On a far away island, Dinky and Minky, the Twin Dragons, live on top of a mountain with their parents, waiting for their new sibling to hatch out. One day, while their parents went hunting, the sorcerer of the neighboring remote tribe’s village decided to steal the egg in order to increase his power.

Help Dinky and Minky on their fantastic journey to rescue the Precious !

The game features:* old-school platform style * dragons fireballs * peppers ! * fearless enemies and bosses

All of this in a colorful and fascinating adventure for the Nintendo Family Computer (Famicom) !
Release Date 2018-02-01
Rating / Parents' Guide
   Evercade EXP | Evercade | Evercade VS | Nintendo (NES) | PC

379d @laughatbrian Game added to Channel 3 library