Suikoden Tactics, originally released in Japan as Rhapsodia (ラプソディア, Rapusodia), is a tactical role-playing video game developed and published by Konami for the PlayStation 2 console as part of their Suikoden series. Initially released in Japan and North America in late 2005, the game was later made available in Europe and the PAL region in early 2006. It is the first strategy-based installment of the series, using tactical, grid-based combat instead of the turn-based battles employed by previous games in the series. The game's music was composed by series veteran Norikazu Miura and features the opening theme "Another World" performed by Japanese vocalist yoshiko.
Release Date 2005-11-08
Japanese Release Date 2005-09-22
   PlayStation 2

405d @joel Game added to Channel 3 library