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Star Wars: TIE Fighter
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Elden Ring
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Perfect for intense 2 player action. Nothing is better than running bad guys over with your jeep
One day, my older brother told me to buy “the orange box” and I didn’t understand what it meant. Now, I know a box can be your best friend and that the cake is a lie.
Never played the other games in the box…
Stardew Valley
This game was a good way for me to act the way I do in real life.
Ignore everybody.
Start off farming potatoes and then move to blueberries. Cranberries and strawberries. Farm, farm, farm. Nothing beats harvest days. Like popping bubbles. Upgrade your tools wisely. The character interactions in this game are almost completely unnecessary.
My brother can beat it on the hardest level. Always loved to see them dance. Reinvented the wheel.
The Beatles: Rock Band
One of those games I think God made specifically for me.
The only shame is that their entire catalog isn’t available to experience in rock band form.
Super Mario Bros.
I tell my kids that this game is my Minecraft. I have got it down to about a 10 minute game session in order to beat the game. The game gives me the same satisfaction as solving a Rubik’s cube.
I have the game and watch version and am determined to beat the game is various unique places like on the beach, on a plane, in as many different states as I can.

First time I saw Mario running across the top of the screen It blew my gamer mind like breaking the 4th wall. A timeless classic.