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Valiant Hearts: The Great War
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Full Void
Brian McGuinness A little TOO Raph
Funny comedian & amazing voice actor. Host of Playable Characters Podcast.
Return to Monkey Island
I really love these games. I think they're some of the funniest, silliest, goofiest, and just fun to play games of all time. This new entry is more of the same, and that's a very good thing. I actually found this to be one of the easiest ones, which I appreciate. There's a hint option which you can use or not use as often as you like which helped me when I was stumped a few times. It's a classic point-and-click adventure and if you're a fan of the series or even Point-and-Click games in general, you need to play this. When you finally figure out a puzzle and get the necessary items that you need, it's always a great feeling. Plus it's so clever how they even make some of these puzzles. When it clicks, it clicks!
Dave the Diver
I had to update this from 3 stars to 5. I am LOVING this game. When I tried the demo on Switch, it didn't really interest me but now that it's on PS5 (full game) and I can put a few hours into it, I realize how much depth and stuff to do there is. In a way, it's reminding me a little of Stardew Valley. There's a lot to do, but you can choose to do them whenever you want and in whatever order you want to it seems. I'm a few hours into it and it keeps getting better. It's funny. It's clever. It's very unique. 100% recommend this to anyone who is on the fence. This game is excellent.
I was completely fooled. This game sucks so hard. I'm about 2 hours in and I hate it. SOMETHING better happen soon. They made a big deal about this coming to PS5 so I figured I'd try it since it looked interesting. XBox sucks.

Ok. I finished this. I'm keeping this at 1 star. But also maybe it's 5 stars? I have no friggin idea. 99% of this game is just READING SOOOOOO MUCH DIALOGUE. That's all it is! The story is somewhat interesting but I forced myself to finish this and I hate it. It's so hard to explain too. My brain is mush after playing this. That being said, I've never played a "game" like this ever, so it gets 1 star for that.
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
This is a perfect indie game IMO. This was one of the free PS+ games years ago and I remember just trying it, thinking I'd delete it after 30 minutes. Ended up not putting it down and completed the whole game in 1 sitting. Beautiful art, touching story, excellent gameplay and fun puzzles. Unexpected gem.
Valiant Hearts: Coming Home
While I don't think this is as good as the first one, it's still a very good, albeit easy, game. The puzzles are simple enough that you can probably breeze thru this game in just a couple of hours. But it's got such a nice story. This tells the story of the Harlem Hellfighters during World War 1 and it's really cool how they present it. Makes you really root for the characters in this game. It's mostly simple puzzles that you need to figure out to progress, with only a few times I was stumped for a minute. Definitely recommend this series.
Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story
I'll start with this: This 'game' has 42 games on it, spanning over 40 years. Yeah. As far as bang for your buck, this knocks it out of the park. Plus, this is also technically the 2nd game in the Digital Eclipse Gold Master series (the first one being @the-making-of-karateka ) where they do a HUGE deep dive into the history of a certain developer or a game. I'll be honest, I didn't know much about most of these games. I've heard of Attack of the Mutant Camels throughout the years but only played it recently on an emulator, obviously. It's amazing to play these games today and experience them flawlessly on this collection. Some of these games are total duds and almost impossible to play, but it honestly doesn't matter. Seeing the evolution of Jeff Minter and his games during this playable documentary is so fascinating to go thru. If you have any interest in video game history or the preservation of games, this is a no-brainer and you need to check it out. Plus they have remastered some of the older games and brought them into the modern age with all new challenges and graphics.
The Many Pieces of Mr. Coo
I really enjoyed this, but I'll give it 4-stars only because it's like a 30-minute game, which I didn't know going into it. It's a SUPER weird point-and-click game with some wacky ideas that could have only been done on acid or cocaine. The puzzles are clever and not overly difficult. It made me laugh a few times but definitely worth it if you want to experience a very unique and fun/weird game.
Mars After Midnight
This is like if Papers, Please wasn't so grim. You have to 'help' 80ish aliens throughout this game, 6 at a time, by inviting them into the local community center after midnight. But each section has a specific thing you're looking for (Like gnats who hold knives, aliens who flinch when you blow a horn at their face, or aliens who fart). This is SO well done and the fact that it really showcases what the Playdate is capable of makes it stand out. Has excellent graphics, music, and characters. A great time all around.
Salamander County Public Television
One of the funniest, most ridiculous, and fun games I have ever played. THIS is what an indie game is all about. You can tell the developers had the best time making this. It's sorta like Wario Ware in its mini-games and the story will have you laughing the whole time. I startled my dog multiple times from laughing out loud at so many parts of this. Plus there's TONS of replayability to beat your high score.
I Am Dead
You just have to play it. If you like weird, beautiful, creative indie games, you should definitely play this. I found it just randomly on PS+ and it sucked me right in. Finished it in 2 days and I wish there was more to it because I feel like I could have listened to this story and these characters for 100 more hours.
Altered Beast
Seeing this game in arcades blew my mind as a kid. It was amazing seeing the guy transform into a beast. The game is still ok to play now.

This is actually NOT a good game. Altered Beast is a perfect example of "what a cool idea" to "this game kinda sucks". I finally completed this game today on my RetroPie because I realized I never completed it. I've probably inserted about $40 worth of quarters into this game back in the day and I only made it to level 2. It's hard. Like, brutally hard because the controls stink.
If you don't know, the whole point of this game is to move along the very slow moving levels, collect 3 power-ups which make your character stronger each time with the last one eventually turning him into a beast with super powers and sorta invincible. You got the Wolf, the Dragon, the Bear, the Tiger, and finally a Golden Wolf. At the end of each level you fight some cool looking monster as your fully altered beast form. It's a really cool idea. But it just doesn't work. The game is slow, boring, and repetitive. It looks great, sounds great, but other than that, it's blah. I'm a little annoyed right now because I thought I really liked this game but nope. I can admit that it isn't good. Thank you.
FAR: Changing Tides
It's hard for me to give an indie game that really stands out as unique anything other than 5 stars. This was free on PS+ and it looked interesting and I loved it. Not too difficult, looks amazing, beautiful soundtrack, zero's SUCH an indie game, in a good way. You can beat it in just a few hours too. There are some times in the game when you literally do nothing but sail for a few minutes at a time and I loved it. It's a very relaxing, low stakes kinda game.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue
Despite it being RADICALLY different from literally every other TMNT game and quite difficult, it does some fun things. It's a Metroidvania style game on the Gameboy with fun music, pretty good graphics, and a TERRIBLE map.
You start off as just Michelangelo and you have to rescue, radically preferred, your brothers and then Splinter and then April. As you rescue each other Turtle, you can swap out and use them, which you'll have to as they each have their own unique special move. Mikey can use his nunchuks as a helicopter, Leo can dig into the ground and use his swords as a drill, Donnie can scale walls with his bo, and Raph can shrink into his shell and get to smaller and hard to reach areas.
There are countless braindead foot soldiers all over but also some great B and C and even D-list enemies ripped right from TMNT history. You got Dirtbag and a Triceraton, but also Scale Tail and Scratch (who are pretty obscure)!
Obviously you fight Shredder at the end and rescue April and save the day.
For sound and graphics and most of the gameplay, it's a solid game. But the map and back and forth and unsure of where you're going the whole time makes it a difficult experience.
(Thankfully, on the Cowabunga Collection, you can watch the CPU play a no-hit speedrun of the game, which I did because I got too frustrated.)
Electrician Simulator
OK if you like casual games that can be a little frustrating, this is the game for you.
I typically will enjoy brainless simulator games like this. And I did enjoy my time with it for the most part.
But I started off ready to delete the game during the tutorial because I couldn't figure out one stupid thing it was asking me to do. Looking back, it was my fault. But games like this NEED to have a very clear and direct tutorial. So, strike 1, sorta.
But then you get into the 'gameplay' and while repetitive I did feel a sense of accomplishment completing each level or "job". And you'll also always know what you're supposed to do, as there's a checklist on the screen at all time which checks off automatically once you complete part or all of each section, which I found honestly very helpful.
So with this game you first start out by learning how to do simple things like change a light bulb using VR Goggles (in the game). And you earn your certificate allowing you to do other jobs for other customers and this goes all the way up to adding and removing sockets, installing wires in the walls, etc. If that seems hard, it's because it is at first. But when you keep doing it, it sorta becomes way easier. The game definitely eases up the difficulty and never throws too many things at you at once.
There's basically two types of levels in this game: 1, you go to the customers home or business and do what they ask (change bulbs, fix wires). Or 2, people send you things like a video game controller or a fan or a toy robot and you have to fix them. You disassemble the items, check what pieces are broken, replace them, and put it back together. At no point can you really get stuck here because you can easily click "tip" and the next part you're supposed to put back is highlighted in green. Pretty simple.
