing is used to make the game good (like Dante being a total badass).

Gameplay is very smooth even 13 years later. When I say its a wash down clone of original God of War, I am not taking anything away from the game but complimenting it. It is really a fun game with God of War mechanics. Lots of button mashing and timing but you still feel like you're not just spazzing out and actually doing combos.

I think this game would look beautiful with todays generation of consoles. The graphics were amazing on 360 and still hold up today. If you have Game Pass this is a must play.

***NOTE*** If there was ever a game to not play with your children around it is this game. Ultra-violent with demonic and horrifying visuals. Also highly hellishly sexual when you are in Lust.
Destiny 2
I have no clue how I ended up playing this game but I can't stop. I love the mechanics and beginning to learn the customization's. For the game being relatively old it does a good job of on-boarding a new player. You just gotta take your time and grind it out. The game does give you back story on any DLCs you don't have. You can play all the campaigns from each new DLCs but you have to buy DLCs to do more online things like raids (I think; haven't gotten that far). Its a good change up though when it comes to gaming. I am just going to keep playing and learning as I go. I figured if I can learn Elden Ring by just playing I can do the same with this. More to come as I learn.
No Liga, no jugar. I am glad the two most corrupt organizations are parting ways after this game. Time for someone else to step up.
Marvel Snap
Alright i downloaded this game after seeing so many posts and I’m liking it so far. It’s a quicker more fun version of Hearthstone. Games are quick and looks like you don’t need to spend money to stay competitive at the moment. I’ll keep playing.

Sorry everyone. I had to change my rating. As with most mobile games, I got bored. I play a match about once every few weeks now.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate
Take some TMNT, add some Hades and a pinch of Diablo and you got Splintered Fate. I played for about 30 minutes and had fun. If this game was on PC I would be all about it. Unfortunately its on mobile so I don't think I will be playing it too much.

UPDATE: I should be working but I am taking a half day today so I am checked out. Started playing again and it really is pretty fun. I have gotten used to the controls and its pretty easier to play with the touch screen. I rarely play mobile games but I have been putting runs in all morning. Still trying to figure out some of the ways to upgrade but its catching on. There is a multiplayer where you can get 4 friends (including yourself) to do a run together. Haven't done it yet but it looks interesting. If you like rougelike games then this will be an awesome on to take on the go.
Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Played the heck out of this game on the 64 when I was a kid. I remember it getting VERY hard at some point though. Controls are tight still and graphics are not horrible either for how old the game is. A definite must pick up for $3.49 on Steam right now (5-1-23). If you like racing and/or Star Wars get this.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
I distinctly remember playing this game. Kind alike a Wolverine type of God of War. I had fun playing it. One of the few games I remember beating.
Cult of the Lamb
A Jim Jones version of Animal Crossing. I just got the game and I’m loving it. Will write something more detailed as I play. If you have a Switch I’d buy it in that cuz it seems to be a good handheld game to play.

UPDATE: I have been playing this a lot more lately as my love for roguelike games increases. I love how the runs ae pretty short but there is levels also. A run to beat a heretic could take 5-20 minutes but you have to do it 4 times to finally defeat them. Also while you do this you are playing evil Animal Crossing and trying to keep your cult followers happy. The "Relics of the Old Faith" update brings a new twitst to the game with giving you more upgrades and special powers that can be collected and then used through your run. The update also comes with all your cult members names above them now (thank god) and new layouts to each area you go into. If you love rougelike games this is not one to skip.
Final Fantasy VI
I am not sure how far into the game I am but I am really getting into this game. Its my first Final Fantasy game I have played and I am liking it a lot so far. Not what I though it was going to be. I love the meter system that will only allow you to do something when the meter is full. It keeps the turned based fighting fast and not dull and slow. I also like how you are given some strong characters from the start. You are not getting your butt whooped too much at first. Story-line seems interesting between al the characters so far but you can tell that Terra has what seems to be the more interesting and mysterious story. Looking forward to continue playing this game and beating it so I can explore other Final Fantasy games!
Donkey Kong Country
One of the few games I have played and beaten multiple times. Especially on SNES. Only problem is that Diddy Kong was way better than Donkey Kong. All the levels were fresh and challenging. I never found myself thinking I was just repeating an already beat level. Probably the second best platformer franchise behind Mario. I suggest if you have a Switch, order the SNES controller and play this game. You will be tripping on nostalgia.
Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0
Its fun but the organizing you bag that you carry extra stuff in is annoying. What made the original Warzone so good is they took all the good from Fortnite, PUBG, and H1Z1 and put it into a Call of Duty format. I don't like messing with attachments or organizing how many plates I have in my bag while running around in a fast pace BR. Would love to see this played on a party night though.
Super Mario 64
Game changer for the Mario franchise. Yes the camera was wonky but no one cared because Mario was in 3D. Loved the secret levels and searching for stars. May have been one of the first games I truly 100% completed. Still playable a quarter century later. If playing on Switch it may take a bit to get used to controls. Really wish Nintendo would step their game up and get some more 64 controllers made for games like this.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
I love some of the extra modes they put into this COD. The invasion is a fun game with formidable bots mixed in with 20 real players on each team in an all out war with suppl y drops and vehicles appearing as the match goes on. I feel like playing multiplayer is less sweaty in this game as opposed to Warzone. I thought about taking a star away because of the confusing weapon upgrades. Basically the game forces you to use weapons you normally wouldn't just to upgrade the weapon you want to upgrade. Its not that much of a deal breaker but its annoying. Definitely one of the better CoD's released lately.
What a rough game. I think any thoughts we had of this game growing up are confused with R.B.I Baseball where the outfield was controllable, and infielders weren't ghosts that would let balls go straight through them. This game is a hard no for me.
Ghostwire: Tokyo
A first person RPG where you upgrade your characters abilities with a weird Alice in Borderland vibe that has you feel like you’re tripping balls? Yes please.

