Animal Crossing, known in Japan as Dōbutsu no Mori+, is a 2001 social simulation video game developed and published by Nintendo for the GameCube. It is an enhanced version of the Nintendo 64 game Dōbutsu no Mori, which was only released in Japan earlier the same year, and was followed by another edition, Dōbutsu no Mori e+, in 2003. Animal Crossing is an endless and non-linear game in which a human takes up residence in a village inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. The main goal of the game is to save money in order to pay off the mortgage on the human's house. This requires collecting natural materials and selling them. The human can engage in everyday life in the village, interact with the animals, attend events, and contribute to the village's development. The game's western localization differs significantly from the original release in that Japanese holidays and cultural references are replaced with Western ones.
Release Date 2002-09-16
Japanese Release Date 2001-04-14
Rating / Parents' Guide