And that's basically all there is to this. It's genuinely not a bad game howeverrrrrrr...
I played on a Switch and I would imagine it's infinitely easier to play with a mouse and keyboard on a PC. Unless I was doing something wrong, the controls are very annoying with the Switch either in docked mode with a Pro Controller or handheld mode (handheld might be a smidge easier since you can use the touchscreen) but there were a lot of times I was getting frustrated as I couldn't precisely highlight the piece I wanted.
Also at one point my game completely broke and reset right after a fairly annoying level where I had to remove broken sockets in a dark basement. Thankfully the game did autosave but I was worried for a minute.
These Simulator games are becoming more and more popular and it seems like they're popping up everywhere and for everything. I can recommend this if you're looking for something simple to do to pass the time. It's not as complex as other simulators, but also not as easy as others too. It's right in the middle.

*a review code was provided to me for the Switch*
So happy to see the positive ratings for this game. In between Last of Us 2 which is sometimes too much for my brain to handle, I needed something else to hold me over in the meantime. This was free on PS+ so I gave it a shot. What a delightful little made-for-OCD-people type of game. You basically unpack boxes and put the items somewhere in your room or apartment or house, etc. That's it. But there's stragegy to it. And there's actually a story. Great game if you're looking to just chill and not worry too much about killing zombies or shooting things or throwing bananas.
Bluey: The Videogame
I hate giving a game for kids a bad review but it's honestly not that good. There's a lot of glitches, a lot of poorly executed design decisions, etc. Just because it's for kids doesn't mean it has to be bad. My 8-year old enjoyed it but she did get frustrated sometimes by how dumb the game got. Don't pay full price for this. The nerve of them charging $40. Wait for it to be like $10 and it'll be fine.
WarioWare: Move It!
This is quite a ridiculous game and can literally ONLY be played on the Switch. It does a lot of fun, dumb things with the joycons. Tons of silly mini-games.
64th Street: A Detective Story
If you like Final Fight, you'll really like this. It's basically the same game for the most part. I always use Final Fight as the example of an arcade Beat 'Em Up because sooooo many games copied that after they got it right. Even the playable characters here are similar enough to Haggar and Cody. The enemies are pretty similar to each other and there isn't much variety besides the VERY hard stage bosses. Great graphics, real good sound. One thing this does that I really liked is you can throw people UP into a wall and the wall actually breaks. It was a small thing but sorta fun to do a lot instead of just throwing people over your shoulder. Good game, fun beat 'em up. Took about an hour to beat with probably 100 virtual quarters. It's difficult but good.
Retro Bowl
It's Diet Tecmo Bowl on your phone. Great for quick pick up and play sessions. Once you get the hang of throwing and everything, the game becomes really fun. Really enjoying this on mobile.
The Combatribes
I always enjoyed beat 'em ups back in the day. Final Fight and X-Men and TMNT in the arcade were some of the best games ever. Still hold up to this day. MANY MANY MANY beat 'em up clones were made back then to fill every arcade in the world it seemed. I never played this one as a kid, but it's been released a few different times over the years for SNES and Wii, and it's currently on the Evercade on the @technos-arcade-1 collection.
What's nice about most of these arcade games today is that you can just push *SELECT* to add another virtual quarter into your console. If I had to play this all the way thru when I was 10 years old, I would have probably pumped well over 100 quarters into this game. It's brutally hard, the enemies never stop attacking you, and can get frustrating. However, it does look amazing. For a retro beat 'em up in 1990, the graphics and sound and characters are incredible. You don't really have any special moves (like pushing punch + kick at the same time) so the combat definitely is limited and repetitive.
It's about 6 levels of swarms of enemies all attacking you, sometimes 6 or 7 at a time. So it definitely seems a little unfair. But with it only being 6 levels you could push thru it in just about an hour or less once you get the hang of it (and unlimited quarters).
Chain Break
1 more game completed for the Evercade. This time it's another 'endless runner' game made for the Gameboy a few years ago. It's a pretty fun game and it's found on the @indie-heroes-collection-1 for Evercade but it's also on PC and the actual Gameboy. It's only 25 levels so it can be completed fairly quickly, especially while using Save States on the Evercade. It has great music and some interesting levels. Your character runs to the right and you have to avoid spikes, cannons, robots that chase you, etc. You can jump over bigger sections of spikes or obstacles while using special pads on the ground that boost your speed. Nothing groundbreaking or revolutionary about it but I enjoyed it and it's a great addition to this Evercade cart especially.
The Monty Mole Collection
Good for what it was at the time. Difficult to play now. But still a nice 'time capsule' of a game to play today. Cheap and includes 5 games on this collection. See my full review on Channel 3.
Battletoads Gameboy
Not the same game as the NES version! A real solid almost-port to play the Toads on the go. It has different levels than NES and isn't as hard. Excellent graphics and music for a Gameboy game. Fun to play.
Little Orpheus
This is a very fun little indie game. It's incredibly easy which at this point my life I can appreciate and enjoy. It's got some pretty easy puzzles, but they are puzzles nonetheless. It's a straightforward platformer with very funny dialogue, excellent art and animations, and some pretty nifty creatures. There's no combat whatsoever. It's really just solving some puzzles and moving from chapter to chapter. The highlight is the voiceover and the narration between the main character and a Russian general. It reminds me a little bit of the old Space Quest games from Sierra back on PC. If you're looking for a quick and easy game, go for it. There is some replay value because after you beat the first nine chapters you can go back and get collectibles and different costumes.
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
This is a great game. This is an excellent game. This is a wonderful game. You can literally throw all your other Switch games away and just play this and you'd be fine.
Full Void
I just got the Special Edition of this game for Evercade, not even knowing it was out for basically every other system. They made a big deal about it for Evercade because it was one of the first native games built for Evercade. Anyway, if you like games like @out-of-this-world and weird little creepy retro games like this, you'll probably love this. It's not too long I think, but it's really cool. It's dark, creepy, puzzling, but extremely interesting. There's no words, no text, nothing. You have to escape monsters and solve puzzles. The art is great (watch the trailer) and the sounds are very eerie. Definitely recommend.

UPDATE: Changed this to a 5. This game can be beaten in about an hour and it is 100% worth every second. It's amazingly well done and has a final screen that made my jaw drop. It's on most consoles/systems. Pick it up. Support indie devs!
I have this game on the Switch and I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a sequel is out now too. I forget even why I got it but I like weird games and this is a weird game. You're basically an artist and you have to paint anything you want (literally anything it seems) and hope it's good enough that people will come to your art exhibit and enjoy the painting and buy them. That's basically the whole game but it's kinda cool to see how many different things you can create.
OK, after only a few hours I think I'm ready to give this game 5 stars. It's not for everyone. It's very weird. And very Stardew-esque. Which is a good thing. You basically run a bath house for ghosts and then you do little quests for the townspeople. That's kinda all it is. What made Stardew so great, was how it seemed to have endless amounts of content and stuff to do. I feel like this game is gonna be like that. Something new always pops up that makes you go, "Oh what's that over there...?" Anyway, I needed a game that was the opposite of Spider-Man 2 and Mario Wonder and this is PERFECT for that. If you like Stardew, get it. I have it on Switch and it's great.
Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier
I'll have to admit, I only played about 10 levels of this game. I think that's all you need to get an idea of how it's going to go. Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier (great name tbh) is a game where you play as a little slug (that looks and sounds and acts and moves just like a worm from WORMS but wink wink it's a slug). You can only move by firing your gun behind you so the KICKBACK can propel you forward. You can continually tap it for more precise movements, hold a button for a more fluid stream, or use a rocket for a quick short blast of movement.
The game is fine. I will go back to play more but it already started to get repetitive. Each level does have a time trial, which I know Channel 3 peeps drool over, so there's definitely some replayability as far as that goes and trying to get your best score.
The goal each level, which can be pretty short, is so navigate obstacles or enemies or spikes and collect any parcels a long the way, hit a few switches, and then make your way to the exit.
Give the trailer a look. It's a silly game that doesn't take itself too serious so I appreciate the humor and style of the game.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Not sure what else you could give this besides a 5/5. It's such a great story and never feels boring for a second (maybe a few MJ stealth missions but eh, they're fine). The only 'bad' thing is that I don't know where else they go from here. I don't know how games get BETTER than this. Graphically, storywise, etc. I loved this take on Venom. Kraven was friggin' awesome. Super fun from start to finish.