Fun game so far that is creepy but not really horror like. It may seem like a lot is being thrown at you at first but I believe that’s how this genre of Japanese thrillers work. It really reminds me of Netflix’s Alice in Borderland with the Japanese sci-fi and thriller feel. Not at all the same but I can relate the two. I am early into the game but it’s seems promising from the start. Will update once completed; I definitely see myself finishing this game.

Early edit and suggestion: If you want the authentic feel keep the Japanese audio language on. The game starts with English subtitles. I ended up switching to English audio so it was easier to focus on the game and hear the story at the same time. English audio is good quality still.
As a former hardcore COD player I used to make fun of this game. Zero Builds is what got me. I don’t think I’ll ever get into the building but the game play of just a BR is fun. Updates keep it super fresh. The season structure makes it so you don’t really have to spend too much money but we all know that ain’t happening.
MLB The Show 23
I feel like the controls are already smoother and better than last year. I had a hard time with the pitching in 22 but I have had a good run so far the first few games. Definitely put it on Dynamic difficulty. I love that the game will keep you challenged and not let you you crazy hitting and pitching. It keeps its fair also if your getting your but kicked. If you liked last years you need to play 23. Go Phils!!!!
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
This game has taken over my life. I think the only game I have ever died or lost in as much as this game is Elden Ring. Yes I just put The Binding of Isaac and Elden Ring in the same sentence. Controls are easy to pick up and run with and there seems to be an endless amount of upgrades to find. I have yet to have a successful run but I can’t stop. If you like rougelike games then you need to try this.
Metal: Hellsinger
Leaving a review after hearing @MadHarryRackham @whatareyourthree episode.

I love the concept of this game and I am an aging metal head who would absolutely get wrecked if I jumped in a pit now. I won’t break the 5 star streak but I can’t beat the first level. I have tried so many times and I feel like I got two left feet when trying to keep with the beat. I think I may move my Xbox back to my computer monitor and see if that helps. There has to be a lag in the audio and frame rate playing on my TV. I’m not that goofy where I can’t keep a beat.
Nintendo Switch Sports
Just bought this game and having fun with my daughter. Have played all sports and I know I will never play the golf game again. It’s so unplayable. It may just be me comparing it to the really good motion controls of Mario Golf though. Will play this game often still.
Atomic Heart
Adjusting my way too early review. After seeing reviews I am guessing I quit this game right before a really good opening was about to happen. Its literally feels like I am playing Bioshock but in Soviet Russia where they won the Cold War at the beginning. Bumping up to 3 stars so I can be fair and when I have time give this a shot again.

