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Brian McGuinness A little TOO Raph
Funny comedian & amazing voice actor. Host of Playable Characters Podcast.
I'm giving this 5-stars because it's one of the most unique devices I've ever played games on. I was so intrigued when they announced it years ago and I finally got mine earlier this year. It's got a black and white screen. Nicer than a Gameboy but like, still black and white. And it has a CRANK. Lots of games use the crank for all sorts of odd and weird and fun gameplay mechanics. The scene on is booming with people making games for this device and I've sorta been blown away with how creative some people with with such a limited resources. It's cool. It's weird. It's fun.
Sega Genesis
I never owned a Genesis as a kid. We were a NIntendo (and computer) family growing up. But I did play it a ton at some of my smug friend's homes. While I definitely enjoyed playing it and trying out new games that were never on SNES at the time, I did find we always went back to the SNES most of the time. It has a lot of great games, some extremely overrated mascots, but overall it's a great retro console that fueled the very 'fun' Console Wars of the early 90's.
I'm going to give this a review or a grade as if I was actually in 1995. While I don't think a lot of these hold up today, I can appreciate tremendously what this did for video games at the time, going from CDs instead of cartridges and creating a whole new system out of spite (Thanks Nintendo!) It spawned some of my favorite consoles ever leading up to the PlayStation 5. I'll always be a PlayStation guy and this started it all.
3DO Interactive Multiplayer
The bomb of all bombs. The 3DO almost crashed the entire industry again just like Atari in the early 80's. Not really, but imagine! With an insane price point at the time ($700-$1000 at launch), nobody was going to buy this. Even that rich friend you knew that had everything wasn't going to buy this. It flopped and failed so hard. Which is sort of a shame, but Trip Hawkins be trippin'. I've played this at Cons and even trying to get back into that year's mindset I don't think I would have been impressed by it.

(Also, I had a part in a very funny 3DO webseries a few years ago and here's my amazing performance from episode 5. Will definitely recommend watching all quick episodes for a laugh)
Nintendo 64
While I truly loved this at the time (it was mostly a WCW/NWO machine), I find that most N64 games don't hold up. At all. They're clunky, hard to control, and look pretty bad. Even playing them now on the Switch with the ridiculous N64 controller seems silly. But, you always have to give Nintendo credit for trying something new. This has a couple of amazing titles but overall it's a bottom tier Nintendo console.
PlayStation Portable
I remember getting this and being blown away. Having God of War, Killzone, and my personal favorite PSP game Lumines, with me wherever I went on the go was awesome. The God of War PSP games are just as good as the PS2 and PS3 games if people are unaware. Such an excellent little handheld that should have lasted longer.
Amazon Luna
I have this (of course) and it's FINE. It works almost as good as Stadia. The official controller is VERY nice, even though it takes actual batteries and isn't a rechargeable one. I do like how they have different "channels" like Retro Games, etc. But you have to pay for each one so it'll add up if you get them all. They also give free games each month via Amazon Prime (but they get switched out. Stadia's games never got switched out. They all just sat there perfectly fine never being played). If you got a good internet connection and want to play games on the cloud for free AND have Amazon Prime, definitely give it a shot. You'll be surprised how good some games play while being streamed.
Yeah I have this one too (in limited edition purple!). You can even hook this up to a TV and play off of that if you want. Almost all the carts for the handheld work for the console (a few don't because of licensing reasons but again, only like 2). Nicely made, good design, and a whole bunch of games to play make for an excellent retro handheld.
Evercade VS
For what it is, it's excellent. For me, a retro addict, it's excellent too. One of the best parts about this system and games is that they come with manuals! I know. I know. Can you believe it? Anyway, for real is a great little system that listens to the fans and keeps releasing fresh and entertaining carts once or twice a month (most carts have between 6 and 12 games on them). Plus 2 controllers for some couch co-op rules.
The only people who had this were the rich kids. I had a friend who had every system and when he showed me this weird thing in his room one day and we started playing Bonk I was blown away. It looked cool, the games were different and kinda awesome. If you never played any games on the TG16, do yourself a favor and look some up.
Nintendo (NES)
Hey this thing is pretty good! We all know the NES changed the world and gaming forever. For every amazing game on this system, there's also a complete dud that is hilarious to play today. For every Mario 3 there's a Cheetahmen 2 out there. But the fact that there's still tons of games on this system from 30 years ago that you can go back to and play and enjoy today speaks volumes.
Atari 2600
I can still hear all the sounds (all 4 of them) from when I was a kid. I played Frogger, Space Invaders, and Spider-Man constantly back in the day. I was 4 years old and here was this weird brown wooden box thing that played games on the TV and I was hooked ever since.
If anyone says these games hold up, they're lying. 99% of them don't. And they're not supposed to. But they were the beginning of this crazy hobby we love so much which is why it's so important.