Life Of Delta
With all the HUGE games coming out, let's not forget about the indies and smaller games. I got a chance to play thru Life of Delta, a new Point-And-Click game from Airo Games. I'm a big fan of Point-And-Clicks going back to Space Quest and Leisure Suit Larry and King's Quest. My biggest gripe with the modern ones is how hard and difficult some of the puzzles are. And the constant need of having to use a guide. Is that because I'm dumb? Partly. But also...woof. This game here is something else. I'll start with the good: It's a beautiful looking game. I love the characters. I love the world this takes place in. I love the dialogue. I love the music. At first glance, if you like these types of games (it reminded me of @machinarium a bit), you think you'll enjoy this.
THE VERY FIRST PUZZLE in this game I had to skip. I literally had NO idea what I was supposed to do. After a few minutes of button mashing and screaming and crying, the game eventually said "Skip puzzle?" And while I really didn't want to, I had to. I then looked it up online and still had no idea what the person in the walkthrough video did. That set the tone right away.
Some of the puzzles are downright impossible to even KNOW what you're supposed to do. It doesn't mean they're difficult. It just means it's so unclear that it takes all the fun out of it. And then, some puzzles are BEYOND easy that you try to solve it in a difficult way only to find out all you have to do is click one button.
You can probably plow thru this game in about 2 hours so if you are looking for a point-and-click itch to scratch, I guess you can pick this up?Just know you're going to be frustrated. And I don't even think it's the developer's fault. The game had a few bugs the controls (on PS5) were pretty bad at times. It seemed rushed at some parts and if they had more time to tweak the controls and give even A LITTLE bit of help in explaining what you're supposed to do in some puzzles, it would make it a much more enjoyable game.
Sonic the Hedgehog
We were a Nintendo household growing up and I was never really jealous of any of my Genesis friends. Not even when Mortal Kombat came out because the SNES version plays so much better than the Genesis version anyway. A little bit of blood didn't matter (or sand). As for Sonic games. I never really loved them when I played them at a friend's house. First of all, I think it's too hard to go fast in this game, which is the whole point. I'm constantly hitting walls. I'm constantly hitting enemies and I never found it super engaging and fun. It's fine for what it is and the graphics are great for back then. That classic Genesis sound is good overall. It's a fine game but I don't have any personal connection to it.

UPDATE 10/18/23: Lowered it to 2-stars just because.
Never Alone
This game blew me away and it's one of those "epitome of an indie game" games. It's based on this old tale a tribe tells their families that's been passed down from generation to generation. It's beautiful. Not too difficult. Not too long. And it has live action cutscenes from people in the actual tribe telling the story in between levels. It's awesome. Loved this and I think I beat it in one sitting. Couldn't put it down. Completely sucked me in.
Mortal Kombat: Onslaught
It's not bad. You team up with other fighters all controlled by you or AI and fight other enemies. I assume the fun would be to keep playing and unlock a shit ton of kharacters from all of MK lore. But there seems to be a LOT going on with collecting items and gear etc etc. You have to constantly level up and all that stuff. We'll see if I keep playing.
Sea of Stars
I'm updating my review to 5 starts. I'm not done yet with the game but any RPG that can suck me in for 14+ hours so far and not get boring has to be amazing. I'm REALLY enjoying this game. Great story, fun characters and isn't too hard to confusing to know where you're going next.
Hidden Gems: Volume One
Got a full review coming soon, but for anyone looking to experience some good ol' C64 games, this is a pretty good collection. Only 4 games with 1 dud, but the other 3 are fun. Only $7 on Switch.
The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare
Graphically, the game is very very good. Also in sound. It's just so unnecessarily difficult, like all the Simpson's games were for some reason. It gets very frustrating as you progress talking a lot of the fun away.
Super Off Road
A decent off road game that unfortunately gets pretty repetitive after a while. There's slight upgrades you can do to your vehicle after each race if you collect enough money (or wrenches?). It's fun for a few minutes but you aren't going to spend hours on this one.
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
It's obviously a good game but not 5 stars. They automatically get 1 deducted from Baby Mario's cries being so hauntingly annoying. I also think there wasn't even an improvement graphically from Mario World 1. Still fun to play, but Mario World 1 still way better.
Mario Paint
For the time, this was one of the coolest things ever. It came with a mouse and mouse pad. You could draw, color, make music, and it had some mini games. It was such a weird, unique idea that Nintendo does so well and it was really fun to play and use.
This was a wildly addicting arcade game back in the 90's. My local bagel store had one and I'd play it during lunch and beat everybody who tried to play me. I'd have to eventually leave my game and head back into school. The SNES port was a great version of the game.
Battleship (1993)
I'm kind of a sucker for playing old board games on video game consoles. I actually enjoy this (there's also a pretty decent one for Gameboy). Battleship as a whole is very underrated as a board game.
All-Pro Basketball
Besides the pretty great dunking or blocking cut scenes, this is a pretty bad basketball game. The craziest thing about it is that the game has to load EVERY TIME you cross half court. It pauses, fades to black, loads up, switches perspective, and you start playing again. There's a 2 second pause every time this happens which makes the game kinda unplayable. It does have funny made-up team names though like the New York Slicks and the Chicago Zephyrs.
Mortal Kombat 1
I just finished the Kampaign already and even if this game was JUST the single player story, it would still be great. It's such a KRAZY story but super fun. I really like the twist and the reboot. It worked really well. The fighting itself is so good. Fluid, fast, fun. Seems to be a little more intuitive than Street Fighter 6 too. They really did an awesome job with this one (as they usually do with the MKs). Looking forward to all the weird DLC for the next few years.
Silver Surfer
This game gets 2 stars only for the banger soundtrack. Other than that, it's one of the hardest and most frustrating games I've ever played. One hit kills. Overpowered enemies. Underpowered Surfer. Game stinks.
Double Dribble
There was a lot of bad basketball games for the NES. Some of them went up and down had to load every single time you crossed half court which was insane. Double Dribble was side scrolling and it was great. Lots of fun, great dunking cutscenes and it had a secret spot on the court where you would hit a 3-pointer every single time if you did it right. I put a million hours into this one back in the day.
Battletoads & Double Dragon
I'm updating my review from 3 to 4 stars. I just played thru this from start to finish for the first time on the plane yesterday. It's actually pretty good. It combines 4 or 5 different genres of games, like the first one tried to do. It even turns into Asteroids on Cocaine at one point. It's completely batshit crazy as a video game, but it's fun. It's wickedly hard (I used cheats and don't care), but it was worth it to get to the end. Creative enemies and bosses. Fun music. Great graphics. It's too bad it's so damn hard because I think the Battletoads series is looked at differently if it wasn't for the difficulty. Recommend! (with cheats).
Out Run
Always liked playing this either at a friend's house or an arcade. Flipping your Ferrari going 278mph down the coast with your best gal at your side has never been funner.
Super Castlevania IV
Easily in the Top 10 of SNES games. Aside from the stellar graphics and level design, the MUSIC in this game is probably some of the best there ever is. It starts off immediately with a tune that fits the game so perfectly and never dips throughout the whole adventure. If you've never played, add this to your queue. Excellent game.
Legendary Wings
This was a really cool SHMUP on the NES back in the day. Instead of a spaceship, you were a guy with wings (it had 2-player co-op too!). The levels would switch from top down to horizontal too, which was pretty cool for the time. Good music, good graphics, and fun enemies.
Mario Party 3
Updated my review from a 4 to a 2. This game stinks. The games are hard and kinda boring. There isn't anything fun about this. This is one party I hope I'm not invited to. I'm flabbergasted by these positive reviews.
The Making Of Karateka
If you've played the @atari-50-the-anniversary-celebration game, then this is the same idea. Digital Eclipse NAILS this. From the short documentary style videos, to the menu music, to the old games that are playable, to the actual letters Jordan (the developer) saved from his correspondences with Broderbund in the early 80's, this collection is full of material. Seriously, if they did this with 1,000 other retro games I'd buy every single one. This is so well done. So educational. So entertaining. I love every single thing about how they did this. I really hope other games get this treatment. Karateka isn't even a game I played a lot as a kid, but I played it a little. That doesn't matter. This will make you LOVE that game and everything that went along with it. If you enjoy retro games and the history of it, this is an absolute no brainer to add to your collection. I'm seriously blown away by this.
Monopoly GO!
It's stupid. It's a waste of time. It's addicting AF. And it's fun to play with a community (hmm like Channel 3 peeps maybe?).
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection
Hey I'm a TMNT fan if you haven't heard! The amount of content they shoved into this collection is amazing. It has everything you'd ever want in a TMNT game. I even have the Collector's Edition, which I love. From the NES to the Gameboy games (that still hold up!) to the SNES/Genesis/Arcade games, there's so much great content here to enjoy. Before I even played any of the games, I spent well over an hour going thru all the extras. If you've played these games, it's worth it. If you've never played them, it's even more worth it. To the 1 person who rated this 2 stars, I will fight you after school by the flag pole at 3pm.