A commie version of Bioshock from what I could tell. I couldn’t get past the first 20 minutes it was so slow. Uninstalled.
Fun but creepy game. I don't really know what I am running away from. Puzzles get pretty hard after a while. Still haven't beaten it yet. May bump up to 5 if the story develops.
Hot Wheels Unleashed
Started playing this game and I’m really enjoying it. Just came out on Game Pass so hopefully this can get tied into a challenge. I find the controls pretty responsive so far. Four stars for the camera when you car tumbles. I got I little qweezy with the cane tumbling with my car. Having fun and will continue to try this game out. Maybe a good time trial quest since it’s on all platforms and free on Xbox and it looks like on PS as well.
Rock Band
The amount of memories I have playing this game is crazy. Lots of fun with my battle buddies (Army Vets know) playing this game all night while drinking.....sweet tea.....yeah sweet tea and jamming out to some of the greatest bands ever. I can still hear us all singing along horribly to some Weezer.
Blast Corps
Never beat the game but I had lots of fun playing this as a kid. Played it for a while on Rare Replay. Unfortunately like most N64 games the controls are just horrible now. Fun game back in the day though.
I played it for a while on mobile but like others have said, I got away from it and its just hard to jump back in. I imagine if someone would stick with it then it would be more enjoyable.
Fallout 3
Besides maybe a handful of games as a while I couldn't imagine putting more than 15 hours into a game. Then I came across Fallout 3. I was hooked with the VATS system and store was awesome. Growing up in Virginia it was cool seeing landmarks in the game. I really wish there was more Fallout games more often (no more Fallout 76!). Also if you say you spared Megaton I don't believe you.
Z1 Battle Royale
The Battle Royale game that got me into the genre. Very simple and crude graphics but loads of fun. The OG of BR's. I tried playing it a year ago and its pretty defunct now which is sad but it did its purpose. I swear at the beginning of every game one player had to be sacrificed to the game. Someone would always parachute right through the map and die at the beginning of every game. I am pretty sure this is the game that DrDisrespect got big on.
Aladdin (Sega/PC/NES)
Another Disney game that proves Disney doesn't care about making kids happy (maybe I just wasn't good at games). Who would of thought my favorite level was riding the rug with Jasmine because there was little threat of death and I got a breather.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Last GTA game I played. I remember trying to upgrade my character and avoiding all the gang fights and then learning it was nothing. It did give us one of my favorite memes though.
Overwatch 2
I am editing my first review where I reviewed after a few games.

I am hooked. I think this could be one of the top tactical games out there. I have never played a game where it is so important to know what your job is and not deviate from your duties and expect to win. It literally takes a team to win a game. I really suggest everyone give it a try and stick with it. I didn’t at first and fell off but now I can’t stop playing this. Part of it was I didn’t take @itswhitethunder and @nanner advice and stick with one character at first. Once I did that during the Battle Mercy challenge I not only learned tactics but I learned how to use other character as well by just playing the game and seeing how other played. This game is really close to getting on my Rushmore. Check it out and don’t get discouraged! You will get better!
Battlefield 1
I never played online but did play a lot of the campaigns. I would like to see games show more vignettes about history and the sacrifices made by real people and units like this game did (with fictional people based on WW1). I still wish that opening battle Storm of Steel was more than just one "level". Crazy intense fighting and the jumping from one soldier to another was really cool.
Super Monkey Ball
Don't know why I liked this game so much. I think it's because of the Marble Madness vibes I got from it. Pretty simple game where your a monkey in a ball making really annoying sounds and racing to the finish line. Can be quite challenging but lots of fun.
Killer Instinct
Played this game a lot at the arcade inside a roller skating rink when I was a kid. Gravitated to the crazy type of fighters you had in the game compared to other fighting games.

The biggest thing I remember about this game is getting shocked my it. Literally. It was widely known that the Killer Instinct game in the arcade had a rivet that would give you a little jolt of electricity. I imagine when the cabinet was being put together someone thought the were attaching a ground wire to the rivet and not a hot leg. We used to see who could keep there fingers on the rivet the longest before letting go. Being a kid was awesome in the 90s.
I don’t want to ruin the average because I didn’t play for more than an hour of this because I wasn’t aware of how fromsoftware game worked. I may go get a PS4 to try this again after playing Elden Ring. If you though Elden Ring didn’t give much direction this game doesn’t tell you a thing. It’s why I quit after about an hour. Now I know how it works. Gonna try and give it another chance.
Cruis'n USA
I normally wasn't the biggest fan of games I mostly played at Arcades coming to console but this is one of my two exceptions. Always had a blast playing this game and felt like the graphics at the time were amazing. Definitely a style of racing game I'd like to see make a comeback.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
It has been a few years since I played this but like what @laughatbrian said, this game is crazy hard. I remember having to change the difficulty setting so I could basically end up with a million lives to keep playing the game with my 5 year old daughter at the time. Buuuuuuttttt, it is Donkey Kong so it was an awesome game. Donkey Kong platform games are better than Mario. I know what I said and I stand by it. Enemies are more creatively diverse and the so are the levels. I played this on Switch and its about high time we get another DK game.
NBA Playgrounds
The closest thing to NBA Jam since NBA Jam. I think this game could of been more popular than it was but I think sports simulation games are more popular than arcade now a days. Great 2 vs 2 arcade basketball game where you can create your own team using cards you win and play as modern players and even some of the greats. Just a fun all around arcade game that gives you modern NBA Jam vibes. Sorry no Jordan.
Red Faction: Guerrilla
This game was the first game I played that really had a totally destructible environment. Add in the low gravity and it made destroying everything even more fun. It has been a while but I remember playing as a character that is trying to take down evil corporations that are hurting everyone on Mars by sabotaging the work they are doing and getting in random gun fights using the construction weapons available. You really do have to use a guerilla mindset to complete a lot of the missions which makes it a lot of fun ambushing enemies and seeing their vehicles fly after exploding and hit a building and the building collapses. Really a game I think I could get back into if the controls aren't as wonky compared to controls now a days.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Game was alright. Like most GTA's, I think I mostly just ran around committing random acts of violence and collecting properties to store my Cheetah race cars in.
NFL Blitz
We need more arcade style games like this being made. I feel like it would make a killing. Creating your own plays was my favorite part. This needs to be remastered and put on sale for download. I would throw my money at this game.
I am pretty sure I was playing this game when I got a call from an Army recruiter about joining up. Thought I would of been cool badass like in the game. Hahahahhahaha. Well at least I saw my recruiter again after joining when I was in Iraq a year later. Small world.

