Game Series
Transformers is a media franchise produced by American toy company Hasbro and Japanese toy company Takara Tomy. It primarily follows the heroic Autobots and the villainous Decepticons, two alien robot factions at war that can transform into other forms, such as vehicles and animals.
Games in this series
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
Part of the Transformers series
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron is a third-person shooter video game based on the Transformers franchise, developed by High Moon Studios and published by Activision. It is the sequel to the 2010 video game Transformers: War for Cybertron, and directly follows the events of that game, as the Autobots struggle to defeat their Decepticon foes in a civil war for their home planet of Cybertron. The game was released on August 21, 2012, in North America and on August 24, 2012, in Europe for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. In 2016, it was released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on August 8, in Australia and on August 9, in North America. Mercenary Technology developed the game's Windows version, while Fun Labs developed the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions. Set as the prequel to Transformers: Prime, the game tells the story of the Transformers, fictional robotic life forms, and the final days of conflict on their home planet of Cybertron. An origins subplot for the Dinobots is also told, reimagined from the Transformers: Generation 1 continuity. Other subplots also tell an adapted story for several characters. Some of the voice cast from the 1984 series The Transformers return to reprise their roles, including Peter Cullen as Autobot leader Optimus Prime and Gregg Berger as Grimlock. Other actors return to reprise their roles from Transformers: War for Cybertron. Fall of Cybertron received generally favorable reviews from critics. Critics generally felt that the game was true to the Transformers franchise and provided good fan service, but some thought that the story pace slowed at times. Gameplay was mostly praised, but some reviewers cited the removal of War for Cybertron's cooperative campaign as a low point. Graphics and audio also received broadly positive comments. A spin-off, Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark, which is partially set between War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron, was released in June 2014. Later, following the expiration of the licensing deal between Activision and Hasbro, the game title was delisted from digital storefronts.
Release Date 1985-01-01
Transformers games have been released for the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Family Computer, Family Computer Disk System, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, PlayStation, Game Boy Color, Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Mobile, iOS, Android, webOS, BlackBerry OS, and Virtual Console. Hasbro sold the digital gaming rights various properties, including My Little Pony, Magic: The Gathering, Tonka, Playskool, and The Transformers, to Infogrames for $100 million USD in 2000, and then it bought back the rights for $65 million USD in June 2005.

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