Taito Milestones
This has 10 games. I got it for $10. If I paid $40 for this I'd be furious. It's not good. But I'm a sucker for any old collection of games on 1 cartridge type of thing. But this kinda stinks.
Madden NFL 24
It's Madden. If you like Madden, this is probably the best version. It still has some annoyances. The menus are still slow and clunky. There's still probably 1 or 2 modes you can get rid of. But besides that, hey it's pretty good.
Batman Returns
It's Final Fight but with Batman. This follows the 2nd Batman movie with a dark, gritty vibe. It's quite good and has excellent graphics and sound. Side scrolling beat 'em ups were my jam back in the day so I always liked this and it fits Batman's whole theme too. Just walking around town punching and kicking people. There's a lot of Batman games out there and some of them are straight up doo doo. This is a good one though.
PGA Tour 2K23
At first, I didn't think this was as good as previous Tiger Woods or PGA games. But it's growing on me a lot. Still feel like some animation and player models are a little bland and stuff, but gameplay is pretty spot on. And that's really all you want from a golf game.
Def Jam Rapstar
I'm a big old school hip-hop fan. So when Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and even DJ Hero were huge, this game seemed RIGHT up my alley. I still have it but didn't play it a ton TBH. It was fine but the songs were censored (no big deal really) but it did take away a little bit from it. I also remember something weird like they didn't get the rights to half the songs so they had to shut down the online servers and then the game anyway. You could upload your own freestyle or footage of you rapping. Is there footage of me out there somewhere doing that? Possibly. I hope it's been deleted though. I should plug in my PS3 and make sure...
Mr. Robot and His Robot Factory
I don't know what game gets credit for being the "original mario maker" but Mr. Robot has to be in the running. This came out in 1983 and I had this for my Commodore 64 and played the HECK out of it. It had a bunch of levels you could play that were already on the game, but then you could also go to the Factory part and create your own levels and play them. I remember spending so much time just making my own levels, dying, and then making more of them. It was a really unique game ahead of its time that doesn't get enough credit nowadays.
When Dreams came out a while back, I thought it was one of the most innovative games ever made. And it still is. It's free on PS+ this month and even though the servers are apparently shutting down soon, there's still tons to do in this game. Made by the geniuses who also made LittleBigPlanet. They just released a new "game within the game made BY the game" called Tren and it's adorable and fun and awesome and super cool. Definitely recommend to everyone.
Revenge of the Gator
An excellent pinball game for the Gameboy. Not much else to say about it. Played it a lot as a kid and it was always one of my go-to Gameboy games on road trips.
Mario Bros.
A simple, yet addictive arcade game at first that gets increasingly difficult the longer you last. Enemies get faster. More variety. The beginning of the GOAT!
If you've never had a chance to play one of the worst games ever, do yourself a favor. Alf is one of, if not THE greatest characters in TV history. People over 40 know what I'm talking about. He was hilarious. He was adorable. The show still holds up. However, this abomination of a game makes me so angry. I never played it as a kid but as an adult I was very excited to play this when I found out about it. It's very very very bad.
Elevator Action
If you're like me and you spent most of your life in a big city and are used to taking elevators everywhere, the idea of being able to just shoot anybody who tries to get in an elevator with you sounds enticing. That's basically the whole idea of Elevator Action. It's quite silly and isn't that great of a game, but it definitely does its job in making you want to try just 1 more time. Classic "go for the high score" type of game.
Everybody so far complaining about this game today is funny. Yes it's simple. Yes the graphics are crude. Yes Balloon Fight ripped this off and did it better. Yes it's a ridiculous idea for a game. Yes the little pitter-patter of your feet as you run across the screen is adorable. Yes this game isn't good. But hey it's a classic.
Classic arcade game here. At first it seems simple, but boy does this game get difficult and those enemies are relentless! The goal of Burger Time is to walk across meat and lettuce and hamburger buns to complete your burger all while avoiding enemies such as hot dogs and eggs with feet. You only have a few Peppers to spray your enemy with to make them not hurt you for a few seconds. You can also drop the meat and lettuce on top of the enemies from above. Really great nostalgic game. Controls can be somewhat clunky but for a 40-year old game it's pretty good.
I truly believe if this game had online multiplayer it would be one of the most popular games in the world, especially here on Channel 3. It's such a fun, fast paced Smash-esque 4-player chaotic game. You use 1 archer and try to kill the other archers while randomly picking up power ups. It's tons of fun and has been ported to pretty much every platform over the years.
Winter Games
If you're 175 years old like me, then you maybe had a Commodore 64 growing up. Besides G.I. Joe and Usagi Yojimbo, I played Winter Games ALLLLL the time on that computer. It's an excellent collection of winter Olympic mini-games that can still be enjoyed today. You have Ski Jump, Bob Sled, Free Skating, Slalom Skiing, and more. It was released on a few other platforms back in the day, similar to California Games, but no one did it better than the good ol' C64.
Ape Out
I remember getting this game on a whim because it sounded pretty cool. I had no idea how much I'd end up loving it. You play an ape trying to escape a building from a top down perspective. To escape you basically grab humans and smash them against a wall. It's some of the most fun you'll ever have. The sound and music in the game is a 10/10. The more frantic the level gets, the crazier the jazzy drum sounds get. And it gets very chaotic. It's a load of fun and such a unique ridiculous game.
Tecmo Bowl
One of the funnest American football games you'll ever play still to this day, only to be outdone by its sequel (Tecmo Super Bowl). This game was so much fun. It's so easy for anybody to play, not just fans of football. It's quick. The graphics are good. The controls are easy. The mechanics are simple to understand. It's just so much fun still.
I'm happy this game is already in the library. Ok, I don't even know where to start and I also can't explain why these Stardew "clones" are so good. I just randomly started this game (it's free on PS+) just to see how it is, thinking I was going to delete it after 10 minutes and I played it for 2 hours straight. It's simple: if you like Stardew Valley, you will LOVE this. Try it.
Guitar Hero
The first time you played this game to when you eventually got good enough at it to play on expert...what a feeling. As the first entry into this series, it was awesome and they only got better as the series went on (until it didn't). So fun to play with friends too.
Donkey Kong Country
If you wanted to show someone how great the SNES was compared to the NES, you'd show them Donkey Kong Country. It seemed to be 1,000x better than any NES game. Excellent graphics, sound, and level design. One of the very best games on the SNES.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Mario 2 is fine. It's a decent game. Nothing really wrong with it. Good sound and graphics. And it's technically better than Lost Levels, the game it replaced for us dumb Americans. After how groundbreaking Mario 1 is, this was such a departure and more difficult. But going back to it now and it's enjoyable to play for a bit. Also Wart needs to make a comeback.
Caveman Games (Ugh-lympics)
Very silly and fun game. Played this a ton back in the day. My turbo NES controller made a lot of the crazy button mashing games much easier. It had a bunch of caveman games like wife tossing, dinosaur racing, fire starting, etc. Good times.
Grimace's Birthday
This isn't terrible. Better than some NES games. And I actually had a Grimace shake the other day (don't judge me) and I HATE how delicious it was. Purple tastes good, y'all.
Balloon Fight
As one of the earliest NES games, it seemed like everybody owned Balloon Fight or at least knew someone who did. Great in solo, or 2-player mode. I can see a remastered Switch version being pretty fun. And tiring.
Spider-Man 2600
I literally just played this the other day. This was one of my most played games on my Atari 2600. The first Spider-Man game ever made! It's very simplistic in design but it's very addicting and fun. You have to keep scaling increasingly taller buildings and resch the top whole avoiding bombs and the Green Goblin. You can swing from side to side and propel yourself straight up with your webs. Considering how far we've come with video games, especially the perfect Spider-Man games for PS5, this is definitely worth taking a look at even today.
Super Mario Kart
Besides Super Mario World, NBA Jam, and TMNT, this was definitely the most played game for my SNES. It never got boring. It's still great and brings back a ginormous amount of memories of playing this with friends or even by myself for hours. The game that started it all!
Trek To Yomi
I just finished this and had to let people know. This game BLEW me away. I had NO idea what it was going into it but it was free on PS+ and figured I'd give it a shot. I thought I'd play it for an hour and delete it. But wow, I couldn't put it down today. It's one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen. It doesn't look like anything I've ever played either. You can even complete it in like 4-5 hours (on easy, like I did. No shame). It's a super interesting story, great gameplay, excellent music, and some of the best visuals I've ever seen. Definitely recommend. It's gory, it's brutal, it's violent. But it's about a samurai avenging his village so what do you expect? Fun times!