Game was great and the headset was a precursor to what we have today. Ahead of its time in online gaming just got overshadowed but FPS’s.
The Lion King
I loved this game as a kid but after learning as an adult that Disney purposefully told developers to make it so hard that an average player could only get halfway through the game in one rental period so they would rent the game more than once made me drop it to 2 stars. Disney once again; ruining everything.
NHL '94
NHLPA 93 will always hold a special place in my heart but NHL 94 was the better game. Mechanics became a bit smoother with a slightly faster game play. Obviously adding the NHL licensing was a big plus. I still remember my Flyers back then. Lindros, Renberg, Leclair up front and Brindamour, Dejardins on D (I am sure I butchered the spelling). Just wish I could of gotten Ron Hextall to fight in the game.
Mario Kart 8
I don't feel like I need to make a big explanation for why this game is so good. Best in the series and thank you Nintendo for the DLC's and not making us buy another game for new courses.
Super Mario Maker 2
I do not have the creativity or patience to create my own levels but I did love playing a lot of the user created levels. Sometimes its hard to sort out the lame ones from the good ones but its worth it. The pre-made levels were a lot of fun and sometimes better than the user created ones. A must have for any Mario fan.
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
I played all the Uncharted and liked them. Thought they were good. But I think I was tricked into playing the same game 4 times. Wouldn’t be the first time. Doesn’t take away the fact the games were really good.
Super Mario All-Stars
Didn’t own an NES as a child but getting this game on SNES as a kid was awesome. Got to experience the OG Mario’s and had fun with the Lost Levels. I remember reading in Nintendo Power how to get infinite lives on Lost Levels. Only way I was able to beat it.
Review is for VR version.

