TheHarryEagle  (@theharryeagle)
TheHarryEagle Founding Member
Just a dude trying to make it in the world of streaming. Family Friendly Streamer. Just switched from FB Gaming to YouTube.
The rating is obviously based on your own PC. My computer is barely cutting it these days. It functions as a streaming PC and that's it. When I upgrade to the desired specs in the coming months I will be able to play whatever I want, and that is the power of PC gaming!
A loading screen that you can hear with the TV on mute! Heck you can hear it just reading this! The controller has timeless design (for some reason). The games were Nintendo games! So they were classics and fun for everyone!
Xbox One
I went on a whim to the midnight release to buy the Xbox one. I then pre-ordered the One X. The Xbox one was a great entertainment system and gaming system!
Wii U
I got the Wii U at a pawn shop when I was delivering pizza because I wanted to be able to play Smash Bros. In between deliveries. It was the best way to pass the time! The console was pretty meh. It will never be a classic, it was pretty innovative with the screen in the controller, but the Switch has since way outdone that.
Nintendo 3DS
I bought this game solely for one game. Smash Bros ?. Needless to say I didn't utilize it as much as it deserved. But I do know that it was a great system!
Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo DS XL... This system is Nintendo's Skyrim. But just like Skyrim, it was a masterpiece! Playing Mario Kart late at night with my sister was a memory I'll never forget.
Game Boy Advance
The first game system I received brand new. My first game was Star Wars Ep. I! But I played many pokemon games! My best memories were of playing in the backseat if the car with my external plug in light!
Game Boy
I played multiple games on this, after it was already outdated, mostly pokemon games. However this system transformed how people played games due to the ability to game on the go! That alone is worth 4 stars.
Nintendo Switch
The Nintendo Switch may just be the best console of it's generation. Amazing exclusives, unmatched portability, and the ability to play with your friends in a multiple ways that is just unparalleled by other consoles of this generation.
Xbox Series X/S
This 4k powerhouse is the heart of my stream. I already have too many hours spent on it and the day it dies on me will be an extremely sad day. But I don't think that day will come anytime soon! Microsoft has made a good one!