Trover Saves the Universe
Played this on PSVR and it's one of the most batshit crazy, funniest games out there. It works really good in VR too as it's so wild and crazy. If you like Rick & Morty, you'll love this.
Battletoads In Battlemaniacs
Can't believe one of the best sequels of all time wasn't in our database! The SNES version takes the NES version and beefs it up in every single way for the better. Graphics are some of the best on the SNES. The music is great. Levels are awesome and extremely difficult. While a little easier than the NES one (obviously) it's still a pretty hard game to complete but it's very doable with some practice.
Ms. Pac-Man
Superior to her male counterpart in just about every way. The pinnacle of an arcade classic. If you're good at this game, you're a true O.G. gamer.
NBA 2K23
I feel like this game has peaked. It's as good and realistic as its gonna get. And that's not a bad thing. I just don't know where else they can go with this. I've been playing NBA Live since 1995 and 2K since the beginning. They're always great.
RiffTrax: The Game
As a lifelong fan of MST3K and Rifftrax and everything these guys do, I couldn't wait to play the game. It's as fun as any other Jackbox game.
Eliminator Boat Duel
While this game isn't great, it does have its moments. I do like how they make it kind of silly. It's got pretty good graphics in the cutscenes. The gameplay itself isn't that amazing or groundbreaking but for a couple minutes here and there you could do worse.
Papers, Please
This is such a unique and weird game that is VERY addicting. It's incredibly simplistic in design but it has a lot of gameplay. You basically have to decide if you're going to let people cross a border or not in a depressing war torn country. Sounds fun right!? It is. Trust me. It gets complicated but in a good way the longer you play it for.
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
An absolute classic. Oh you think you're good at video games? Prove it. The skill and memorization and persistence this game needed and forced you to have makes it one of the best NES games of all time. The remakes have all been good too but we need a proper Punch Out remake for the Switch.
Tin Hearts
Hey kids! Do you like Lemmings and sorta kinda creepy but also sorta kinda cute Toy Soldiers? Then you'll love Tin Hearts. Tin Hearts is an indie puzzler game where you have to make a path using toy blocks, trains, and other items to get all the Toy Soldiers to the finish line. The first bunch of levels take place in a toy workshop so the aesthetic to this game is wonderful and really fits the game perfectly.
You get to unlock new items or 'powers' to use throughout the game which allow you to do things such as manipulate time, move trains, fast forward and rewind your soldiers, etc.
What I'm loving about this game is that it's not TOO hard. You can plan out your level in advance before you let your soldiers out of their toy-box and have them start walking to the finish line (or their death if you mess up or are a maniac).
There's a bit of a story woven throughout the game which isn't too in-depth but it's a cute little tale of a toy maker and it develops more as the game moves along.
Definitely recommend to anyone looking for a fun little puzzle game. Comes out today on PC/XBox/PS5.
Death Or Treat
"Just one more..." is what you'll say a lot when playing this new rogue-lite platformer. While the humor is a little [candy] corny (now they got me doing it - it's a Halloween based theme, shut up), the rest of the game is REALLY well done. Excellent art style, perfect music to go along with the environments, and fun weapons.
You have to keep starting over from the beginning each time you die in this game, but play sessions are pretty quick overall so you'll want to keep going. Each time you progress further, you'll unlock new 'ingredients' basically or items to upgrade your weapons, buy new weapons and skills, etc. The usual for games like this.
Definitely worth a try if you enjoy torture and like playing games like Binding of Isaac. While I only got to the 2nd boss and haven't beaten them yet, I think I'm definitely going to keep playing this game to finish it.
Bad Dudes
A favorite arcade beat 'em up. There's really no bells or whistles with this game. It's just a fun, stupid beat 'em up with some fun characters. Arcade version is superior but the NES version isn't bad either.
This is in my top 5 most played SNES games. The graphics were mind blowing at the time. The music is still awesome. The time trials were addicting. Love this game. We really need a new one.
Easy to learn, hard to master. The most popular video game character on the planet in the early 80's. Still fun to play and try to beat your scores.
As a classic, it's up there and still playable. But there's been literally 70,000,000 other shmups made after this that clearly overshadow the original Galaga. Still not bad for a quick high score sesh though.
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Even though you couldn't technically fatality these characters, they nailed it. It's such a great game, with the 2nd one being even better. Lots of characters to choose from, tons of moves and customization too. Made by the Mortal Kombat studio, so you know it's in good hands.
Garbage Pail Kids: Mad Mike And The Quest For Stale Gum
I'm a huge sucker for nostalgia and retro games and when you combine both of those I'M IN! Unfortunately, this game kinda stinks. It's not even a cash grab (it's only like $6) but the levels are kinda repetitive and boring and the controls aren't great. I totally get the appeal of making a new game seem old and retro but you can at least clean up the controls. I'm not giving it 1 star because it does have quite a bit of content in here. There's only 6 levels but there's a lot of random GPK's wandering about the levels and similar to the Atari 50 or TMNT Collection, it has some fun bonus content you can browse thru for a couple minutes (like pics of old cars, a few movies/videos, etc). I'm going to try to complete it as it doesn't seem THAT long, but I'm disappointed it isn't more fun.
Donut Dodo
What an unexpected banger! I can't stop playing this. I'm playing it on the Evercade but it's also on Steam and Switch for super cheap. Definitely recommend everyone getting it. It's a mix between Burger Time and Donkey Kong Jr and has SUCH a great soundtrack and full of retro vibes. Super challenging but worth it when you beat a level.
Pac-Man 99
Solid Battle Royale game. Tetris 99 perfected this type of game. This is really fun and eating a train of 50 ghosts in a row never gets old.
While it's no Wii Sports, playing this back in the early 80's was like, literally the coolest thing ever. For an Atari game it holds up and can still be fun for a few minutes today.
Street Fighter V
Ok so, TECHNICALLY, this game is amazing. Plays great. Looks great. All that. For me though, when it started to become waaayyyy more eSports focused, the fun started to go away. It got overly complicated. The menu screen is a nightmare. Fighting online was a mess. I hope with 6 they go back to what made this series one of the best ever.
Dig Dug
Always really liked Dig Dug. It's a perfect retro game for a quick 5-10 minute play session. Plus who doesn't want to shove a harpoon into a dragon and inflate them until they blow up? Making the rocks fall on their heads too was always very rewarding.
Jelly Boy
This isn't bad! Give it some time. It's interesting and weird and doesn't make any sense but as a platformer it's solid. More solid than actual jelly.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
So fun fact about me: Roger Rabbit is in my Top 3 movies of all time. I absolutely love this movie and I think it still holds up today and still makes me laugh and it's just basically perfect.
The video game is the complete opposite. It's borderline trash and I'm still upset about it. There could have been so much potential in a fun game but it's so boring and not fun to play. Yet I come back to it ALL THE TIME in the hopes that maybe my nostalgia goggles were wrong. They were not. I give it 2 stars instead of 1 because while they do for the most part stick to the source material, almost nothing about it is fun other than winding up and punching Roger across the room (oh yeah, you don't play as Roger. You play as Eddie Valiant.)
IMO, this is the epitome of an indie game. It's one of the most beautiful, interesting games I've ever played. It's weird. Unique. Does whatever it wants. Takes risks. Doesn't bore you with unnecessary side stuff. I've completed it 3 different times because it's only about 5-6 hours in length and I know I can always go back to it and each time and still be impressed and blown away by this game. I had no idea what to expect the first time I gave it a try but it sucked me in immediately. Highly recommend this to anyone looking for something different. It's on every platform by now I think.
Street Fighter: Duel
Was looking forward to this but blah. There's a TMNT game like this that's a similar gameplay but with like 1,000 less things going on on the screen and way more fun. This game isn't fun.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
I feel like for some reason, people poop on this game (not here on the Chan). It's great. Excellent for co-op and I love the graphics and gameplay. It's Mario. It's fun.
South Park: The Stick of Truth
If you want to play a 12-hour long episode of South Park and laugh the whole time, play this. It's so well done, perfectly written, has excellent RPG gameplay, and looks amazing. They nailed this one.
Mortal Kombat
I've probably spent more money on this game than any other game in my life, and just in quarters. I loved how different it was than Street Fighter 2 but just as good. Knowing the fatalities made you a god at the local arcade or wherever you played this. Tons of memories from this game, on the Arcade Mt. Rushmore. Also, the SNES version was superior in almost every single way to the Genesis version fight me.
Donkey Kong 3
This is like "oh shoot. That's due tomorrow??" I mean, kudos for trying different things than the previous 2 but this game just isn't fun.
Tecmo Super Bowl
Still the best and most fun football game ever. The menu sucks and is stupid but besides that, it's perfect.