Probably the best VR experience I have had to date. I would really get into this game laying on the ground and sucking incoming rounds. If you didn’t try to do the Neo bullet dodge you aren’t playing this right. Concept is everything moves in slow motion except when you are in motion. So you have to time your shots, throws, and punches correctly. Never beat the game and I need to get back into it. You will build up a sweat playing this.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Unpopular opinion: I hated the BR Blackout on Black Ops 4. I am not a big fan of adding attachments mid match and trying to organize your bag or whatever. Kinda why I’m not into Warzone 2.0. Futuristic vibe that just doesn’t jive well with me and CoD. No campaign was the nail in the coffin.
Super Mario Sunshine
I just could not get into this game. I can't put my finger on it but it just did appeal to me. I didn't get very far and maybe I'll give it a try again (probably not). I think it was just the water jet and using it for everything. Anyways in my expert opinion, worst Mario game to date.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Campaign was good but I wonder in No Russian level would of been made today. It's an intense level but a good one in its own way. Online was was changed up for the good with more perks; specifically final stand and martyrdom. I wish these two would make a comeback in online play to stop me from getting tea bagged so much. Overall solid game but I liked its predecessor more.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Best COD ever. The only game that I ever pre-ordered and technically I didn't pre-order it, my brother did for my birthday. The online play changed gaming forever. I think CoD tried to make the new Modern Warfare in 2019 more like this and it worked. When the remastered came out and the online play was revitalized I was pumped. the best nostalgia dopamine hit I had playing a video game in a while. The campaign was just as good and game changer as well. Many iconic gaming moments came from this campaign. Modern Warfare II 2022's campaign is like this one but fell short. If Call of Duty wants to win its ugly and angry fans back full time (like me) they need to make a CoD that mimics this game. Love it.
Street Fighter II Turbo
Game was a fun and good alternative to Mortal Kombat. If you button spammed me with E. Honda or Chun- Li I would rage quit on you though.
Assassin's Creed II
This game was so good it ruined the franchise. I tried to play other AC games but just couldn't get into them. Ezio's store is awesome and exploring Italy and learning about its history was equally fun. I feel like AC needs to go back to its roots and make a game like this one.
Persona 5
I have dedicated 6 hours to this game and I feel like I am still in the tutorial process. I keep hearing how it picks up and I can tell the story is about to get good but it just keeps dragging. I fell asleep playing it the other day. I am close to abandoning but will try and power through to see if it picks up. If you're limited in your time I wouldn't start this up. More to follow if I quit or power on.
Earthworm Jim
What kid didn’t want to play a game with a level called Buttville. OG of goofy platform games. Holds up will today.
I need to play this more because everytime I play this I have a blast. I haven’t really done anything but multiplayer but it’s still lots of fun. Basically pick your vehicle and get to wreckin. Lots of potential for C3 quests and events with this game.
Sea of Thieves
Fun game I was able to play with my daughter for a bit. Quests are fun but at the same time so it just sailing around the seas. My daughter actually saves us from being boarders many times because other players were pretty cool with not robbing a 6 year old. I’ve talked my way out of some piracy by asking if they take some of my treasures without a fight and they don’t burn my ship and it works sometimes. Then you run into the real pirates. They will hunt you down and board your ship and kill just so you can spawn back to your ship being engulfed in flames and sinking so you can be killed by a shark. Oh a pirates life.
Hell Let Loose
One of the most intense war games I have played. Teamwork is beyond essential and you must be on voice chat to get the experience. You also have to do your job assigned to you so don't think your job is to just kill the most enemy. If your a medic don't even think about keeping your weapon at the ready. Awesome game and I wish more people played.
OG of online shooters. Way ahead of its time. Wish it would of made a comeback but Call of Duty stole its thunder.
Crazy Taxi
For some reason I had more fun playing this in the toy section at Sears then I did on my Dreamcast.
Don't let your kids play this. They will guilt trip you into buying Robux constantly.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Three stars because I was forced to buy 2 extra Switches to play this with family and everyone have their own island. Game came out at the time when people were able to play it most during beginning of the Covid times. Everytime I have tried to get back into it lately I go in on a Sunday buy some Turnips just to have them spoil. Fun game at its peak in 2020.
I wonder how many presidents have made it into a sports game? Awesome arcade basketball game. Contemplating buying a 1UP arcade for this.
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey
I feel like sports games need to move away from the simulation a bit and focus on fun arcade versions. I loved playing in Big Head mode. It just looked goofy and was fun. Need a new arcade hockey game like this.
Among Us
Tried it when it got big in 2020 but I just couldn't get into it. Lobby's were often filled with a bunch of weirdos. I downloaded it once for a quest and deleted. Creepster lobby names that just turned me off to the game. Not for kids.
Titanfall 2
I got into this game after I believe most people moved away from its multiplayer but the campaign was amazing. One of the best levels in all of FPS campaigns is in this game. Its a good 12 hour campaign that is worth buying if its on sale or Game Pass.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
I was late to the world of Zelda (The guy wearing green right?) and this was my first introduction the the series. The game played perfectly on N64 and the open world concept was something new to me. Its a game that holds value still and can be replayed with ease. Story was amazing and is one of the few games as a child I played more than once. I must try game if you want to get into the world of Zelda.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
My favorite Mario game on Wii. Nintendo needs to make more Mario games that are 2-d scrolling platformers.
Trials Rising
Latest installment of trials games they switched up the race menu and turned it into a map of the world and you go from country to country completing trials. I kinda like the old school version better but it still worked. They tried to go more multiplayer based and it worked a bit but I don’t think people play Trials for the multiplayer.
Trials Fusion
Probably my favorite Trials game. I have been hooked on Trials since Trials HD. It’s a simple yet very difficult time 2D/3D physics based racing game. This game came with a build your own track feature which was awesome. Wish more of the track challenges equaled to Achievements. I cant recommend this game enough and I’m I would be intrigued dove into this game since it’s 90% time trials.
Game deserves 5 stars. Just wanted to see everyone get riled up haha. @joob does a great job keeping the questions fresh! Back to a perfect 5!!!

Just heard the podcast. Great game but could use more Elden Ring.
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Turbo Golf Racing
So I downloaded this game because I like being wanted be different and play a different type of golf game than everyone else for the Golf Game quest on 12-27-22. The game is free on Xbox Game Pass. Basically you take Rocket League and instead of going against another team and getting the ball in a net you are going against the course getting it into a "hole".