Commodore 64
Hooooo momma. For those that are between 40 and 100 years old, the Commodore was the best thing ever. I remember spending all day on this thing when I was 5, 6, 7 years old. I had tons of games on beautiful, colorful floppy disks that seem ridiculous now.
Sadly, a lot of these don't hold up, having played a bunch on emulators or the Mini C64. It's purely nostalgic but it definitely started my love for gaming right here.
Super Nintendo (SNES)
What monster gave this less than 5 stars!?
SNES is the best system of all time. Obviously yes the PS5 for example is technically 1,000x better BUT... SNES just rules. One of the best libraries ever, awesome controller, unforgettable games, it had everything. Still regularly play SNES games on the Switch or emulator.
Game Boy
A lot of the Gameboy library holds up better than the N64 and PS1 library IMO. It was so mins blowing at the time to have something like this on the go. Plus it still has the best boxart for any console ever.
Atari Lynx
If you had 26 batteries and 30 minutes to spare you could have a good time with the Lynx.
For reals though this thing was cool. Heavy, wacky looking (nowadays) but having that super crisp color screen on the go was the peak of gaming. It was never getting better than that!
PlayStation 3
First system to make me go "HOLY SHIT" when I saw it displayed in the store. They had NBA2K running and I couldn't believe my eyes. When I finally got one along with my new massive 40" HD TV (ha) and played Uncharted for the first time, I knew it was going to be a fun few years.
I remember how hard this was to get when it came out. Not because of shortages but because every store would bundle it and make you spend more than double. I walked into the Virgin Megastore in Times Square and they had it behind the counter in a bundle for $900! I said can I just get the system? They said no. Anyway, eventually got one and it was amazing. It changed the world. Everyone wanted motion controls now. Grandparents were playing videogames. Everyone was happy. Until the Shovelware came.
Nintendo 3DS
I only got a 3DS a few years ago. I felt like I was missing out on tons of games that only came out on it. I liked it, but I didn't use it as much as I thought I would. Still, it's a great handheld device, probably the best ever according to sales and popularity.
PlayStation 2
One of my favorite systems of all time. This was the first console I bought for myself when I was an adult. I remember playing Mortal Kombat online with the extra online adapter. Revolutionary at the time! Really hope Sony starts releasing more games on PSPremium because this library of games is so good.
PlayStation Vita
Oh Vita...I love you. You were on the subways of NYC everyday with me back in the day. Such an underrated handheld. Had great FULL games like Uncharted and Assassin's Creed and original ideas for the weird back touch screen like Little Deviants. Still good for some Lumines or Binding of Isaac sessions.
Wii U
Saying something Nintendo made is the weirdest thing Nintendo ever made is a big deal since everything Nintendo makes is pretty weird. Anyway. The Wii U was actually really good. Plus it has a greatest Mario game of all time in Mario 3D World, but it was marketed so poorly. People didn't know what it was, but it actually worked pretty darn good. It was a little too clunky and blah though as far as the bad touch screen. An "out there" idea that eventually became the juggernaut that is the Switch.
PlayStation 4
Was the best system until PS5 upped it in every category (in a good way). Unmatched exclusives, marketed correctly, and tons of great games from indies to blockbusters. I have 2 (regular and a Pro). All my Netflix, etc is done thru either my PS4 or PS5 too
Nintendo Switch
Yes we all know this is what the Wii U was supposed to be. This console is peak Nintendo I think. It's got everything you'd want from a Nintendo system, from the games, to the look, to the weird games that use the Joycons in unique ways.
PlayStation VR
A few too many cords, sure. But for (at the time) affordable, at home VR? You couldn't beat it. Some of the games are absolutely incredible. Superhot, Moss, Astrobot, Batman, Beat Saber, etc.
I'm going to help the rating here. I was a day 1 Stadia user. I have NEVER had lag or a glitch or anything like that. I've used it on my Pixel phone, my Chromebook, and most of the time on my TV. It works. 100% it works better than they even said it would. I'm shocked sometimes when I realize I'm just streaming something. The hate this gets is ridiculous and 99% of the time it's from people who have never tried it, which makes no sense to me. I totally get it isn't for everyone but the tech works flawlessly in my experience. Plus since it came out they've given away like 100 games for free with the $10/mo Stadia subscription, everything from AAA games to fun indies.
PlayStation 5
I love mine. Use it almost everyday. It has the best exclusives, the DualSense is awesome when used right (like in Astrobot - which rules), and it makes the PS4 seem like a 50 year old console.
I got myself the Street Fighter 2 Arcade1Up as soon as they were released with the sole intention of probably never playing Street Fighter on it. I was hoping they would figure out how to mod it and put a retropie inside and within like 2 weeks they did that. So I gutted mine, put a retropie inside and there's nothing like playing NBA Jam or Turtles on an actual arcade. It's the best. Easy to mod too following a tutorial online.