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
I love every Guitar Hero game. Even if it had a song you hated in real life, you'd have fun playing it in this game. Had a billion hours of fun with this series. This game in particular, I loved rocking out to Bohemian Rhapsody, Money For Nothin' and Uprising by Muse.
If my dwindling memory serves me correct...this is the first game I ever played, or at least remember playing. The "swinging from the vine" sound is permanently burned into my brain, and that's a good thing. It's fun. Besides Spider-Man, this was my most played Atari 2600 game as a kid. Never beat it. Nobody did. Ever.
Mega Man
A good start to an incredibly long-running and beloved series. While every single game looks the same in this series (or at least the first "11" do), each one brought something new. This one only had 6 robot bosses but it was still pretty difficult. Banger of a soundtrack as always.
Missile Command
Very few Atari games or games from that era in general hold up. Missile Command mostly does. It's fun for quick bursts and you can even get sucked in for 20-30 minutes once you get the hang of it. Definitely worth playing on the Atari 50th Collection.
Super Mario Maker
It's such an amazing idea for a game. And it's done exquisitely. I wish I was smarter so I could make some cool levels, but I just can't. I was regularly in awe seeing what some people created.
Super Mario World
The 2nd best Mario game behind 3D World. It's basically perfect and I still play it once or twice a year just for fun.
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
This was the only Castlevania I owned as a kid. It's crazy hard. There's like no way you could beat this game without a Nintendo Power back in the day. Plus the music legit scared me (I was 27, give me a break) (JK I was like 8 or 9).
It's good, just old school Nintendo hard.
NFL Blitz
Pure fun. In fact I was so bad at Madden for a while because I kept trying to bodyslam and tackle people after the play was over, so I always got called for penalties.
The Binding of Isaac
Hated this game at first. Once I went back to it and realized what to do I was hooked. It's incredibly addicting. Super weird. Super gross. Fun. Frustrating. And awesome.
Tomb Raider Reloaded
Reskinned generic money grab cash grab blab blah. Not that good. Nothing about it made me want to keep playing. And I went like 30 levels in. Bored the whole time!
Donkey Kong Jr.
I actually really like this one. They get very repetitive but that's where the skill and perseverance come in. Still good for some quick pick-up-play retro gaming sessions.
Super Punch-Out!!
I kinda love this game and I desperately hope they bring this back one day. It was such a classic on NES and this one on SNES made it even better (and with LESS racism and stereotypes almost!) It's super fun, looks awesome, and is a challenge to play but makes you wanna keep trying once you learn all the different boxer's patterns.
Nintendo Switch Sports
It's good but found it a little bit disappointing they couldn't surpass the original, which I guess was a "lightning in a bottle" thing. It's fine but it's almost identical to Wii Sports. Some new sports and slight upgrades though. Wish there were more options.
Wii Sports
I think this game changed the world. Everybody knew what this was. Everybody played it. Fun for everyone. Still holds up today.
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames!
Just finished playing thru this on the Switch with the new GBA games. These games seem like a total lunatic designed them. They're so fun and super weird. Big fan.
Mario Party 8
I just remember the really thicc manual that came in this thing. Other than that, typical fun Mario Party game which took advantage of the Wii's motion controls for a lot of the mini-games. Fun to play and easy to get so mad you wanna throw your Wii thru a window type of game.
NBA Playgrounds
This is a modern day NBA Jam in a good way. But then 2K bought it and "ruined it". It's still fun but the charm was gone with the 2nd one. Loved playing this. Wish they did it every year with new rosters.
Frogger (1981)
I still remember playing this on my Atari as a kid. This and Spiderman were my 2 favorite 2600 games. It's easy to learn and can get addictive. Very "just 1 more" vibes on this one. Newer versions have come out but oddly aren't as fun as the original.
Pro Wrestling
In my opinion, the best wrestling game on the NES (Tecmo wrestling is a close second). Who didn't love doing somersault kicks with Starman or biting off your opponent's face with the Amazon?? Really fun game and fun music.
Until Dawn
This game is awesome and so are the non-famous voice actors in it. Definitely worth a few playthroughs! The game always changes based on who dies and who makes it.
Ice Climber
Literally the worst jumping mechanics in the history of video games. EVER. Once you get the hang of it though (IF YOU CAN!!!) the game isn't bad. It's just frustratingly annoying to get these little idiots to jump where you want them too. A true NES classic! :)
Marvel Snap
Great fun on the toilet. Easy to learn and fun to play.

*Update: had to change it from 4 to 5 stars because apparently I used to be an idiot.
Still fun today. Banger of a soundtrack. One of the best puzzle games ever created. Excellent for causing fights during couch co-op too!
Mario Kart Wii
I actually really enjoyed using the steering wheel and equally enjoyed seeing people try to use the steering wheel who couldn't do it properly. Excellent game and a huge graphical improvement IMO over N64 and GameCube versions.
God of War Ragnarök
Funny I haven't rated this yet. I mean, what do you want? This game is perfect. Top notch characters. Some twists. Insanely in-depth story and combat. The GOAT of 2022.
Sam & Max Hit the Road
Although sometimes a little difficult, the Sam & Max games are some of the funniest games you'll ever play. The characters are ridiculous and the dialogue is hilarious. If you liked Point & Click games back in the day or even today, try to play these. They remastered one recently and it's out on Switch too. Some older ones can be played on PS4 as well.
Where's Waldo?
This is without a doubt a bottom 10 game on the NES, and that's saying a lot because there are quite a few turds on the beloved NES. The graphics are atrocious (for a game where the only thing you have to do is SEE what you're doing, that's not good), it's boring, so lazily put together, and no one should ever play it.
Dr. Mario
This and Tetris were the only games my mom would play with us as kids. My dad thought the NES was stupid so he never touched it. My mom would beat us all the time (at the game, not with sticks) which made me get really good at Dr. Mario. I can now definitely kick her ass. What I'm saying is I'm very good at Dr. Mario and Tetris now.
Tetris 99
The most perfect version of Tetris IMO. I was instantly hooked on this. The best feeling getting a W on this game.
SimCity 2000
I loved these games back as a kid on my PC. Although I was too dumb to know what to do when all my power or water stopped working (other than nuke the town) I still always liked creating something weird from scratch with SimCity 2000.
Grand Theft Auto III
I remember going to GameStop and trading in my NES and 80 games, my SNES and about 50 bands, and my N64 and about 25 games all for a PS2 and this game. I've regretted it every day since. PS2 is amazing but I wish I still had that small fortune of games. Anyway, I liked this game a lot.
Super Mario 64
I, ahem, think Mario 64, ahem...a little overrated and doesn't hold up today OK BYE I'M DELETING MY ACCOUNT NOW!!!
Job Simulator
This is an incredibly stupid and fun game. Playing it on PSVR (or any VR) seems like the way to go. It's got great humor, dumb 'quests' and all around silly things to do.
Ship of Fools
Just started playing this and it's pretty fun. I'd say it's sorta like a cross between Overcooked and a roguelite. It's got some fun humor, a really cool art style, and online multiplayer (which I assume would make it a smidge easier, but I've been going solo so far). Anyway, really enjoying it so far. It just came out so hopefully it does well.
Burnout 3: Takedown
What monster gave this 3 stars? Find a better racing game EVER. Burnout 3 was the most fun I've ever had with a racing game in my life. It's endlessly entertaining. Love it.
Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration
If you have ANY interest in the history of Atari, this collection is unbelievable. They packed so much content into this along with the games that it's really cool to go thru it all. Definitely recommend.
West of Loathing
Yo! Everyone stop what you're doing and go play this. This is by a mile the absolute funniest, silliest, and wackiest game I've ever played. It's so fun to play, hilarious script and dialogue, and will have you laughing the whole time. I love this game.
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
This might have been my favorite one. It seemed like every single song was fun to play. I eventually got really good at Expert on GH and Rock Band making every song a friggin blast to play. Not sure if I still have it in me. Might dust off the guitars one day...
Tales from the Borderlands
I know the Borderlands games are beloved and fun. And they are. But I find them difficult and repetitive at times. Telltale does a great job with their other games and I really liked this. It's very funny, great script and dialogue and not too difficult (you're really just 'choosing your own adventure ' the whole time)
After years of avoiding this game (I downloaded and tried it like 4 times over the last few years, but I never liked it) I decided to give it another shot because of Channel 3. I finally GET it. It's fun. Once you know what you're doing and how to survive for more than 10 seconds, it becomes quite enjoyable.
I can't say enough about this game. It's just... Wow. It keeps throwing twists and different things at ya. Highly recommend.