Lots of potential with this game and it is lots of fun. From what I have played so far you can't hit the other players balls with your car but you can collect power ups and shoot missiles at their ball and knock it away. Fastest into the hole wins the hole and there are three holes in a match.

The biggest downfall is the driving mechanics are not smooth and fluid like RL. Epic needs to buy this game and put the driving mechanics from Rocket League into Turbo Golf racing. This game would do so good and make lots of money. Potential for Channel 3 quests also. Three stars for the mechanics; gotta fix it if you are going to make a game that looks like a rip off of RL.
We used this at work during our safety conference in our district. Everyone loved it.
High on Life
Just beat the game and keeping it 5 stars. Maybe 4.5 since the ending was a bit underwhelming. I didn’t think the game would have replay value but it does if your an achievement hunter and the warp discs add extra fun to the game. Each level has unexplored areas that you don’t go to during the story so there is more to see with added one liners from your weapons. there does look like there will be add ons put in the game eventually with some functions in the game say out of order which makes me think more will be added. Over all fun gameplay with lots to do and easy mechanics to learn. Not everyone would like this game but I do see it forming a cult following.

An early 5 stars. Not sure how far in the game I am yet but it’s hilarious and fun. Best description I can think of in the infinite universes if Rick Sanchez came across an alien universe that is a mix of Fallout and Conker’s Bad Fur Day than this is it. Seems to be a linear but still able to explore. Will follow up as I play. Worth the free download on Game Pass.


****note; this is not a kids game by any means.
Need for Speed Unbound
Update: Not taking a star away because I like the game play but the banter during the storyline is increasingly annoying and gets woke for no reason. I felt like some more focus could of gone to online gameplay than story dialogue when making the game. Just a warning especially if you have yout’s playing.

So I haven’t played a NFS since Most Wanted and pretty much the only racing game I play is Mario Kart. At face value this game doesn’t look my style and decided to try it out anyways. So far I am really liking the game. Takes a bit to get used to controls but if you play online then you can fine tune your vehicle more. Trying to figure what I like more story or online racing. I think both have their upsides but I believe and hope online takes off more. The customizations are awesome and so far it’s not difficult to upgrade but I’m sure that will change when you get more cars. I think if you go into a higher class vehicle race you get a loaner to use also. Story mode banter while driving is lame but not a game killer. Visually though the game is awesome and the effect add that special touch that help this game stand out. Wish I could take snap shots with the effects on like in Story mode but it’s open world so I see why it would be hard. I say everyone should definitely check this out especially if you have EA Play because you will get a 10 hour trial which is more than enough.

Also there could be possible Channel 3 possibilities. Not sure if you can create your own server but if you could I think it would be cool having a bunch of people racing in the same server together.

