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Related Games
Hollow Knight
Sea of Thieves
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Sunk around 900 hours into it over the course of the last 4 years, and I have a love-hate relationship with it. I enjoy playing competitively, though it definitely comes in waves.
Sea of Thieves
A really fun online game with a lot to do and a ton of challenges to complete. The main problem with it is that not a single person shows any shred of kindness or remorse.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Classic that I played a ton as a kid, and one that I constantly go back to. In my opinion, the exploration in Wind Waker is second only to Breath of the Wild.
My favorite roguelike, and one that I spent hours upon hours trying to beat. It takes a lot of trial and error, but I got there, and it was very rewarding.
Hollow Knight
Probably the best game I've ever played. I enjoyed every second of the Metroidvania-style gameplay, and I loved how free the game allows you to be. The art direction and characters are super charming, and the hidden lore is fascinating.