Mortal Kombat (2011)
Getting to use Kratos in Mortal Kombat on the PS3 was the greatest thing in the world to me at the time. It still kicks ass. This set the stage for MK X and MK 11 being as good as they are.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
It loses a star because of its insane difficulty. Other than that, the game is almost perfect. It's so fun, so creative. A typical Nintendo game that they loved and nurtured and made it incredibly fun to play. But's hard. I finally beat it on the Switch version and I wanted to throw it out the window after I was done.

Great game.
Super Mario Galaxy 2
I loved this game. I felt like they took everything that made Galaxy 1 awesome and just did that again, slightly better. It's incredibly creative and unique to the rest of the Mario series. Galaxy always stands out as something weird and a little different but it works.
Super Mario Odyssey
You kinda have to give it a 5. They rarely mess up anything Mario related and Odyssey is no exception. It's different enough to make it replayable each year. It's unique and fun. You'll probably never play a more fun level than New Donk City in any Mario game. Top 5 Mario game.
Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit
Very cool Nintendo-y idea. It's fun to watch what's going on thru the actual Switch screen. Works great. Car is a little slow which is fine I guess. My kid loves it.
Super Mario Bros.
Great game! Looking forward to a sequel or perhaps even a movie! They can probably do a lot with this character in the future.
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
I'm typically not a fan of RPGs but obviously had to give this a try a few years ago. Really liked it. It's good ol' Mario fun with some light RPG elements. As in, no grinding and not overly difficult.
Astro's Playroom
Waaaaaay more than a glorified tech demo. Super fun game trust has awesome in-game collectibles showing the history of PlayStation. The soundtrack is banger after banger. And that first time you turn it in and do the controller tutorial...whoo!
Deserves all the accolades it gets. This game is so good. So creepy. So intriguing. So... everything.
WCW vs. nWo: World Tour
I mean, looking back on it now it doesn't seem that amazing but holy cow...this game had everything. Everyone had different moves, finishers, entrances...the best.
Super Mario All-Stars
I thought this was the pinnacle of gaming. No way it's ever getting better than remastered editions of the Mario games.
This was also the first time I remember anything ever doing something like this.
Immortals Fenyx Rising
Totally unexpected game here. I loved every second of this (except the very final 3-tiered puzzle thing UGH!). It was very funny, lots of cool twists and puzzles and characters. I didn't expect to like this one but after a few minutes you realized it wasn't going to be a serious Zelda or Assassin's Creed type game. It knows it's being ridiculous in a good way. Definitely worth playing.
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
If this really is the end of Uncharted, the nailed it. Since the PS3 days, Uncharted has been one of my favorite series. Yes it can get a little repetitive, but the stories are excellent, the characters are fun, and there's always little "OH WOW" moments in each game. Uncharted 4 was excellent.
OMG PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE bring this back. This was the peak of NFL games! Then Madden went and...meh. Madden is fine, but something about NFL 2K just made it different and so much fun to play.
Ice Hockey
While I liked Blades of Steel a little bit more, this is still always fun to play. Getting to choose between skinny, medium, and fat players was always fun and different for the time. Simple game play, and just a no frills fun hockey game for the NES.
It's not perfect, but being able to play NBA Jam at home in the 90's was one of the best things ever. It's still one of the best basketball games ever made. Put many hours into this.
Just started playing this on PS+ and it's actually really fun. No shooting or killing or bosses. Just a fun casual silly game.

***Update: finished this yesterday along with the free DLC. A real relaxing, cute game if you like that kinda thing every now and then. Which I do!
Baba is You
One of the most unique puzzle games I've ever played but OH SO hard. Makes you feel really dumb but then really smart when you finally figure it out. But mostly makes you feel really dumb.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
At the time, being the first PS3 game I played, when I turned this on and heard the theme song and then saw the graphics...done. Fan for life. Love this game and the series.
Super Mario Land
Still have this song stuck in my head because it's so damn catchy. Excellent first Mario game on the Gameboy. Feels a little dated today but you can still play it and be like "Hey that wasn't bad."
Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight
Yes, really. That's Ken. We swear.
It's a weird futuristic platformer game that's supposed to be Ken (from Street Fighter) as the main character I believe. I think if you took that away it would be a decent game but it's weird they even made this and called it Street Fighter.
The Sims 3
The only game my wife played without me! We played this on co-op for a while and I'd find her playing it when I wasn't home, which was great. It's just silly stupid fun. A bit clunky on consoles unfortunately but still a fun game.
Batman: The Video Game
Technically it's a great game, but very difficult. Had great cutscenes, graphics and sound (and music) for an NES game.
Tomb Raider (2013)
I never really enjoyed the original series (I know I know) but this one blew me away. It's beautiful. Great story, great gameplay, everything. Super fun to play.
Batman: Arkham Knight
This whole series was incredibly well done. While difficult at times, it never got too overwhelming. Really enjoyed this one.
Marvel's Spider-Man (2018)
As good as everyone says it is. It's such an incredible Spiderman game. Finally. Top notch graphics. Great story. Super fun gameplay. Great villains and enemies. Never got boring.
Luigi's Mansion 3
I never played the original one for more than like 10 minutes. I found this one such a joy. It was sooooo Nintendo. Fun. Creative. Unique. Silly. They really nailed it on this one, as they do all their AAA games.
Super Mario Galaxy
Excellent game that nailed using the motion controls of the Wii. It looked crazy good for the time (still does) and was such a fun experience.
Red Dead Redemption
This game is a Top 10 All Time for me. I loved everything about it which is why I think RDR2 was such a disappointment to me. 2 is still good but it got boring after a while. 1 never felt boring to me ever. Excellent story too.
Balan Wonderworld
This is the worst game I've ever played. I highly recommend it though just to see how gosh darn weird AF it is. NOTHING in it makes sense. NOTHING. It's bonkers how out there it is.
The Pedestrian
SUPER creative and unique puzzle game. Reminds me of Framed a bit on mobile devices. I really really enjoyed this one. If you like different types of puzzle games, give this a try.
Tecmo World Wrestling
The NES is actually pretty lackluster when it comes to wrestling games. The first few WWF games were kinda garbage. The WCW game I had was NOT good at all. But I had this one too and I LOVED it. Probably the best wrestling game on the NES besides Pro Wrestling. Has to be. It's split screen (top and bottom) and the announcers are down low and the action happens up top. There's a bunch of characters that all have a unique finishing move and a few specific moves just for them. (Not my video included, found it on YouTube but I have played this recently on my Anbernic handheld retro device thing)
Detroit: Become Human
This game is super interesting and actually real fun to play. It's not a typical game but it's definitely worth it for anyone who wants to experience something cool. Real good story too.
Final Fight
One of my favorite arcades ever and this is a near perfect copy of the arcade (minus Guy). To be able to play this at home was a dream. Haggar 4 life.
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
This is one of those 1:1 games where like, if you have a PS5, you should have Rift Apart. It's one of the best looking games I've ever played. It's funny. It's action packed. Fun story. Wacky AF guns. Silly dialogue. Absolutely must play for PS5 owners.
Playing this with a group of friends who know what their role is is one of the best times. Great game.
AdVenture Capitalist
Oh geez. Forgot about this game. Actually played this for about a year on my phone (and also maybe the Switch? Or PS4?). The epitome of a time waster.
Less than 4 stars average?! This game is LITERALLY platforming perfection. Yes it's super difficult but not in a "this game sucks way". I died 1087 times (it keeps track) but not once did I want to give up. It's so so so good.
Wii Fit
5 stars only because it was such a weird Nintendo-y idea that worked. I used this everyday for at least a year. Still do some yoga poses I learned from this "game" every now and then. Still have the board too! You can legit knock a moose out with it. It's so heavy and thick.
Was yelling at a friend the other day who said every Atari game is stupid and I brought up how Q*Bert is such a good, difficult game for back then. Completely dumb on the Gameboy (colors!) but still a fun game to play. And they've done a few remakes over the years too.
Ecco the Dolphin
Dare I say... incredibly overrated? It looked cool when you started playing but after 5 minutes you're falling asleep.
Burnout Paradise
When comparing it to the 2 previous Burnouts (which are INCREDIBLE), I didn't like this at first. It was "too open world" but after a while I came to love this game and played it every day for hours. There's a ton of content in there too. Beautiful graphics also.
Shovel Knight
If it was just for the soundtrack alone, the game gets 5 stars. But then you play the game and it's incredible too.
Mortal Kombat II
The visual upgrade between 1 and 2 was crazy. This instantly became my favorite arcade game. Loved using Jax and Reptile in this one.
Grand Theft Auto V
This is actually the only GTA that I've ever completed. The story and acting and overall bonkersness of this game make it an all time banger. Not to mention that it's grossed like $6B or something insane like that. It's so fun to play and the characters are awesome to switch back and forth between.