The game is fun and worth the free trial. Check it out!
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Maybe I’m just old now and not an artistic hipster but I couldn’t not find any purpose in this. No clue what was going on. Don’t know how this could of been in any category for an award.
Call of Duty: Warzone
Warzone really took all the best aspects of battle royale games and created an amazing experience. But it began to stray away from what made it good and implemented two bad COD games into Warzone. Plus the cheaters and hackers ruined the game. The fans are not to blame either. We all wanted to leave Verdansk and have a new map and then we got what we wanted and complained about Caldera (it was bad). Rebirth is what kept it relevant but it still couldn’t stop so many of us leaving.
Early rating but on my 6th escape attempt and I am getting the hang of the game. Seems to be very challenging but I keep going back for more. This is the second rougelike game I have played and I am beginning to really like it.
Football Cup 2021
I know intellectual professors don’t believe in giving perfects grades (so I hear); well I don’t believed in giving zeros. This is maybe a 1.5 star because it’s always on sale in the Switch store. Controls are crazy bad. I try to shoot and just end up kicking the ball in some random direction. Only a pass and shoot button. There is a trick button but it’s for looks and those looks are no good. Goalies are pretty much impenetrable and all your shoots goo right to them. Maybe in ‘02 this game would of got 2 starts but even with the cheap price I wouldn’t put my name on the game if I was putting it out for sale. Nintendo I want my $2.16 back. That’s how bad this is.
Far Cry 4
This was the first Far Cry game I played and I loved it. Switched it up for first person shooter style games. Liberating different areas is fun. I have tried other Far Cry games and they just aren't up there with this one.
MLB The Show 22
Three stars because of the glitches that kept having months after release. I know in today's age it takes more to create a game and bugs are expected but my batter shouldn't be running straight for second after a hit months after release. Besides they killer bugs its a good baseball game.
This is based off playing literally 90 seconds. I love FIFA games but EA needs to drop the create a player from almost birth. I play this game to play soccer. I couldn’t skip me running through the streets at the beginning so I uninstalled. Plus I wanted my character to look like a 5’0 ft 300 lb bowling ball and I couldn’t.
Classic puzzler with the unique portal ability. One of those games where you think this is too easy and then your stuck on a level for a few days after rage quitting.
Marble Blast Ultra
This was one of the first smaller download only style games I ever spent money on. It was basically a 3D version of Marble Madness with multiplayer built in. I really wish this game would come back to download on Xbox. I really good game to just relax and enjoy without getting worked up about but still having a good challenge.
Mario Golf: Super Rush
I may get hate for this and I do love this game. The three stars basically is because I am terrible at the speed golf. I have played the motion golf and I thought it was really good. That brings up to 4 stars now. I just cant make my mind up with this one. Maybe if we get some C3 challenges....
Mario Kart Tour
I have a hard time with controls. It really keeps me away from the game. If you would let you use one of the controllers they have now for mobile it would be awesome.
Super Blood Hockey
Fun and easy to pick up and put down. Wish there was a multiplayer aspect but not every game needs it. That amount of mayhem is what gets you hooked. Gotta turn that blood up all the way to have a good time.
Super Mario Kart
I cant believe I didn't have this rated yet. The OG of Mario Kart and kart racing games in general. I don't really think I need to dive into the importance of this game, but I do hope to see more challenges that involve this game. Still very playable today.
Rayman Legends
One of the few games that is almost ten years old and is still just as fun to play today as it was in 2013. Lots of replay value with older levels that can be unlocked and going back to find more teensies will have you playing levels multiple times. The best part of the game? The music levels that unlock after beating level bosses. you are forced to run and jump with the beat of the music which can be more challenging in later levels. You will catch yourself humming along Rayman versions songs and music. Black Betty by Ram Jam goes perfectly wit the first song level but my favorite has to be the Mariachi version of Survivors Eye of the Tiger. Game is on sale on Switch right now (10-17-22) and I would highly recommend. Great couch co-op to play with little ones!
Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit
Nice concept but a little gimmicky. If you could of made clips from the video it would of been cool but I understand why you aren’t able too. Definitely better on wood floors. Even our tile was a bit bumpy. After a while the kart just ends up being an RC toy for the kids though.
Beat Saber
Best VR game out there. I wish the music selection was more like how it was on Rock Band. I would drop serious money on this game.
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Diddy and Dixie were way better to control and had better functionality than DK. I still love the original SNES Donkey Kong but I like this one better.
Apex Legends
I keep trying it but there is way too much happening on the HUD for me to figure this out. I hate having to add attachments to weapons. There is too much going on for me to deal with that. Too many BR's out there and I am sticking with my new love for Fortnite.
Halo Infinite
I was never a hardcore Halo player but I did dabble into the franchise in the past. This game has a good single player that admittedly gave up on and I had fun at multiplayer because I was actually pretty good. It just got stagnate pretty quick. I heard their are updates now to the game and I think it would take C3 to get me back into it. What kept me going on it for so long was my son loved watching me play it and he would fall asleep watching, which is weird.
Downhill Domination
Shredding through different environments doing tricks while listening to an awesome soundtrack? Yes please. I wish there were more time trial based games like this that would be made as small downloadable games on Switch or Next Gen. I do believe there is a niche for games like this still.
Call of Duty: WWll
Most underrated CoD. Change my mind. The story line was good and playable plus the multiplayer was great. Maps were good and weapons were good. I liked the new take on perks and classes. I really wish CoD would use this style more often. Even with the lobby waiting area on the beach was cool. I really think this should of been the last WW2 game for a while. It was so good. I wish people still played this. Prop hunt was the best. Top three CoD's for sure.
Lots of fun playing as a kid. The trainers could be total ass hats sometimes and it would frustrate the hell out of me.
Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Great concept but it’s one of the mobile games where there is a lot happening on the screen and it’s hard to tell what’s going on. Mobile controls are hard to use.
Super Mario World
Still play this to this day. We need more Mario side scrolling games. All Mario games try to be like Super Mario World but fall short.
1080° Snowboarding
I would give up 5 current games on the Switch's virtual N64 for this game. A great downhill racer.
Wizards & Warriors
I have been thinking about this game a lot. I could not for the life of me remember the name. I just remember when I was about 7 years old when we would visit my Aunt, I would sit and play this game. I had no idea what I was doing but I loved it. I think I got past the tree level only a few times. Honestly this is probably the game that got me into gaming. I googled “NES game where you are a knight jumping on trees”. Boom, just like Leonardo DiCaprio I pointed and said hey I have seen this before. There it was 32 years later but felt like yesterday. Crazy how our brains work.
Didn't want to give it 5 stars because people may think I have issues. It's that good though.
Assassin's Creed
Plot twist 2 minutes after putting the disc in the Xbox 360. Made me wonder if I got the right game. Really great open world game. I wish the franchise would go back to its roots and make more like this.
Red Dead Redemption 2

Best story every. RockStar did them wrong with Red Dead Online. Only problem with online was there would 32 players on a server and you would occasionally pass some one. Most were in Valentine which normally ended in a bloodbath. Still the G.O.A.T.
The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare
No clue what I was doing. I couldn't stop playing it cuz every time I thought I was getting somewhere I would end up right where I started.
Endless possibilities. I know there are more Elden Ring nerds on here than me. Give us the Lands Between!
Clash Royale
I thought the game was fun at first. Then I fell off tried to get back in and its just became a complicated micro transaction scam like most mobile games.
Super Mario Bros. 2
If the drugs that the creators used to makes this are now legal I would like to know what they were using….for a friend.
Not gonna beat a dead horse about how good this was in the past. I’d love for it to come back but I think I’d rather not have my good memories ruined by outdated controls. The OG of first person shooters.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 and 2
A good hit of nostalgia but this game is mostly used for now when I need my brian to relax before mimis time.
Splatoon 2
I like this game but I think the way the multiplayer is set up sucks. Need to make it easier to join up with friends. The beginning gets old with the chatting between the two squids.
Mario Strikers: Battle League
I was pumped for this game since I really loved Mario Golf. I wish I bought the physical copy so I could trade it in for something. I just can’t get into. I feel like I’m button mashing and couldn’t understand the Clubs (sorry to the TDG). Just chaos but not in a good and fun way.
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
I feel like I have been eating everything 5 stars but they all deserve it. This game got me into stealth gaming. I really wish this franchise would come back.
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Hilarious. One of the best 64 games but didn’t get a lot of field time due to releasing near the end of the 64 days. Multiplayer was fun. I know it’s on Rare Replay but would like this on Switch.
Star Fox 64
The Independence Day level was so cool as a kid. I liked the level lay out with multiple pathways to the final boss
Mario Kart 64
Going from Super Mario Kart to this was a huge leap. This was grinded for many years before my gaming hiatus. We need a time trial on one of the many maps with shortcuts.
Fallout 4
I think I am in the minority when I say Fall Out is better than Elder Scrolls. I was late on this one because I am not big on "base building" once I learned its not a huge part of the game I tried it out and loved it. I love not relying less on VATS and using aim down sight more with this game (better than New Vegas). Best Fallout game.
Elden Ring
"Try fingers, but whole" (if you know, you know). Saying this is one of the greatest games is beating a dead horse. I advise anyone who is thinking about playing it to just do it. This isn't even my type of game and its now one of my favorite of all time. If they drop some DLC I am in trouble.
RollerCoaster Tycoon
First computer game I ever played. Easy to catch on to. Learned a bit of Capitalism along the way. If it started raining you were paying big bucks for an umbrella or you could just wet. Also don't be grumpy in my park or you'll never leave.
Call of Duty: World at War
Great single player and the surprise zombies at the end changed gaming. Although this was the only zombie call of duty game I got into. I can't keep up with the stories of the newer ones.
Wave Race 64
Loved this game as a kid. The controls were loose then and after trying it today on the Switch.It feels even more loose but then again all 64 games do on the Switch. Water graphics felt ahead of their time back then. 5 stars in 96, 4 stars today.
Rock Band 3
Would have the battle buddies when I was in the Army come over and play this all the time. Got the cops called on us once when playing this. I swear there was no alcohol involved.....
Trials HD
Playing this game will have you leaning in your seat in an attempt to make it up that hill. This game really set up the rest of the Trial shames which I think are highly underrated. I really wish more people played this series because it would be perfect for challenges. It's also a good game for dudes who need that brain-dead time. It really is a good game and so are all the other subsequent Trials.
Super Mario Bros. 35
Why does Nintendo hate us? I still try to redownload this in a small hope its available. I was hooked on this. I loved the intensity it had for such a simple game.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
I got so into this game I thought I had to kill all the officer Orc’s and I didn’t play the story line. I built up my skill tree so much I breezed through the game once I started actually playing. Storyline is awesome and all the skills you learn are unique and all are usable.


Red Faction

Gears of War

Left 4 Dead

God of War II

Mad Max