A near perfect platformer. Old school difficulty but that JUST almost makes you wanna throw your console out a window but not quite. One of the best looking games you'll ever play. Completing this was a true feeling of accomplishment.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
I think I got burnt out on Assassin's Creeds. I have them all, played them all...After like 20 hours into this one I just stopped. It wasn't really grabbing me the way I'd hoped. It plays like all the others. While I appreciate the incredible storytelling and acting in these games, the gameplay hasn't evolved that much over the last 4-5 entries in the series.
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
People who call this DLC are lame. This is so much fun to play. Loading times are practically zero on the PS5 and it plays and looks phenomenal. Definitely worth it!
Horizon Forbidden West
This was slightly better than the first (which was great). It looks amazing. Has some cheesy dialogue and REALLY long conversations, which you can skip, but taking down a giant robot animal has never been more fun. HIGHLY recommend for anyone with a PS5. Even the side missions don't seem like a slog.
Two Point Campus
Just got this since I'm a fan of Two Point Hospital. Kinda the same idea. Same look and feel. If you like this series, this is a no brainer. Similar funny and wacky humor as the other ones.
Two Point Hospital
This is one of those sim games that isn't impossible. Civilization SEEMS like a cool concept to me, but I can barely make it past the tutorial. It's too hard. This game holds your hand, in a good way, and walks you thru each step before they set you free. Really fun to pick up and play in quick or long sessions too.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan
With one of my favorite boxarts ever, this game still holds up. I probably went thru about $75 of my parents money just on batteries playing the crap out of this on my Gameboy. It's probably more fun than the first NES TMNT game (easier). Has great graphics and music too.
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants
If you liked this game, you're insane. It wasn't good. The graphics stunk. The sound stunk. It was so insanely difficult and most of the stupid first level didn't even make any sense. I played this game so much out of frustration but I don't know if I ever finished it.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
If there's ONE game in the history of games that needs a 2022's TMNT Tournament Fighters. When Injustice 2 released the TMNT DLC and f'in NAILED IT, I was so hopeful that would get the ball rolling with a remake of this game. Hasn't happened yet but I hope so one day. It's a no brainer. Everything about it makes sense! There's hundreds of characters (and wacky costumes) they could use...anyway this is about the SNES version. It's great. Can't wait to play it again on the Cowabunga Collection at the end of August. Street Fighter with Turtles? What's not to love?
Almost impossible. Super fun. Ridiculous wannabe TMNT characters (in a good way, who didn't wanna be a Ninja Turtle in the early 90's?). I love this game and I know it's so frustratingly hard, but it also kinda rules. Best pause music in gaming history too.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
You know this game is perfect. Smashing foot soldiers back and forth. Throwing them towards the screen. Beating up Krang and Shredder. It's got everything. Still one of the best SNES games ever made. And that boxart!!!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project
I'm a huge fan of the Triceratons from TMNT so just having them on the cover made this already the greatest game of all time in my dumb teenage head. It's a great game. Still like playing it today. Has great enemies, great graphics for the time and gameplay was solid.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
The arcade version is still damn-near flawless as a video game. The NES version did a solid job of bringing that to home (plus some new levels!) Still a great game to pick up and play after all this time.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I'm STILL a humongous TMNT fan. This game was heaven for me. I forced myself to love it, even though half the enemies have nothing to do with TMNT. The graphics were actually really good for the game. Music was outstanding. The water hard but like the Battletoads Turbo Tunnel, it wasn't the most difficult part. You NEEDED Nintendo Power to beat this game back in the day so you knew where to find enough scrolls and pizzas along the way. Plus, it has the most kick-ass box art and one of my favorite TMNT pictures of all time.
Rock Band 2
I think if you tried to be too cool for Rock Band (or Guitar Hero), you were lying to yourself. They were so innovative and fun that even people who never played video games got into them. Anytime I hear a song I first heard on Rock Band on the radio, it takes me back to jamming out with my plastic drums.
Super Mario 3D World
The best Mario game, hands down. Fight me. This was PURE JOY to play on the Wii U. Loved every single wacky, creative, silly level of this game.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 and 2
I'll preface with this: I didn't play the original a lot. I didn't own it myself, but I played it with friends. After everyone was saying how amazing this remake was, I had to get it. I don't know if I've ever been worse at a game. And I'm good at games. This one never clicked with me. I understand that it's very well made and looks great, but I find it difficult to play without putting in hours and hours of practice. Yet I still no success.
Mortal Kombat 11
I don't know where else you can go with a fighting game as far as improvements. By no means am I GOOD at this, but hey you learn a few combos and you can hold your own with 1 or 2 characters you play with a lot. This is such a fluid, amazing looking game that when you compare it to the first few MK's which we all thought were MIND BLOWING (they were), it shows you how far this great series has come.
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout
It's one of the most unexpectedly fun games I've ever played. I've been playing it for 2 years, since the day it came out for free on Playstation Plus and I've been hooked ever since. No game gives me so much joy and anger within seconds of each other.
Kung Fu
I had this on my Commodore 64 and it was easily one of my most played games. It's so simple to play but really difficult to master, as the later levels get difficult. Great music too!
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
The best in the series, which is saying a lot since they're all pretty much amazing. Huge fan of Uncharted and the jump from 1 to 2 was just awesome in every way. And yet they still came back and kicked ass with 3 and 4, and also the Lost Legacy DLC which was super fun.
ToeJam & Earl
Still fun (and funky) to this day. The remake that came out a few years ago is basically the exact same game with a fresh coat of much needed paint. One of my favorite Genesis games.
Assassin's Creed III
I'm surprised at seeing all the love for this game. I think this is actually the worst Assassin's Creed game. So much unused potential here. Way too many cutscenes, not enough action, just blah from beginning to end.
OK right up front I only put in like 2 hours of this game but I had to run here to give some thoughts. Usually when a game gets too hyped up, especially shooters, I tend to check out early and not really care. This always LOOKED cool, but I never got around to trying it. I decided to finally give it a shot since it's free on PS+Premium right now and wow. This game f'in rules. It's original. Intense. Looks amazing. Great gameplay. Highly recommend if you're looking for something different.
A top 5 all time arcade for me. This and TMNT and Final Fight were my go-to co-op games (besides the obvious Street Fighter 2 and various Mortal Kombats). There was just something about N.A.R.C. that made it so fun to play. Blowing up bad guys with a rocket launcher and watching body parts go everywhere was probably it actually. The music was great. The graphics were great. And you got to ride a Porsche for about 4 seconds before you smashed it into a dumpster then had to walk the rest of the level.
The NES version, while playable and fine, wasn't as good and detailed as the arcade version.
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
This was my Game of the Year last year. So unexpectedly amazing. It's super funny, has great voice acting, great story, and excellent gameplay. Please do NOT let the Avengers game turn you off from this. I enjoyed literally every single second of this game. There's no fluff, no side missions, just a linear amazing game to be played.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
As one of the world's self-proclaimed top TMNT experts out there, I couldn't wait for this. It doesn't disappoint. I love how each character plays a smidge different. I love the music. The art style and graphics they went with. It's just fun. If you like the original arcade game (and if you don't what's wrong with you?), you'll love this.
God of War (2018)
God of War is one of my favorite series ever so I was pumped when it came to PS4. It didn't disappoint. It went above expecations and completely knocked this out of the park. The 'no-loading screens', the story, the gameplay, the graphics, Atreus as the best wing man in has everything. Hoping Ragnarok is just as good if not better.
Beat Saber
The best, most fun, most innovative VR game there is. Everyone should play this at least once. It's incredibly addicting and fun. Also a great workout.
Stardew Valley
I never thought I would like these games. Ever. But I remember buying the "collector's" edition for like $15. It took me a few hours but something finally clicked and it's probably in my Top 5 games of all time. There's just something about it. It's NOT just a farming sim. Don't let that fool you. That's part of it, but ConcernedApe (the 1-man amazing developer) put SOOOOO much into this game that it still makes me say "wow" when I discover something new after 400+ hours into it. Everyone in the world should play this game.
Really fun, relaxing type of game. Excellent art too. Funny dialogue between the characters at times. If you need something to scratch that Stardew Valley itch, this is a good choice.
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury
Mario 3D World for the Wii U is the best Mario game ever made. It's a shame only 8 people played it until they re-released it (thankfully) for the Switch.
Call of Duty: Vanguard
It's Call of Duty, only newer. It's a good game but the matchmaking kinda started to suck lately. With all the versions of Call of Duty they put out in the course of the last 18 months, the menu got all convoluted, it takes forever sometimes to load up a game...i feel like they tried putting way too much into this one and it ultimately slowed it down. If you like CoD, you'll be fine, but I was hoping they sorta slowed down a bit and released a working game rather than sending 50gig updates/patches all the time.